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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Waycrest Militia Footguards
50Feet Terminal Degree Plate
Waycrest Militia Sabatons
50FeetQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Stompers
50Feet Witchrending Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Westguard Greaves
3226FeetLooted Plate
Whispering Stompers
33Feet Put on Your Best Face for Loken Plate
White Tiger Greatboots
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Sabatons
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Warboots
110Feet Plate
Wild Aspirant's Warboots of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440FeetLooted Plate
Wild Aspirant's Warboots of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440FeetLooted Plate
Wild Bark Boots
7Feet The Looting of Althalaxx Plate
Windroc Greaves
31Feet Windroc Mastery Plate
Wolfrunner Boots
16Feet True Power of the Rod Plate
Wracksoul Stompers
5040FeetLooted Plate
Wyrmforged Sabatons
35060Feet Plate
Wyrmskull Sabatons
3227FeetLooted Plate
Xorothian Sabatons
5040FeetLooted Plate
Yaungolian Warboots
110Feet Plate
Zaralek Surveyor's Sabatons
35070Feet Plate
Zealous Boots
3530Feet Plate
Zealous Greaves
3530Feet Plate
Zealous Sabatons
3530Feet Plate
[PH] Plate Boots of the Brilliant Dawn
100100FeetUnobtainable Plate
[PH] Plate Boots of the Rising Dawn
100100Feet Plate
[PH] Plate Boots of the Shining Dawn
100100Feet Plate
Agamand Family Riding Boots
4Feet The Family Crypt Plate
Battok's Bloody Boots
4Feet Eliminate the Resistance Plate
Bone-Plated Boots
2620Feet Plate
Boots of the Blameless
1Feet Give 'em What-For Plate
Brawler's Boots
1FeetUnobtainable Plate
Carapace Boots
2Feet Sting of the Scorpid Plate
Copper Chain Boots
42FeetCrafted Plate
CRobinson Plate Boots
1Feet Plate
Dancing Boots
3Feet Missing Mallet Plate
Dented Plate Boots
58Feet Plate
Everforged Sabatons
350Feet Plate
Gas Soaked Boots
2Feet 447 Plate
Gilnean Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Goblin Brawler's Boots
1Feet Plate
Green Plate Boots
2Feet Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle Plate
Greenstone Boots
1310Feet Plate
Grunt's Plate Boots
2620Feet Plate
Initiate's Boots
1Feet Plate
Initiate's Sabatons
2Feet Fanning the Flames Plate
Ironclaw Sabatons
330Feet Plate
Leader's Boots
3Feet Leader of the Pack Plate
Lightweight Boots
5Feet Cleanup on Isle E. Plate
Marrowpetal Boots
3Feet Variety is the Spice of Death Plate
Naga Plate Boots
5Feet Warlord Sriss'tiz Plate
Orcish Scout Boots
4Feet The Enemy of My Enemy Plate
Outfitter Boots
2FeetQuest Plate
Paladin's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Platemail Boots
2620Feet Plate
Quill Impaled Boots
1Feet Our Tribe, Imprisoned Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Recruit's Boots
1Feet Plate
Reinforced Plate Boots
3Feet Nightstalker Clean Up, Isle 2... Plate
Shadowghast Sabatons
17560FeetCrafted Plate
Squire's Boots
1Feet Plate
Squire's Boots
1Feet Plate
Swiftroot Boots
3Feet Twisted Hatred Plate
Tracking Boots
2Feet Fel Moss Corruption Plate
Warrior's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
10.0 Poor Item Template - <Descriptor> Plate Warboots
20050Feet Plate
Acid Scarred Plate Boots
3535FeetLooted Plate
Ardenweald Covenant Plate Feet
150Feet Plate
Ardenweald Covenant Plate Feet
150Feet Plate
Ardenweald Covenant Plate Feet
150Feet Plate
Ardenweald Covenant Plate Feet
150Feet Plate
Begrimed Sabatons
40068Feet Plate
Bile-Scoured Stompers
3740FeetLooted Plate
Bleached Plate Boots
3531FeetLooted Plate
Corroded Plate Warboots
20050FeetLooted Plate
Crumbling Plate Warboots
20040Feet Plate
Deteriorating Plate Boots
2926FeetLooted Plate
Dingy Plate Boots
3533FeetLooted Plate
Distorted Plate Warboots
13740Feet Plate
Frost-Worn Plate Boots
3229FeetLooted Plate
Gorm-Eaten Stompers
13740Feet Plate
Ice-Bound Plate Boots
3227FeetLooted Plate
Light Plate Boots
2720FeetLooted Plate
Light Plate Travelers
3740FeetLooted Plate
Marred Plate Warboots
13740Feet Plate
Oribos Quest Plate Feet
150Feet Plate
Perforated Plate Boots
3330FeetLooted Plate
Punctured Plate Boots
3635FeetLooted Plate
Ruptured Plate Stompers
3740FeetLooted, Fished Plate
Slipshod Plate Boots
3532FeetLooted Plate
Tarnished Plate Boots
2925FeetLooted Plate
Warped-Plate Stompers
3740FeetLooted, Fished Plate
Worn Battlescar Boots
3945FeetLooted Plate