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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Harmonious Collector's Gauntlets
160Hands Plate
Night Courtier's Gauntlets
150Hands Plate
Pale Rider's Eternal Gloves
1Hands Plate
Prime Harbinger's Crushers
150Hands Plate
Reach of the Golden King
135Hands Plate
Replica Gauntlets of Heroism
125Hands Plate
Replica General's Lamellar Gloves
125Hands Plate
Replica General's Plate Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Marshal's Lamellar Gloves
125Hands Plate
Replica Marshal's Plate Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Soulforge Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Reverent Collector's Gauntlets
160Hands Plate
Shadowmoon Anchorite's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Stitched Harbinger's Crushers
160Hands Plate
Timewarden's Gauntlets
145Hands Plate
Amaranthine Path Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Black Rook Elite Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Blackrock Gauntlets
135Hands Plate
Blood Knight's Dedication Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Citadel Crusher's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Drekirjar Warrior's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Fel-Automaton Manipulators
1Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Righteous
1Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Sha'tari Defense
140Hands Plate
Goldspine Fists
1Hands Plate
Jingoist's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Jotunheim Berserker's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Overgrown Freyan Handguards
1Hands Plate
Renowned Expeditioner's Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Replica Blood Guard's Lamellar Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Blood Guard's Plate Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Blood Guard's Plate Gloves
125Hands Plate
Replica Gauntlets of Valor
123Hands Plate
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Lamellar Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Plate Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Plate Gauntlets
125Hands Plate
Replica Lightforge Gauntlets
123Hands Plate
Telhamat Anchorite's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Tidecrasher Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Twilight Zealot's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Valhalas Handguards
1Hands Plate
Warmonger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Ymirjar Deathbringer's Handguards
1Hands Plate
Art Template Plate Hand - Plate_Cataclysm_B_01 - Blue
179Hands Plate
Art Template Plate Hand - Plate_PVPPaladin_C_01 - Orange
179Hands Plate
Bladesworn Handguards
110Hands Plate
Cliffbreaker Handguards
110Hands Plate
Cragchewer Handguards
110Hands Plate
Crushers of Resounding Rings
110Hands Plate
Everbright Grasp
110Hands Plate
Gatecrasher Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Cyclopean Dread
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Resounding Rings
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the All-Consuming Maw
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Last Mogu
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Lost Catacomb
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Winged Triumph
110Hands Plate
Grasp of Cyclopean Dread
110Hands Plate
Grasp of Resounding Rings
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the All-Consuming Maw
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the Last Mogu
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the Lost Catacomb
110Hands Plate
Grasp of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Hands Plate
Grasp of Winged Triumph
110Hands Plate
Greenstone Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Handguards of Cyclopean Dread
110Hands Plate
Handguards of Resounding Rings
110Hands Plate
Handguards of the All-Consuming Maw
110Hands Plate
Handguards of the Last Mogu
110Hands Plate
Handguards of the Lost Catacomb
110Hands Plate
Handguards of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Hands Plate
Handguards of Winged Triumph
110Hands Plate
Helarjar Berserker Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Highpeak Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Lightning Emperor's Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Lightning Emperor's Grasp
110Hands Plate
Lightning Emperor's Handguards
110Hands Plate
Secret-Dredger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Shan'ze Grasp
110Hands Plate
Spiritguard's Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Steel Sentinel's Grasp
110Hands Plate
Sunsoul Handguards
110Hands Plate
Swarmbreaker's Grasp
110Hands Plate
Val'Sharah Protector's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Void-Bound Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Wallwatcher Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
White Tiger Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
White Tiger Grasp
110Hands Plate
White Tiger Handguards
110Hands Plate
Yaungolian Handguards
110Hands Plate
Bragger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
CRobinson Plate Gloves
1Hands Plate
Goblin Brawler's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Initiate's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Paladin's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Warrior's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Worg Handler's Gloves
1Hands Plate
Ardenweald Covenant Plate Hand
150Hands Plate