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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
QR ZD25 Plate Physical Chest2 - PH
158Chest Plate
Quest Giver's Pauldrons
12Shoulders Welcome to the Machine Plate
Raceway Boots
22Feet Down in the Deeps Plate
Raceway Boots
22Feet Down in the Deeps Plate
Radiant Silver Armguards
17Wrists The Traitor Orc Plate
Rak-Ush Rancher's Waders
40070Feet Plate
Ramshorn-Inlaid Shoulders
32ShouldersQuest Plate
Rastari Armbands
50Wrists Plate
Rastari Armguards
50Wrists He's Gone Mad! Plate
Rastari Battlegloves
50Hands He's Gone Mad! Plate
Rastari Belt
50Waist Raal Plate
Rastari Bracers
50WristsQuest Plate
Rastari Cincture
50Waist Plate
Rastari Footguards
50Feet Ravenous Landsharks Plate
Rastari Gauntlets
50Hands Offensively Defensive Plate
Rastari Girdle
50Waist A Good Spanking Plate
Rastari Gloves
50Hands Hope's Blue Light Plate
Rastari Greatboots
50Feet Plate
Rastari Greaves
50Legs Plate
Rastari Grips
50Hands Plate
Rastari Handguards
50Hands Rastakhan's Might Plate
Rastari Legguards
50LegsQuest Plate
Rastari Legplates
50Legs A Good Spanking Plate
Rastari Pants
50Legs Plate
Rastari Stompers
50Feet The Head of Her Enemy Plate
Rastari Treads
50Feet Grand Theft Telemancy Plate
Rastari Vambraces
50Wrists Deterrent Plate
Rastari Waistguard
50WaistQuest Plate
Rastari Waistplate
50Waist A Special Stone Plate
Rastari Warboots
50Feet Rastakhan's Might Plate
Rastari Wargreaves
50Legs Raal Plate
Rastari Wristwraps
50Wrists Plate
Rattling Bone Armplates
6050WristsLooted Plate
Rattling Bone Crushers
6050HandsLooted Plate
Rattling Bone Greatbelt
6050Waist Plate
Rattling Bone Hauberk
6050ChestLooted Plate
Rattling Bone Legguards
6050LegsLooted Plate
Rattling Bone Mask
6050HeadLooted Plate
Rattling Bone Spaulders
6050ShouldersLooted Plate
Rattling Bone Warboots
6050FeetLooted Plate
Ravager Chitin Tunic
5Chest Beasts of the Apocalypse! Plate
Ravencrest Breastplate
3631ChestLooted Plate
Ravencrest Gauntlets
3631HandsLooted Plate
Ravencrest Girdle
3631WaistLooted Plate
Ravencrest Helm
3631HeadLooted Plate
Ravencrest Legplates
3631LegsLooted Plate
Ravencrest Pauldrons
3631ShouldersLooted Plate
Ravencrest Sabatons
3631FeetLooted Plate
Ravencrest Vambraces
3631WristsLooted Plate
Ravenguard's Baldric
3125WaistLooted Plate
Ravenskar Breastplate
4238ChestLooted Plate
Ravenskar Gauntlets
4238HandsLooted Plate
Ravenskar Girdle
4238WaistLooted Plate
Ravenskar Helm
4238HeadLooted Plate
Ravenskar Legplates
4238LegsLooted Plate
Ravenskar Pauldrons
4238ShouldersLooted Plate
Ravenskar Sabatons
4238FeetLooted Plate
Ravenskar Vambraces
4238WristsLooted Plate
Razorfin Battleplate
6050ChestLooted Plate
Razorfin Gauntlets
6050HandsLooted Plate
Razorfin Greatbelt
6050WaistLooted Plate
Razorfin Helm
6050HeadLooted Plate
Razorfin Legplates
6050LegsLooted Plate
Razorfin Shoulderguards
6050ShouldersLooted Plate
Razorfin Vambraces
6050WristsLooted Plate
Razorfin Warboots
6050FeetLooted Plate
Razorproof Greaves
35Feet Hyjal Recycling Program Plate
Really Cold Bracers
23Wrists That Smart One's Gotta Go Plate
Rear Guard Britches
6Legs Deeper into Darkness Plate
Reaver Armor
3126ChestLooted Plate
Reaver Bracers
3126WristsLooted Plate
Reaver Epaulets
3126ShouldersLooted Plate
Reaver Girdle
3126WaistLooted Plate
Reaver Gloves
3126HandsLooted Plate
Reaver Greaves
3126FeetLooted Plate
Reaver Helmet
3126HeadLooted Plate
Reaver Legplates
3126LegsLooted Plate
Rebel Breastplate
16Chest Deep Roots Plate
Redeemer's Plate
31Chest Skywing Plate
Rediscovered Delta Walkers
36Feet Shroud of the Makers Plate
Redridge Legguards
11Legs Detonation Plate
Redsteel Belt
3630WaistCrafted Plate
Redsteel Boots
3630FeetCrafted Plate
Redsteel Bracers
3530WristsCrafted Plate
Redsteel Gauntlets
3530HandsCrafted Plate
Redsteel Helm
3731HeadCrafted Plate
Redsteel Legguards
3731LegsCrafted Plate
Redsteel Shoulders
3631ShouldersCrafted Plate
Refitted Bruiser Gauntlets
22Hands Challenge to the Black Flight Plate
Refuge Armor
30Chest A Damp, Dark Place Plate
Reinforced Beekeeper's Helm
20058Head Plate
Reinforced Cobalt Chestpiece
3429ChestCrafted Plate
Reinforced Cobalt Helm
3428HeadCrafted Plate
Reinforced Cobalt Legplates
3429LegsCrafted Plate
Reinforced Cobalt Shoulders
3328ShouldersCrafted Plate
Reinforced Heaume
32Head Master Smith Rhonsus Plate
Reinforced Plate Belt
5Waist Fine Linen Goods Plate
Reinforced Stormwing Waistguard
44WaistQuest Plate
Rescued Aeroknight's Helmet
40070Head Plate
Rescuers Shoulderguards
35Shoulders The Third Flamegate Plate