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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Anglin' Art's Stompers
50FeetQuest Plate
Ango'rosh Sabatons
3024FeetLooted Plate
Arcane Defender's Boots
5040FeetLooted Plate
Art Template Plate Boot - Plate_PVPPaladin_C_01 - Orange
179FeetUnobtainable Plate
Ascendant's Boots
32Feet A Job Unfinished... Plate
Ashvane Company Sabatons
5850FeetLooted Plate
Baleheim Greaves
3227FeetLooted Plate
Big Footwear
22Feet Sasquatch Sighting Plate
Big Footwear
22Feet Sasquatch Sighting Plate
Black Tooth Grunt's Warboots
6050Feet Plate
Blackhound Warboots
10050Feet Plate
Blackrock Infantry Warboots
39Feet Plate
Blackthorn Warboots
10050Feet Plate
Bladespire Sabatons
3935FeetLooted Plate
Bladesworn Shoes
39Feet Amber Arms Plate
Bladesworn Warboots
110Feet Plate
Bloodfist Greaves
3226FeetLooted Plate
Bloodforged Sabatons
2518FeetLooted Plate
Bloodguard's Greaves
31Feet Information Gathering Plate
Bloodmar Sabatons
3328FeetLooted Plate
Bloodscale Sabatons
3025FeetLooted Plate
Bloodtaint Boots
14Feet Pierce Their Heart! Plate
Bloodwake Sabatons
6050FeetLooted Plate
Bogslayer Sabatons
3025FeetLooted Plate
Boot's Boots
31Feet That Little Extra Kick Plate
Boots of Completed Rituals
28Feet The Altar of Storms Plate
Boots of Completed Rituals
28Feet The Altar of Storms Plate
Boots of Dominance
34Feet It Could Be Anywhere! Plate
Boots of Explosive Dancing
19Feet Recipe for Disaster Plate
Boots of the Altar
33Feet Pure Evil Plate
Boots of the Ancient-Killer
31Feet Felling an Ancient Tree Plate
Boots of the Blasted Lands
28Feet A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Plate
Boots of the Blasted Lands
28Feet A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too Plate
Boots of the Deliverer
14Feet All's Well Plate
Boots of the Fallen Brother
19Feet Silencing Rageroar Plate
Boots of the Felsworn
5040FeetLooted Plate
Boots of the Rescuer
33Feet Parachutes for the Argent Crusade Plate
Boulderfist Greaves
3126FeetLooted Plate
Brick Sabatons
3732FeetLooted Plate
Brutish Boots
2418FeetLooted Plate
Burndl's Bundled Boots
27Feet Bearzerker Plate
Ceremonious Sabatons
10051FeetCrafted Plate
Chartreuse Champion's Sabatons
41570Feet Plate
Chilled Greaves
32FeetQuest Plate
Chiseled Boulder Crushers
40070Feet Plate
Chromite Greaves
2417FeetLooted Plate
Clear Path Boots
16Feet Return to Stardust Plate
Cliff Running Boots
5Feet Wildmane Cleansing Plate
Cliffbreaker Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Clocktock's Jumpers
31Feet What Came First, the Drake or the Egg? Plate
Cobalt Boots
3227FeetCrafted Plate
Coldbite Shoes
39Feet Amber Arms Plate
Coldrock Sabatons
3227FeetLooted Plate
Commander's Boots
2923FeetLooted Plate
Commander's Stompers
36Feet Pressing Forward Plate
Congealed Cinderbrew Battleboots
40070Feet Plate
Conqueror's Greaves
3227FeetLooted Plate
Coralplate Sandstompers
5040FeetLooted Plate
Cragchewer Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Cragplate Greaves
28Feet Plate
Cragplate Warboots
42Feet Hatred Undying Plate
Creeping Boots
12Feet Glorious Harvest Plate
Crimson Combatant's Draconium Sabatons
33070Feet Plate
Cruel Executioner's Stompers
8548Feet Trust Fall Plate
Cruel Executioner's Warboots
8548Feet Her Rightful Place Plate
Crustacean Stompers
33Feet Meat on the Hook Plate
Crystal Stompers
35070Feet Plate
Crystalvein Sabatons
3632FeetLooted Plate
Dark Iron Hobplate Boots
5Feet Dark Iron Scheming Plate
Darkcrest Sabatons
3024FeetLooted Plate
Dead-Watcher Sabatons
5940Feet Plate
Dead-Watcher Sabatons
5940Feet Plate
Dead-Watcher Sabatons
5040Feet Plate
Dead-Watcher Sabatons
5040Feet Plate
Deathseed Crushers
35Feet Seeds of Their Demise Plate
Deepstone Treads
35Feet The Earth Claims All Plate
Defiant Greaves
4440Feet Plate
Defiant Greaves
4440Feet Plate
Direbone Frill Stompers
5850FeetLooted Plate
Direforge Sabatons
3530FeetLooted Plate
Disarray Boots
14Feet Wet Work Plate
Dojani Shoes
37Feet Wisdom Has A Price Plate
Draconic Aspirant's Plate Stompers
45470Feet Plate
Draconic Aspirant's Plate Warboots
45470Feet Plate
Draconic Combatant's Draconium Sabatons
33070Feet Plate
Dread Corsair Boots
50Feet Reclaiming our Defenses Plate
Dread Corsair Footguards
50Feet Ettin It Done Plate
Dread Corsair Sabatons
50Feet Unnecessary Duress Plate
Dread Corsair Stompers
50Feet Battle Victorious Plate
Dread Corsair Warboots
50FeetQuest Plate
Dreadmaul Sabatons
3529FeetLooted Plate
Dreadsworn Greaves
44Feet Regal Remains Plate
Dreambound Sabatons
35070Feet Plate
Duskbreaker Sabatons
4440Feet Plate
Duskbreaker Sabatons
4440Feet Plate
Duskbreaker Sabatons
4440Feet Plate
Earthborn Greaves
32Feet Defeat the Gearmaster Plate
Earth-Crushing Sabatons
44Feet Nobundo's Last Stand Plate
Earthen Sabatons
13Feet Plate
Earthforged Sabatons
54570Feet Plate