

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ikeyen's Pauldrons
30Shoulders Mail
Marsh Survivalist's Belt
30Waist Mail
Murk-Darkened Bracers
30Wrists Mail
Sunstrider Legguards
30Legs Mail
Tribal Hauberk
30Chest Mail
Venn'ren's Boots
30Feet Mail
Vindicator's Chain Helm
30Head Mail
Windcaller's Gauntlets
30Hands Mail
Ancient Corroded Leggings
29Legs Mail
Beastmaster's Boots
29Feet Mail
Beastmaster's Cap
29Head Mail
Beastmaster's Gloves
29Hands Mail
Beastmaster's Tunic
29Chest Mail
Boots of the Endless Moor
29Feet Mail
Coif of The Five Thunders
29Head Mail
Gauntlets of The Five Thunders
29Hands Mail
Icy Scale Leggings
29Legs Mail
Icy Scale Spaulders
29Shoulders Mail
Infernal Headcage
29Head Mail
Leggings of the Demented Mind
29Legs Mail
Legguards of the Chromatic Defier
29Legs Mail
Malignant Footguards
29Feet Mail
Mana-Frosted Pauldrons
29Shoulders Mail
Skyfury Headdress
29Head Mail
Skyfury Helm
29Head Mail
Vest of The Five Thunders
29Chest Mail
Zandalar Augur's Belt
29Waist Mail
Zandalar Augur's Bracers
29Wrists Mail
Zandalar Augur's Hauberk
29Chest Mail
Zandalar Predator's Belt
29Waist Mail
Zandalar Predator's Bracers
29Wrists Mail
Zandalar Predator's Mantle
29Shoulders Mail
Backwood Helm
29Head Mail
Beastmaster's Belt
29Waist Mail
Beastmaster's Bindings
29Wrists Mail
Beastmaster's Mantle
29Shoulders Mail
Beastmaster's Pants
29Legs Mail
Belt of Shriveled Heads
29Waist Mail
Bindings of The Five Thunders
29Wrists Mail
Cord of The Five Thunders
29Waist Mail
Earthbound Girdle
29Waist Mail
Earthbound Grips
29Hands Mail
Earthbound Shoulders
29Shoulders Mail
Handguards of Undead Slaying
29Hands Mail
Helm of Latent Power
29Head Mail
Helm of Lingering Power
29Head Mail
Kilt of The Five Thunders
29Legs Mail
Leggings of the Plague Hunter
29Legs Mail
Overlord's Legguards
29Legs Mail
Pauldrons of The Five Thunders
29Shoulders Mail
Seapost Girdle
29Waist Mail
Shoulderguards of Tarnished Healing
29Shoulders Mail
Shoulderguards of Tarnished Healing
29Shoulders Mail
Voone's Vice Grips
29Hands Mail
Arcane Ringed Greaves
29Legs Mail
Arcane Ringed Tunic
29Chest Mail
Battle-Scarred Leggings
29Legs Mail
Greenhorn's Gauntlets
29Hands Mail
Greenhorn's Helm
29Head Mail
Greenhorn's Legguards
29Legs Mail
Greenhorn's Spaulders
29Shoulders Mail
Helm of Affinity
29Head Mail
Jadescale Breastplate
29Chest Mail
Legionnaire's Studded Helm
29Head Mail
Lo'ap's Muck Diving Pads
29Shoulders Mail
Scale Brand Breastplate
29Chest Mail
Seaspray Bracers
29Wrists Mail
Willow Band Hauberk
29Chest Mail
Cenarion Reservist's Legguards
28Legs Mail
Cenarion Reservist's Legguards
28Legs Mail
Conservator Helm
28Head Mail
Crypt Demon Bracers
28Wrists Mail
Desertstalkers' Gauntlets
28Hands Mail
Dreamcatcher Helm
28Head Mail
Earthbound Boots
28Feet Mail
Earthbound Wristguards
28Wrists Mail
Helm of Exile
28Head Mail
Splintsteel Armor
28Chest Mail
Un'Goro Mantle
28Shoulders Mail
Wastewalker's Gauntlets
28Hands Mail
Belt of Occult Horrors
28Waist Mail
Boots of Financial Victory
28Feet Mail
Boots of Intimidation
28Feet Mail
Bracers of the Demonic Altar
28Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Demonic Altar
28Wrists Mail
Bricksteel Gauntlets
28Hands Mail
Clayridge Helm
28Head Mail
Enohar's Old Hunting Boots
28Feet Mail
Gloves of Foolish Innocence
28Hands Mail
Gloves of Foolish Innocence
28Hands Mail
Gold Link Belt
28Waist Mail
Nethergarde Boots
28Feet Mail
Okrilla's Belt
28Waist Mail
Outrider Leggings
28Legs Mail
Prismscale Hauberk
28Chest Mail
Serpent Coils
28Wrists Mail
Serpent Coils
28Wrists Mail
Stained Shoulderguards
28Shoulders Mail
Stained Shoulderguards
28Shoulders Mail
Vest of the Den Watcher
28Chest Mail