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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gauntlets of the Righteous Champion
2925HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Shining Light
29Hands Lethon Plate
Gauntlets of the Shining Light
2925HandsUnobtainable Plate
Gauntlets of Wrath
2925HandsLooted Plate
General's Lamellar Boots
2925Feet Plate
General's Lamellar Gloves
2925Hands Plate
General's Lamellar Legplates
2925Legs Plate
General's Plate Boots
2925Feet Plate
General's Plate Gauntlets
2925Hands Plate
General's Plate Leggings
2925Legs Plate
Girdle of the Fallen Crusader
2925WaistLooted Plate
Gloves of the Redeemed Prophecy
2925HandsLooted Plate
Gloves of the Swarm
2925HandsLooted Plate
Helm of Domination
2925HeadLooted Plate
Helm of Endless Rage
2925HeadLooted Plate
Helm of Heroism
29Head Plate
Helm of Might
2925HeadLooted Plate
Helm of Wrath
2925HeadLooted Plate
Highlander's Lamellar Spaulders
2925Shoulders Plate
Highlander's Plate Spaulders
2925Shoulders Plate
Hive Defiler Wristguards
2925WristsLooted Plate
Icebane Bracers
2925WristsCrafted Plate
Icebane Breastplate
2925ChestCrafted Plate
Icebane Coif
2925HeadCrafted Plate
Icebane Gauntlets
2925HandsCrafted Plate
Icebane Helmet
2925Head Plate
Icebane Leggings
29Legs Plate
Icebane Leggings
2925LegsCrafted Plate
Icebane Mantle
2925ShouldersCrafted Plate
Icebane Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Plate
Icebane Trudgers
2925FeetCrafted Plate
Icebane Waistguard
2925WaistCrafted Plate
Judgment Belt
2925WaistLooted Plate
Judgment Bindings
2925WristsLooted Plate
Judgment Breastplate
2925ChestLooted Plate
Judgment Crown
2925HeadLooted Plate
Judgment Gauntlets
2925HandsLooted Plate
Judgment Legplates
2925LegsLooted Plate
Judgment Sabatons
2925FeetLooted Plate
Judgment Spaulders
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Lawbringer Belt
2925WaistLooted Plate
Lawbringer Boots
2925FeetLooted Plate
Lawbringer Bracers
2925WristsLooted Plate
Lawbringer Chestguard
2925ChestLooted Plate
Lawbringer Gauntlets
2925HandsLooted Plate
Lawbringer Helm
2925HeadLooted Plate
Lawbringer Legplates
2925LegsLooted Plate
Lawbringer Spaulders
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Legguards of the Fallen Crusader
2925LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of Blazing Light
2925LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of Carnage
2925Legs Plate
Legplates of Might
2925LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of Wrath
2925LegsLooted Plate
Lionheart Helm
2923HeadCrafted Plate
Magma Tempered Boots
2925FeetLooted Plate
Mantle of the Desert Crusade
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Mantle of the Horusath
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Marshal's Lamellar Boots
2925Feet Plate
Marshal's Lamellar Gloves
2925Hands Plate
Marshal's Lamellar Legplates
2925Legs Plate
Marshal's Plate Boots
2925Feet Plate
Marshal's Plate Gauntlets
2925Hands Plate
Marshal's Plate Legguards
2925Legs Plate
Onslaught Girdle
2925WaistLooted Plate
Ooze-Ridden Gauntlets
2925HandsLooted Plate
Outrider's Lamellar Legguards
2925Legs Plate
Outrider's Plate Legguards
2925Legs Plate
Pauldrons of Might
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Pauldrons of the Unrelenting
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Pauldrons of Wrath
2925ShouldersLooted Plate
Peacekeeper Gauntlets
2925Hands Plate
Royal Qiraji Belt
2925WaistLooted Plate
Sabatons of Might
2925FeetLooted Plate
Sabatons of Wrath
2925FeetLooted Plate
Sentinel's Lamellar Legguards
2925Legs Plate
Sentinel's Plate Legguards
2925Legs Plate
Silithid Carapace Chestguard
2925ChestLooted Plate
Soulforge Boots
29Feet Plate
Soulforge Breastplate
29Chest Plate
Soulforge Gauntlets
29Hands Plate
Soulforge Helm
29Head Plate
Strangely Glyphed Legplates
2925Legs Plate
Strangely Glyphed Legplates
29Legs Taerar Plate
Stronghold Gauntlets
2924HandsCrafted Plate
Thick Obsidian Breastplate
2925ChestCrafted Plate
Titanic Leggings
2923LegsCrafted Plate
Triad Girdle
2925WaistLooted Plate
Unmelting Ice Girdle
29Waist Azuregos Plate
Unmelting Ice Girdle
2925WaistUnobtainable Plate
Waistband of Wrath
2925WaistLooted Plate
Warlord's Lamellar Chestplate
2925Chest Plate
Warlord's Lamellar Faceguard
2925Head Plate
Warlord's Lamellar Pauldrons
2925Shoulders Plate
Warlord's Plate Armor
2925Chest Plate
Warlord's Plate Headpiece
2925Head Plate
Warlord's Plate Shoulders
2925Shoulders Plate
Wristguards of Vengeance
2925Wrists Plate
Zandalar Freethinker's Armguards
29Wrists Plate
Zandalar Freethinker's Belt
29Waist Plate
Zandalar Freethinker's Breastplate
29ChestUnobtainable Plate