

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Allen's Abandoned Belt
24Waist Dance for Ruumbo! Mail
Angor Pauldrons
24Shoulders The Good Stuff Mail
Angor Pauldrons
24Shoulders Forcible Acquisition Mail
Bat Claw Boots
24Feet Mail
Bat Claw Legguards
24Legs Duskwing, Oh How I Hate Thee... Mail
Blackwater Tunic
24Chest Mail
Blood Speaker Tunic
24Chest Sang'thraze the Deflector Mail
Boots of Delivery
24Feet A Strange Request Mail
Boots of Zua'tec
24Feet Mail
Bracers of the Great Sty
24Wrists A Fate Worse Than Butchery Mail
Branded Gloves
24Hands Dead Man's Chest Mail
Coercive Pauldrons
24Shoulders Third Sample: Implanted Eggs Mail
Collector's Belt
24Waist Add 'em to the Pile Mail
Counterfeit Chainmail
24Chest All's Fair in Love, War, and Archaeology Mail
Counterfeit Chainmail
24Chest It's Not About History, It's About Power Mail
Dawnrider's Chestpiece
24Chest Mail
Dirty Work Greaves
24Legs The Doomstone Mail
Fastfuse Gloves
24Hands Behind You! Mail
Felpaw Boots
24Feet Culling the Corrupted Mail
Fuselight Chainmail
24Chest When the Going Gets Tough, Cheat Mail
Gold Pot Gloves
24Hands Open Their Eyes Mail
Investigator's Belt
24Waist Captain Dreadbeard Mail
Investigator's Belt
24Waist Captain Dreadbeard Mail
Ironheel Boots
24Feet Mail
Jade Green Spaulders
24Shoulders Dousing the Flames of Protection Mail
Jangdor's Handcrafted Gauntlets
24Hands The Mark of Quality Mail
Jangdor's Handcrafted Greaves
24Feet The Mark of Quality Mail
Legwraps of the Slain
24Legs The Corpsebeasts Mail
Lethlor Armbands
24Wrists A Strange Request Mail
Mazoga's Discarded Coif
24Head Secrets in the Oasis Mail
Nose Thumber Gloves
24Hands Dead Man's Chest Mail
Oozing Vest
24Chest See the Invisible Mail
Pao'ka's Belt
24Waist Death to all Trappers! Mail
Pratt's Handcrafted Gauntlets
24Hands The Mark of Quality Mail
Pratt's Handcrafted Greaves
24Feet The Mark of Quality Mail
Rotberry Waistband
24Waist Counter-Plague Research Mail
Skymaster's Pants
24Legs The Twilight Skymaster Mail
Spellbreaker's Helm
24Head Break the Unbreakable Mail
Trapper's Helm
24Head Death to all Trappers! Mail
Blood-Tinged Armor
23Chest Mail
Darkspear Boots
23Feet Mail
Den Whomper Boots
23Feet Two-Tusk Takedown Mail
Den Whomper Boots
23Feet Two-Tusk Takedown Mail
Fajardo's Bracers
23Wrists With a Little Help... Mail
Freewind Spaulders
23Shoulders Grimtotem Chiefs: Elder Stormhoof Mail
Gelkis Marauder Chain
23Chest Mail
Ghostcaller's Leggings
23Legs The Mad Magus Mail
Greenhorn's Armbands
23Wrists Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Greenhorn's Armor
23ChestLooted Mail
Greenhorn's Footguards
23Feet Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Greenhorn's Leggings
23Legs Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Grimtotem Spaulders
23Shoulders Darkcloud Grimtotem Mail
Helm of Misplaced Loyalties
23Head The Commander Mail
Pauldrons of the Teachings
23Shoulders Darkcloud Grimtotem Mail
Rash Gloves
23Hands Ix'lar the Underlord Mail
Spaulders of the Disciple
23Shoulders Grimtotem Chiefs: Elder Stormhoof Mail
Wind Serpent Bracers
23Wrists Invoking the Serpent Mail
Wind Serpent Bracers
23Wrists Invoking the Serpent Mail
Andorhal Chain Leggings
22Legs The Reckoning Mail
Boots of Endless Vitality
22Feet Princess Theradras Mail
Chillwind Breeches
22Legs Alas, Andorhal Mail
Leggings of Flourishing Vigor
22Legs Princess Theradras Mail
Overlord's Trophy Pauldrons
22Shoulders Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk Mail
Belt of Proficiency
22Waist Supporting the Troops Mail
Belt of Proficiency
22Waist Supporting the Troops Mail
Belt of the Unfooled
22Waist Back to Crazzle Mail
Belt of the Unfooled
22Waist Back to Riznek Mail
Bracer of Grievance
22Wrists Brother Against Brother Mail
Brigand's Pauldrons
22Shoulders Mail
Brogg's Better Battle Harness
22Chest Challenge to the Black Flight Mail
Brooding Collar
22Head Identifying the Brood Mail
Chain Linked Leggings
22Legs Catch a Dragon by the Tail Mail
Cinch of Good Will
22Waist A Gift For Fiona Mail
Crown Guard Armbands
22Wrists Rough Roads Mail
Driver's Chain Bracers
22Wrists Down in the Deeps Mail
Driver's Chain Bracers
22Wrists Down in the Deeps Mail
Encarmine Pauldrons
22Shoulders The Brood of Onyxia Mail
Enforcer Pauldrons
22Shoulders Mail
Finder's Keepers
22Hands I'm Not Supposed to Tell You This Mail
Floating Belt
22Waist Two If By Boat Mail
Floating Belt
22Waist Two If By Boat Mail
Forsaken Trooper Armguards
22Wrists Ace in the Hole Mail
Gentling Breastplate
22Chest A Gift For Fiona Mail
Gloves of Approaching Victory
22Hands Supporting the Troops Mail
Gloves of Approaching Victory
22Hands Supporting the Troops Mail
Goblin Mining Helmet
22HeadCrafted Mail
Ice Cream Mitts
22Hands We All Scream for Ice Cream... and then Die! Mail
Lovely Gloves
22HandsQuest Mail
Maloof's Spare Treads
22Feet Two If By Boat Mail
Maloof's Spare Treads
22Feet Two If By Boat Mail
Marshwarden's Vest
22Chest Corrosion Prevention Mail
Outhouse Boots
22Feet A Little Payback Mail
Outhouse Boots
22Feet A Little Payback Mail
Pauldrons of Blooming Hope
22Shoulders Amidst Death, Life Mail
Pauldrons of Darrowshire
22Shoulders The Battle of Darrowshire Mail
Pirate Sinker's Gauntlets
22HandsQuest Mail
Plague-Free Disciple Belt
22Waist Students of Krastinov Mail
Plaguehound Bracers
22Wrists A Gift For Fiona Mail
Raptorhide Chain Leggings
22Legs WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous Mail
Sanguine Pauldrons
22Shoulders Mail