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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Balanced Pauldrons
27Shoulders Lumbering Oafs Plate
Balanced Pauldrons
27Shoulders Lumbering Oafs Plate
Blueheart's Helm
27Head Assault on Stonard Plate
Bracers of Misbehavior
27Wrists Locked and Loaded Plate
Bracers of Misbehavior
27Wrists Locked and Loaded Plate
Brand-Name Breastplate
27Chest Drinks on the Rocks Plate
Breastplate of the Poetic Orc
27Chest Damn You, Frostilicus Plate
Burndl's Bundled Boots
27Feet Bearzerker Plate
Centurion Legplates
27Legs Plate
Diemetradon Plate Gloves
27Hands How to Make Meat Fresh Again Plate
Discarded Bracers
27Wrists Marshal's Refuse Plate
Eschewal Greaves
27Feet Plate
Fire Plume Breastplate
27Chest Blazerunner Plate
Fumigator's Legguards
27Legs Spray it One More Time Plate
Heavy Lamellar Boots
2720FeetLooted Plate
Heavy Lamellar Gauntlets
2720HandsLooted Plate
Heavy Lamellar Helm
2721HeadLooted Plate
Heavy Lamellar Leggings
2721LegsLooted Plate
Heavy Lamellar Pauldrons
2721ShouldersLooted Plate
High Chief's Gauntlets
2720HandsLooted Plate
High Chief's Legguards
2721LegsLooted Plate
High Chief's Pauldrons
2721ShouldersLooted Plate
High-Grade Greaves
27Legs In With a Bang Plate
Imperial Plate Belt
2720WaistCrafted Plate
Imperial Plate Bracers
2721WristsCrafted Plate
Imperial Plate Shoulders
2720ShouldersCrafted Plate
Jade Breastplate
2721ChestLooted Plate
Jade Circlet
2720HeadLooted Plate
Jeweled Legguards
27Legs A Little Help From My Friends Plate
Larry's Boots
27Feet Can't Take It With Them Plate
Lofty Belt
2720WaistLooted Plate
Lofty Gauntlets
2721HandsLooted Plate
Lofty Sabatons
2721FeetLooted Plate
Lofty Shoulder Pads
2721ShouldersLooted Plate
Overlord's Chestplate
2720ChestLooted Plate
Revenant Chestplate
2721ChestLooted Plate
Revenant Leggings
2720LegsLooted Plate
Rocksnitch Helmet
27Head Chop Chop Plate
Ruag's Helm
27Head We're Under Attack! Plate
Sinister Belt
27Waist The Darkest Depths Plate
Steelsmith Greaves
27Feet Plate
Sticky Bracers
27Wrists Gormashh the Glutinous Plate
Sunscale Chestguard
2721ChestLooted Plate
Sunscale Helmet
2721HeadLooted Plate
Sunscale Legplates
2720LegsLooted Plate
Templar Bracers
2721WristsLooted Plate
Templar Girdle
2721WaistLooted Plate
Vanguard Girdle
2721WaistLooted Plate
Vanguard Sabatons
2721FeetLooted Plate
Vanguard Vambraces
2720WristsLooted Plate
Light Plate Boots
2720FeetLooted Plate
Light Plate Bracers
2721WristsLooted Plate
Light Plate Shoulderpads
2721ShouldersLooted Plate
Faceguard of the Crown
26Head A Dangerous Alliance Plate
Faceguard of the Horde
26Head A Dangerous Alliance Plate
Faceguard of the Order
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Faceguard of the Order
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Faceguard of the Order
26Head Plate
Faceguard of the Sunwalker
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
First Sergeant's Plate Bracers
2620Wrists Plate
Headguard of the Crown
26Head A Dangerous Alliance Plate
Headguard of the Horde
26Head A Dangerous Alliance Plate
Headguard of the Order
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Headguard of the Order
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Headguard of the Order
26Head Plate
Headguard of the Sunwalker
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Helm of the Order
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Helm of the Order
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Helm of the Order
26Head Plate
Helm of the Sunwalker
26Head Weapons of Darkness Plate
Pauldrons of the Thorium Brotherhood
26Shoulders Welcome to the Brotherhood Plate
Sergeant Major's Plate Wristguards
2620Wrists Plate
Tempered Thorium Boots
26Feet Plate
Wyrmslayer Spaulders
2620ShouldersLooted Plate
Ambush Armguards
26Wrists High Chief Winterfall Plate
Bark Iron Pauldrons
26ShouldersUnobtainable Plate
Bloodforged Chestpiece
2620ChestLooted Plate
Bloodforged Helmet
2620HeadLooted Plate
Breastplate of the Mobile Batallion
26Chest Enough Damage For One Day Plate
Breastplate of the Undercover Thorium Brother
26Chest Placing the Pawns Plate
Breastplate of the Undercover Thorium Brother
26Chest Placing the Pawns Plate
Brutish Breastplate
2620ChestLooted Plate
Heavy Lamellar Girdle
2620WaistLooted Plate
Heavy Lamellar Vambraces
2620WristsLooted Plate
Helm of Serendipity
26Head Taking the Horn For Ourselves Plate
Helm of Serendipity
26Head Taking the Horn For Ourselves Plate
High Chief's Belt
2620WaistLooted Plate
High Chief's Sabatons
2620FeetLooted Plate
Jade Legplates
2620LegsLooted Plate
Lofty Armguards
2620WristsLooted Plate
Overlord's Legplates
2620LegsLooted Plate
Overlord's Spaulders
2620ShouldersLooted Plate
Revenant Boots
2620FeetLooted Plate
Revenant Gauntlets
2620HandsLooted Plate
Revenant Girdle
2620WaistLooted Plate
Revenant Helmet
2620HeadLooted Plate
Revenant Shoulders
2620ShouldersLooted Plate
Runesteel Vambraces
26Wrists Plate
Sunscale Gauntlets
2620HandsLooted Plate
Sunscale Sabatons
2620FeetLooted Plate