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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Thunderpeak Greathelm
44Head The Underking Plate
Thunderpeak Shoulderguards
44Shoulders The Underking Plate
Verdant Plate Belt
44WaistLooted Plate
Verdant Plate Chest
44ChestLooted Plate
Verdant Plate Crown
44HeadLooted Plate
Verdant Plate Grips
44HandsLooted Plate
Verdant Plate Legguards
44LegsLooted Plate
Verdant Plate Spaulders
44ShouldersLooted Plate
Verdant Plate Treads
44FeetLooted Plate
Verdant Plate Wristguards
44WristsLooted Plate
Violet Guardian's Faceguard
44Head Assault on Violet Hold: Purple Pain Plate
Academy Girdle
44Waist Hit the Books Plate
Armplates of Unrelenting Anguish
44Wrists The Nightmare Lord Plate
Azure Champion's Pauldrons
44Shoulders Runas the Shamed Plate
Blackfeather Handguards
44HandsQuest Plate
Deathstalker Shoulderplates
44Shoulders The Splintered Fleet Plate
Deathstalker Vambraces
44Wrists The Splintered Fleet Plate
Deep Squatter's Waistguard
44Waist Guhruhlruhlruh Plate
Demon Warder Helm
44Head Reignite the Wards Plate
Dreadsworn Armplates
44Wrists A Gift for Greymane Plate
Dreadsworn Breastplate
44Chest What the Bonespeakers Buried Plate
Dreadsworn Chestguard
44ChestQuest Plate
Dreadsworn Gauntlets
44HandsQuest Plate
Dreadsworn Greatbelt
44WaistQuest Plate
Dreadsworn Greaves
44Feet Regal Remains Plate
Dreadsworn Legplates
44Legs Regal Remains Plate
Dreadsworn Shoulderplates
44Shoulders A Gift for Greymane Plate
Dreadsworn Waistguard
44Waist Shadows in the Mists Plate
Dreadsworn Wristguards
44Wrists Bjornharta Plate
Earth-Crushing Sabatons
44Feet Nobundo's Last Stand Plate
Earth-Plate Legguards
44Legs Nobundo's Last Stand Plate
Fortified Librarian's Grips
44Hands Hit the Books Plate
Girdle of the Unworthy
44Waist Accessories of the Cursed Plate
Greywatch Vambraces
44Wrists Cut Out the Heart Plate
Heart-Lesion Breastplate
44Chest Plate
Heart-Lesion Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Heart-Lesion Girdle
44Waist Plate
Heart-Lesion Helm
44Head Plate
Heart-Lesion Legplates
44Legs Plate
Heart-Lesion Pauldrons
44Shoulders Plate
Heart-Lesion Sabatons
44Feet Plate
Heart-Lesion Vambraces
44Wrists Plate
Kuglaroth's Helm
44Head They Have A Pitlord Plate
Kul'Tiras Marine's Greaves
44Legs Making the World Safe for Profit Plate
Lead-Studded Chestplate
44Chest Scout It Out Plate
Nar'thalas Belt
44Waist They Came From the Sea Plate
Nar'thalas Bracers
44Wrists The Headmistress' Keys Plate
Nar'thalas Gauntlets
44Hands Their Dying Breaths Plate
Nar'thalas Greaves
44Legs Save Yourself Plate
Nar'thalas Helm
44Head They Came From the Sea Plate
Nar'thalas Legguards
44Legs Our Very Bones Plate
Nar'thalas Pauldrons
44Shoulders Round 1, Fight! Plate
Nar'thalas Sabatons
44Feet The Scythe of Souls Plate
Nar'thalas Warboots
44Feet Save Yourself Plate
Oathsworn Breastplate
44Chest Plate
Oathsworn Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Oathsworn Girdle
44Waist Plate
Oathsworn Helm
44Head Plate
Oathsworn Legplates
44Legs Plate
Oathsworn Pauldrons
44Shoulders Plate
Oathsworn Sabatons
44Feet Plate
Oathsworn Vambraces
44Wrists Plate
Pinerock Tracker's Shoulderplates
44Shoulders Scout It Out Plate
Pit Lord Stompers
44Feet They Have A Pitlord Plate
Pit-Brawler's Helm
44Head Round 1, Fight! Plate
Plainsthunder Bracers
44WristsQuest Plate
Plainsthunder Gauntlets
44HandsQuest Plate
Plainsthunder Girdle
44WaistQuest Plate
Plainsthunder Waistguard
44WaistQuest Plate
Plainsthunder Warboots
44FeetQuest Plate
Plainsthunder Wristwraps
44Wrists Ring of Trials: Roakk the Zealot Plate
Reinforced Stormwing Waistguard
44WaistQuest Plate
Rooksguard Binding
44Waist The Farmsteads Plate
Rooksguard Gauntlets
44Hands The Farmsteads Plate
Rooksguard Girdle
44Waist Totemic Call Plate
Rooksguard Grips
44Hands Totemic Call Plate
Rooksguard Legguards
44Legs Spread Your Lunarwings and Fly Plate
Rooksguard Vambraces
44Wrists Maiev's Trail Plate
Rooksguard Warboots
44Feet Spread Your Lunarwings and Fly Plate
Sabatons of the Blightcaller
44Feet A Grim Trophy Plate
Skyfire Marine's Pauldrons
44Shoulders Greymane's Gambit Plate
Skyfire Marine's Vambraces
44Wrists Greymane's Gambit Plate
Soul-Trapper's Greaves
44Legs Reignite the Wards Plate
Starlance Pauldrons
44Shoulders Back from the Dead Plate
Stormwing Plate Chestguard
44ChestQuest Plate
Sunsoul Battleplate
44Chest Plate
Sunsoul Gauntlets
44Hands Plate
Sunsoul Girdle
44Waist Plate
Sunsoul Helm
44Head Plate
Sunsoul Legplates
44Legs Plate
Sunsoul Pauldrons
44Shoulders Plate
Sunsoul Sabatons
44Feet Plate
Sunsoul Vambraces
44Wrists Plate
Sweat-Swollen Wristplates
44Wrists Guhruhlruhlruh Plate
Thunderpeak Bracers
44Wrists Dargrul and the Hammer Plate
Thunderpeak Chestguard
44Chest Spray and Prey Plate
Thunderpeak Gauntlets
44Hands Titanic Showdown Plate
Thunderpeak Girdle
44Waist Wrathshard Plate
Thunderpeak Handguards
44Hands Spray and Prey Plate
Thunderpeak Legguards
44Legs Rite of Blood Plate