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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Rooksguard Legguards
44Legs Plate
Soul-Trapper's Greaves
44Legs Plate
Sunsoul Legplates
44Legs Plate
Thunderpeak Legguards
44Legs Plate
Thunderpeak Legplates
44Legs Plate
"Super Sterilized" Blastguard Legplates
43Legs Plate
Cragplate Legguards
43Legs Plate
Plainsthunder Legguards
43Legs Plate
Foundry-Fired Plate Legguards
41Legs Plate
Sha'tari Keeper Legguards
41Legs Plate
Frostwolf Stalwart Legguards
40Legs Plate
Blademoon Plate Legguards
40Legs Plate
Frostwolf Stalwart Legplates
40Legs Plate
Karabor Honor Guard Legguards
40Legs Plate
Hollowheart Legguards
39Legs Plate
Serenity Legplates
39Legs Plate
Summit Guardian Legguards
39Legs Plate
Wallwatcher Legguards
39Legs Plate
Bladesworn Legguards
39Legs Plate
Coldbite Legguards
39Legs Plate
Concealment Legplates
39Legs Plate
Lucidity Legplates
39Legs Plate
Goldtalon Legplates
38Legs Plate
Goldtalon Pantaloons
38Legs Plate
Palewind Legguards
38Legs Plate
Palewind Pantaloons
38Legs Plate
Temple Guardian Legguards
38Legs Plate
Temple Guardian Pantaloons
38Legs Plate
Offline Greaves
37Legs Plate
Dojani Legguards
37Legs Plate
Glass Lake Legplates
37Legs Plate
Hemet's Armored Legguards
37Legs Plate
Hemet's Burnished Legplates
37Legs Plate
Hemet's Heavy Legguards
37Legs Plate
Honorary Combat Engineer's Burnished Legplates
37Legs Plate
Honorary Combat Engineer's Burnished Legplates
37Legs Plate
Honorary Combat Engineer's Heavy Legguards
37Legs Plate
Honorary Combat Engineer's Heavy Legplates
37Legs Plate
Honorary Combat Engineer's Legguards
37Legs Plate
Honorary Combat Engineer's Legplates
37Legs Plate
Jade Tiger Legguards
37Legs Plate
Korjan Legguards
37Legs Plate
Mistwalker Armored Legguards
37Legs Plate
Mistwalker Burnished Legplates
37Legs Plate
Mistwalker Heavy Legguards
37Legs Plate
Narsong Legplates
37Legs Plate
Paoquan Burnished Legplates
37Legs Plate
Sunsong Armored Legguards
37Legs Plate
Thunderfoot Heavy Legguards
37Legs Plate
Thunderwood Legguards
37Legs Plate
Fungus-Stained Legplates
36Legs Plate
Greaves of Orsis
36Legs Plate
Heartsmoke Legplates
36Legs Plate
Lava-Melted Legplates
36Legs Plate
Legguards of Samophlangination
36Legs Plate
Legplates of Cooled Magma
36Legs Plate
Legplates of Heilopolis
36Legs Plate
Legplates of Remnants
36Legs Plate
Legplates of Riven Futures
36Legs Plate
Stonebound Legplates
36Legs Plate
Sunwatcher's Legplates
36Legs Plate
Ancient Royal Legguards
35Legs Plate
Discarded Juggernaut Plating
35Legs Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Plate
Greaves of Violent Revenge
35Legs Plate
Legplates of Persuasion
35Legs Plate
Riptide Legguards
35Legs Plate
Riptide Legguards
35Legs Plate
Wentletrap Legplates
35Legs Plate
Dalaran Warden's Legplates
34Legs Plate
Iron Colossus Legplates
34Legs Plate
Slag-Stained Legplates
34Legs Plate
Bjornrittar's Chilled Legguards
34Legs Plate
Coldblooded Legplates
34Legs Plate
Legplates of Dominion
34Legs Plate
Legplates of the Northern Expedition
34Legs Plate
Plated Legs of the Unholy
34Legs Plate
Zepik's Grounded Legplates
34Legs Plate
Leggings of Forceful Purification
33Legs Plate
Legguards of Dissolved Hope
33Legs Plate
Legplates of the Vengeful Mendicant
33Legs Plate
Warchief's Legplates of Carnage
33Legs Plate
Wrynn's Legplates of Carnage
33Legs Plate
Bloodletter's Legplates
33Legs Plate
Crystalplate Legguards
33Legs Plate
Golem-Rider's Greaves
33Legs Plate
Leggings of the Canny Chief
33Legs Plate
Legplates of the Agmar Preserver
33Legs Plate
Legplates of the Conquered Knight
33Legs Plate
Plated Magnataur Leggings
33Legs Plate
Purifier's Pantaloons
33Legs Plate
Snaptooth Legplates
33Legs Plate
Spiritforged Legguards
33Legs Plate
Wraithshimmer Legplates
33Legs Plate
Greaves of the Shatterer
32Legs Plate
Legplates of the Bold
32Legs Plate
Legplates of the Righteous
32Legs Plate
Starcaller's Plated Legguards
32Legs Plate
Amberplate Legguards
32Legs Plate