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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Bloodbane's Gauntlets of Command
29Hands Plate
Bloodsoaked Gauntlets
2925Hands Plate
Darkrune Gauntlets
2924Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Undead Slaying
29Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Valor
2923Hands Plate
Gloves of the Dawn
2924Hands Plate
Ironvine Gloves
2925Hands Plate
Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets
2925Hands Plate
Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets
2924Hands Plate
Knight-Lieutenant's Plate Gauntlets
2924Hands Plate
Knight-Lieutenant's Plate Gauntlets
2925Hands Plate
Lightforge Gauntlets
2923Hands Plate
Reiver Claws
2923Hands Plate
Sacrificial Gauntlets
2925Hands Plate
Stalwart Grips
29Hands Plate
Stonegrip Gauntlets
2923Hands Plate
Acherus Knight's Gauntlets
298Hands Plate
Commander's Gauntlets
2923Hands Plate
Exalted Gauntlets
2923Hands Plate
Front-Line Gauntlets
29Hands Plate
Grimscale Gauntlets
2924Hands Plate
Hyperion Gauntlets
2924Hands Plate
Warleader's Gauntlets
2923Hands Plate
Deteriorating Plate Gloves
2926Hands Plate
Tarnished Plate Gloves
2925Hands Plate
Fiery Plate Gauntlets
2822Hands Plate
Fists of Phalanx
2822Hands Plate
Lavaplate Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Nam's Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Business Handlers
28Hands Plate
Desert Wind Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Emerald Gauntlets
2822Hands Plate
Emerald Mist Gauntlets
28Hands Plate
Glorious Gauntlets
2822Hands Plate
Heroic Gauntlets
2822Hands Plate
Imbued Plate Gauntlets
2822Hands Plate
Nethergarde Gloves
28Hands Plate
Templar Gauntlets
2821Hands Plate
Vanguard Gauntlets
2821Hands Plate
Light Plate Gloves
2822Hands Plate
Banshee's Touch
2721Hands Plate
Death Grips
2721Hands Plate
Golem-Smasher's Grips
27Hands Plate
Golem-Smasher's Grips
27Hands Plate
Alabaster Plate Gauntlets
2721Hands Plate
Armed Gauntlets
27Hands Plate
Diemetradon Plate Gloves
27Hands Plate
Heavy Lamellar Gauntlets
2720Hands Plate
High Chief's Gauntlets
2720Hands Plate
Lofty Gauntlets
2721Hands Plate
Revenant Gauntlets
2620Hands Plate
Sunscale Gauntlets
2620Hands Plate
Bone-Plated Gloves
2620Hands Plate
Grunt's Plate Gloves
2620Hands Plate
Platemail Gloves
2620Hands Plate
Fists of the Pack
25Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Raw Strength
25Hands Plate
Gordok's Handguards
25Hands Plate
Vice Grips
2519Hands Plate
Bloodforged Gauntlets
2518Hands Plate
Fat Finger Gloves
25Hands Plate
Granite Grips
25Hands Plate
Jade Gauntlets
2519Hands Plate
Overlord's Gauntlets
2519Hands Plate
Slagplate Gauntlets
25Hands Plate
Valorous Gauntlets
2518Hands Plate
Boneclenched Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Deathbone Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Force Imbued Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Plated Fist of Hakoo
2417Hands Plate
Stormgale Fists
2417Hands Plate
Truesilver Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Brutish Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Chromite Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Gothic Plate Gauntlets
2418Hands Plate
Heavy Mithril Gauntlet
2417Hands Plate
Ornate Mithril Gloves
2417Hands Plate
Trapper Punchers
24Hands Plate
Tyrant's Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Dark Blaze Gauntlets
2317Hands Plate
Eastwall Gauntlets
23Hands Plate
Embossed Plate Gauntlets
2317Hands Plate
Warbringer's Gauntlets
2317Hands Plate
Grasps of the Forsaken
22Hands Plate
Grasps of the Insane
22Hands Plate
Field Plate Gauntlets
2217Hands Plate
Giddy's Old Gloves
22Hands Plate
Jouster's Gauntlets
2217Hands Plate
Refitted Bruiser Gauntlets
22Hands Plate
Saltstone Gauntlets
2217Hands Plate
Symbolic Gauntlets
2217Hands Plate
Strip-Thorn Gauntlets
2114Hands Plate
Scarlet Gauntlets
2114Hands Plate
Swamp Gas Gauntlets
21Hands Plate
Stalwart Grips
20Hands Plate
Gut Opener Gloves
20Hands Plate
Gut Opener Gloves
20Hands Plate
Bloodhilt Gloves
19Hands Plate
Brutal Gauntlets
19Hands Plate
Collector's Padded Gauntlets
19Hands Plate