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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Highstrider Boots
7Feet Kolkar Leaders Plate
Hotfoot Boots
5Feet Losing Your Tail Plate
Hyperion Greaves
2924FeetLooted Plate
Icewalker's Spikes
34FeetQuest Plate
Imbued Plate Greaves
2822FeetLooted Plate
Impatient Boots
24Feet Captain Dreadbeard Plate
Impatient Boots
24Feet Captain Dreadbeard Plate
Imperial Plate Boots
2923FeetCrafted Plate
Impish Boots
24Feet See the Invisible Plate
Inexorable Sabatons
4440Feet Plate
Inexorable Sabatons
4440Feet Plate
Inexorable Sabatons
4440Feet Plate
Instigator's Warboots
31Feet Crusader's Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Ironfist Sabatons
4339FeetLooted Plate
Iva's Boots
34Feet Off With Their Black Wings Plate
Jade Greaves
2519FeetLooted Plate
Jade Tiger Warboots
37Feet Pages of History Plate
Jandvik Sabatons
4440FeetLooted Plate
Jasperlode Sabatons
3529FeetLooted Plate
34FeetQuest Plate
Jormungar Sabatons
3328FeetLooted Plate
Jouster's Greaves
2217FeetLooted Plate
Judicious Aspirant's Warboots
8548Feet Superior Programming Plate
Jungle Boots
22Feet Plate
Junglewalker Boots
16Feet The Altar of Naias Plate
Junglewalker Boots
16Feet An Unusual Patron Plate
Kafa Armored Warboots
38Feet The Fearmaster Plate
Kafa Burnished Greaves
38Feet The Fearmaster Plate
Kafa Heavy Warboots
38Feet The Fearmaster Plate
Kal'delar Sabatons
4440FeetLooted Plate
Karabor Honor Guard Warboots
40Feet Escape From Shaz'gul Plate
Kelly's Booties
21Feet A Gnoll's Resolve Plate
Khan'aish Greaves
3025FeetLooted, Pick Pocketed Plate
Kirin'Var Defender's Greaves
32Feet Building a Perimeter Plate
Korjan Shoes
37Feet Wisdom Has A Price Plate
Kraken Greaves
3429FeetLooted Plate
Krom'gar Sergeant's Armored Greaves
16Feet Plate
Krom'gar Sergeant's Plate Greaves
16Feet Plate
Kul'Tiras Marine Issue Boots
4440FeetLooted, Fished Plate
Lamplighter's Sabatons
51270Feet Plate
Landfall Burnished Greaves
37Feet Seeking Zin'jun Plate
Landfall Burnished Greaves
37Feet Kung Din Plate
Landfall Plate Boots
37Feet Seeking Zin'jun Plate
Landfall Plate Boots
37Feet Kung Din Plate
Landfall Plate Boots
37Feet Plate
Landfall Warboots
37Feet Plate
Landfall Warboots
37Feet Seeking Zin'jun Plate
Landfall Warboots
37Feet Kung Din Plate
Larry's Boots
27Feet Can't Take It With Them Plate
Ley-Scarred Sabatons
5040FeetLooted Plate
Lightning Emperor's Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Lightning Emperor's Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Lightning Emperor's Warboots
110Feet Plate
Lightsoul Sabatons
1610Feet Plate
Lightsteel Boots
3732FeetCrafted Plate
Lightstep Boots
17Feet Attack on the Tower Plate
Lightweight Plate Boots
11Feet Galaen's Fate Plate
Loam-Stained Greaves
32FeetQuest Plate
Lofty Sabatons
2721FeetLooted Plate
Lucidity Shoes
39Feet Amber Arms Plate
Lunarlight Plate Stompers
40Feet Circle the Wagon Plate
Magnataur Sabatons
3429FeetLooted Plate
Marjhan's Stand
23Feet The Commander Plate
Master Artilleryman Boots
32FeetQuest Plate
Mawsworn Guard's Sabatons
20060Feet Plate
Mendicant's Treads
32FeetQuest Plate
Mercury Treads
35Feet Maziel's Ascendancy Plate
Midnight Service Treads
35Feet Without a Captain or Crew Plate
Miner Sabatons
3732FeetLooted Plate
Misshapen Boots
9Feet Miner's Fortune Plate
Monel-Hardened Boots
5245Feet Plate
Monel-Hardened Boots
5245FeetCrafted Plate
Moonshatter Sabatons
5040FeetLooted Plate
Moral Sabatons
32Feet Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer Plate
Mountainscaler Armored Warboots
3733Feet Plate
Mountainscaler Burnished Greaves
3733Feet Plate
Mountainscaler Heavy Warboots
3733Feet Plate
Muck-Ridden Galoshes
29Feet Muck Diving Plate
Narsong Shoes
37Feet Wisdom Has A Price Plate
Nar'thalas Sabatons
44Feet The Scythe of Souls Plate
Nar'thalas Warboots
44Feet Save Yourself Plate
Nazmani Warboots
50Feet Improper Burial Plate
Nazmani Warplate Boots
50Feet Catch Me if You Can Plate
Nazmani Warplate Footguards
50Feet Cease all Summoning Plate
Nazmani Warplate Stompers
50Feet Krag'wa the Terrible Plate
Nazmani Warplate Treads
50Feet Kel'vax's Home Plate
Necropolis Sabatons
3530FeetLooted Plate
Negotiation Stompers
10Feet The Blackmaw Doublecross Plate
Night Guardian Footguards
10050Feet Plate
Night Watch Boots
13Feet Wolves at Our Heels Plate
Nightsfall Sabatons
5040FeetLooted Plate
Nokhud Reaver Stompers
20058Feet Plate
Oathsworn Greaves
6850Feet Plate
Oathsworn Greaves
6850Feet Plate
Oathsworn Greaves
5045Feet Plate
Oathsworn Greaves
4440Feet Plate
Oathsworn Greaves
3935Feet Plate
Oathsworn Greaves
3935Feet Plate
Oathsworn Sabatons
6850Feet Plate
Oathsworn Sabatons
6850Feet Plate