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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Bogslayer Pauldrons
3025ShouldersLooted Plate
Bogslayer Sabatons
3025FeetLooted Plate
Cenarion Thicket Legplates
30LegsQuest Plate
Circle's Stalwart Helmet
30Head Saving the Sporeloks Plate
Darkcrest Belt
3024WaistLooted Plate
Darkcrest Bracers
3024WristsLooted Plate
Darkcrest Breastplate
3024ChestLooted Plate
Darkcrest Gauntlets
3024HandsLooted Plate
Darkcrest Helm
3024HeadLooted Plate
Darkcrest Legguards
3024LegsLooted, Pick Pocketed Plate
Darkcrest Pauldrons
3024ShouldersLooted Plate
Darkcrest Sabatons
3024FeetLooted Plate
Defender's Gauntlets
30Hands The Rock Flayer Matriarch Plate
Eagle Engraved Bracers
30Wrists Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike Plate
Expedition Footgear
30Feet Leader of the Bloodscale Plate
Expedition Mantle
30Shoulders Leader of the Darkcrest Plate
Fel Iron Plate Belt
3025WaistCrafted Plate
Fel Iron Plate Boots
3025FeetCrafted Plate
Fel Iron Plate Gloves
3025HandsCrafted Plate
Fel Iron Plate Pants
3025LegsCrafted Plate
Feralfen Champion's Boots
30Feet Messenger to the Feralfen Plate
Flintlocke's Piloting Pants
30Legs In Case of Emergency... Plate
Helm of Lupine Ferocity
30HeadQuest Plate
Helm of Natural Purity
30Head Stealing Back the Mushrooms Plate
Khan'aish Bracers
3025WristsLooted Plate
Khan'aish Breastplate
3025ChestLooted Plate
Khan'aish Epaulets
3025ShouldersLooted Plate
Khan'aish Girdle
3025WaistLooted Plate
Khan'aish Gloves
3025HandsLooted Plate
Khan'aish Greaves
3025FeetLooted, Pick Pocketed Plate
Khan'aish Helmet
3025HeadLooted Plate
Khan'aish Legplates
3025LegsLooted Plate
Lightbearer's Gauntlets
30Hands Marking the Path Plate
Marshstrider's Spaulders
30Shoulders Return to the Marsh Plate
Refuge Armor
30Chest A Damp, Dark Place Plate
Segmented Breastplate
30Chest A Pilgrim's Plight Plate
Stalwart Girdle
30WaistQuest Plate
Sunstrider's Gauntlets
30Hands WANTED: Blacktalon the Savage Plate
Thunderforge Leggings
30Legs The Mag'har Plate
Underworld Helm
30Head Beneath Thrallmar Plate
Vindicator's Cinch
30Waist An Unnatural Drought Plate
Aldor Heavy Belt
3027Waist Plate
Heavy Draenic Bracers
3027Wrists Plate
Heavy Draenic Breastplate
3027Chest Plate
Acid Inscribed Greaves
2925FeetUnobtainable Plate
Acid Inscribed Greaves
29Feet Emeriss Plate
Acid Inscribed Pauldrons
29Shoulders Ysondre Plate
Acid Inscribed Pauldrons
2925ShouldersUnobtainable Plate
Avenger's Crown
2925Head Plate
Avenger's Greaves
2925Feet Plate
Avenger's Legguards
2925Legs Plate
Avenger's Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Plate
Belt of Might
2925WaistLooted Plate
Belt of the Fallen Emperor
2925WaistLooted Plate
Berserker Bracers
2925Wrists Plate
Bloodsoaked Legplates
2925Legs Plate
Boots of Heroism
29Feet Plate
Boots of the Fallen Hero
2925FeetLooted Plate
Boots of the Redeemed Prophecy
2925FeetLooted Plate
Boots of the Unwavering Will
2925FeetLooted Plate
Bracelets of Wrath
2925WristsLooted Plate
Bracers of Brutality
2925WristsLooted Plate
Bracers of Might
2925WristsLooted Plate
Bracers of Vengeance
2925WristsCrafted Plate
Breastplate of Annihilation
2925ChestLooted Plate
Breastplate of Heroism
29Chest Plate
Breastplate of Might
2925ChestLooted Plate
Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight
29Chest Plate
Breastplate of Wrath
2925ChestLooted Plate
Bucket Kickers
2925FeetCrafted Plate
Chromatic Boots
2925FeetLooted Plate
Cloudkeeper Legplates
2924LegsLooted Plate
Conqueror's Crown
2925Head Plate
Conqueror's Greaves
2925Feet Plate
Conqueror's Legguards
2925Legs Plate
Conqueror's Spaulders
2925Shoulders Plate
Core Forged Greaves
2925FeetLooted Plate
Dark Iron Boots
2925FeetCrafted Plate
Dark Iron Bracers
2923WristsCrafted Plate
Dark Iron Gauntlets
2925HandsCrafted Plate
Dark Iron Helm
2925HeadCrafted Plate
Dark Iron Leggings
2923LegsCrafted Plate
Deeprock Bracers
29Wrists Plate
Defiler's Lamellar Spaulders
2925Shoulders Plate
Defiler's Plate Spaulders
2925Shoulders Plate
Dragonbone Wristguards
2925Wrists Plate
Dragonbone Wristguards
29Wrists Taerar Plate
Drake Talon Pauldrons
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Field Marshal's Lamellar Chestplate
2925Chest Plate
Field Marshal's Lamellar Faceguard
2925Head Plate
Field Marshal's Lamellar Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Plate
Field Marshal's Plate Armor
2925Chest Plate
Field Marshal's Plate Helm
2925Head Plate
Field Marshal's Plate Shoulderguards
2925Shoulders Plate
Flameguard Gauntlets
2925HandsLooted Plate
Flamewaker Legplates
2923LegsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Heroism
29Hands Plate
Gauntlets of Might
2925HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Steadfast Determination
2925HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Immovable
2925HandsLooted Plate