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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Carapace of Tuten'kash
2417ChestLooted Plate
Corpselight Greaves
2417Feet Plate
Death Knight Sabatons
2417Feet Plate
Deathbone Chestplate
2417Chest Plate
Deathbone Gauntlets
2417Hands Plate
Deathbone Girdle
2417Waist Plate
Deathbone Legguards
2417Legs Plate
Deathbone Sabatons
2417Feet Plate
Eldritch Reinforced Legplates
2417LegsLooted Plate
Force Imbued Gauntlets
2417HandsLooted Plate
Golem Shard Leggings
2418LegsLooted Plate
Helm of the Thousand Needles
24Head Spread the Word Plate
Helm of the Thousand Needles
24Head Spread the Word Plate
Icemetal Barbute
2417HeadLooted Plate
Magically Sealed Bracers
2417WristsLooted Plate
Plated Fist of Hakoo
2417HandsLooted Plate
Splinterbone Sabatons
2417FeetLooted Plate
Stalwart Shoulderpads
24ShouldersLooted Plate
Stoneform Shoulders
2417ShouldersUnobtainable Plate
Stormgale Fists
2417HandsLooted Plate
Truesilver Gauntlets
2417HandsCrafted Plate
Vigorsteel Vambraces
2417Wrists Plate
Wraithplate Leggings
2417Legs Plate
Augustus' Legguards
24Legs A Fate Worse Than Butchery Plate
Belt of the Sanctuary
24Waist Culling the Corrupted Plate
Bloodcraver Pauldrons
24Shoulders Sang'thraze the Deflector Plate
Bloodforged Belt
2418WaistLooted Plate
Bloodforged Bindings
2417WristsLooted Plate
Brutish Armguards
2417WristsLooted Plate
Brutish Belt
2417WaistLooted Plate
Brutish Boots
2418FeetLooted Plate
Brutish Gauntlets
2417HandsLooted Plate
Brutish Shoulders
2417ShouldersLooted Plate
Cheerful Shoulders
24Shoulders Open Their Eyes Plate
Chromite Barbute
2417HeadLooted Plate
Chromite Gauntlets
2417HandsLooted Plate
Chromite Greaves
2417FeetLooted Plate
Chromite Legplates
2418LegsLooted Plate
Chromite Pauldrons
2417ShouldersLooted Plate
Cleaned-Up Pauldrons
24Shoulders Dead Man's Chest Plate
Cleaned-Up Pauldrons
24Shoulders Dead Man's Chest Plate
Dupe's Bracers
24Wrists The Doomstone Plate
Embossed Plate Armor
2417ChestLooted Plate
Embossed Plate Leggings
2417LegsLooted Plate
Field Plate Armor
2417ChestLooted Plate
Flesh Giant Toe-Ring
24Wrists Counter-Plague Research Plate
Gothic Plate Gauntlets
2418HandsLooted Plate
Gothic Plate Girdle
2417WaistLooted Plate
Gothic Plate Helmet
2418HeadLooted Plate
Gothic Plate Vambraces
2417WristsLooted Plate
Gothic Sabatons
2417FeetLooted Plate
Heavy Mithril Breastplate
2418ChestCrafted Plate
Heavy Mithril Gauntlet
2417HandsCrafted Plate
Heavy Mithril Pants
2417LegsCrafted Plate
Heavy Mithril Shoulder
2417ShouldersCrafted Plate
Impatient Boots
24Feet Captain Dreadbeard Plate
Impatient Boots
24Feet Captain Dreadbeard Plate
Impish Boots
24Feet See the Invisible Plate
Jade Bracers
2418WristsLooted Plate
Lighthammer Pauldrons
24Shoulders Secrets in the Oasis Plate
Ornate Mithril Gloves
2417HandsCrafted Plate
Ornate Mithril Pants
2417LegsCrafted Plate
Ornate Mithril Shoulder
2417ShouldersCrafted Plate
Parcel Bearer's Breastplate
24Chest A Strange Request Plate
Pauldrons of the Touched
24Shoulders A Fate Worse Than Butchery Plate
Pridekeeper's Breastplate
24Chest The Twilight Skymaster Plate
Salvaged Steamwheedle Helm
24Head Rocket Rescue Plate
Salvaged Steamwheedle Helm
24Head Rocket Rescue Plate
Sanctuary Pauldrons
24Shoulders Dousing the Flames of Protection Plate
Sentinel's Guard
24Head Plate
Shinkicker Boots
24FeetUnobtainable Plate
Southsea Head Bucket
24Head Plate
Trapper Punchers
24Hands Death to all Trappers! Plate
Tyrant's Epaulets
2417ShouldersLooted Plate
Tyrant's Gauntlets
2417HandsLooted Plate
Tyrant's Greaves
2417FeetLooted Plate
Tyrant's Helm
2418HeadLooted Plate
Upstart's Breastplate
24Chest All's Fair in Love, War, and Archaeology Plate
Upstart's Breastplate
24Chest It's Not About History, It's About Power Plate
Valorous Girdle
2418WaistLooted Plate
Valorous Wristguards
2418WristsLooted Plate
Warbringer's Chestguard
2418ChestLooted Plate
Warbringer's Crown
2417HeadLooted Plate
Warbringer's Legguards
2417LegsLooted Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Barthalomew's Belt
23Waist Like Rats Plate
Breastplate of Wracking Souls
2317ChestLooted Plate
Dark Blaze Gauntlets
2317HandsLooted Plate
Defiler's Lamellar Girdle
2317Waist Plate
Defiler's Lamellar Greaves
2317Feet Plate
Defiler's Plate Girdle
2317Waist Plate
Defiler's Plate Greaves
2317Feet Plate
Highlander's Lamellar Girdle
2317Waist Plate
Highlander's Lamellar Greaves
2317Feet Plate
Highlander's Plate Girdle
2317Waist Plate
Highlander's Plate Greaves
2317Feet Plate
Obsidian Greaves
2317FeetLooted Plate
Shoulderguards of Painful Lessons
2317ShouldersLooted Plate
Steel Plate Helm
2317HeadCrafted Plate