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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Sea Raider's Footguards
50Feet Roughneck Riders Plate
Sea Raider's Gauntlets
50HandsQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Girdle
50Waist Message from the Management Plate
Sea Raider's Gloves
50Hands Hold My Hand Plate
Sea Raider's Greatbelt
50WaistQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Greaves
50Legs Message from the Management Plate
Sea Raider's Grips
50Hands Hold Still Plate
Sea Raider's Handguards
50HandsQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Legguards
50LegsQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Legplates
50Legs WANTED: Ol' Frostclaw Plate
Sea Raider's Pants
50Legs A Cure from the Sea Plate
Sea Raider's Sabatons
50FeetQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Shackles
50Wrists A Cure from the Sea Plate
Sea Raider's Stompers
50FeetQuest Plate
Sea Raider's Vambraces
50Wrists Hands Off My Booty! Plate
Sea Raider's Warboots
50Feet For Kul Tiras! Plate
Sea Raider's Wristguards
50Wrists The Stoat Hunt Plate
Sea Rusted Gauntlets
33Hands Slay Loguhn Plate
Sea Star Wristwraps
35Wrists Bellies Await Plate
Seabone Heaume
32HeadQuest Plate
Seabone Legplates
32Legs The Emissary Plate
Secret-Dredger's Armplates
35070Wrists Plate
Secret-Dredger's Armplates
1Wrists Plate
Secret-Dredger's Breastplate
35070Chest Plate
Secret-Dredger's Breastplate
1Chest Plate
Secret-Dredger's Gauntlets
35070Hands Plate
Secret-Dredger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Secret-Dredger's Girdle
35070Waist Plate
Secret-Dredger's Girdle
1Waist Plate
Secret-Dredger's Helm
35070Head Plate
Secret-Dredger's Helm
1Head Plate
Secret-Dredger's Legguards
35070Legs Plate
Secret-Dredger's Legguards
1Legs Plate
Secret-Dredger's Mantle
35070Shoulders Plate
Secret-Dredger's Mantle
1Shoulders Plate
Secret-Dredger's Sabatons
35070Feet Plate
Secret-Dredger's Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Sedimentary Armplates
40070Wrists Plate
Sedimentary Breastplate
40070Chest Plate
Sedimentary Gauntlets
40070Hands Plate
Sedimentary Girdle
40070Waist Plate
Sedimentary Helm
40070Head Plate
Sedimentary Legguards
40070Legs Plate
Sedimentary Mantle
40070Shoulders Plate
Sedimentary Sabatons
40070Feet Plate
Seething Waistguard
32Waist Rescuing Evanor Plate
Segmented Breastplate
30Chest A Pilgrim's Plight Plate
Segmented Girdle
12Waist Culling the Flutterers Plate
Sentinel Armbands
31Wrists Protecting Our Own Plate
Sentinel Hill Breastplate
6Chest In Defense of Westfall Plate
Sentinel's Belt
1310Waist Plate
Sentinel's Chestpiece
1310Chest Plate
Sentinel's Gloves
1310Hands Plate
Sentinel's Guard
24Head Plate
Sentinel's Helmet
1310Head Plate
Sentinel's Legplates
1310Legs Plate
Sentinel's Spaulders
1310Shoulders Plate
Sentinel's Vambraces
1310Wrists Plate
Sentinel's Warboots
1310Feet Plate
Sentry Bracers
11Wrists Assault on Zeb'Nowa Plate
Serenity Cap
38Head Unmasking the Yaungol Plate
Serenity Chestguard
38Chest One Traveler's Misfortune Plate
Serenity Clasp
38Waist The Snackrifice Plate
Serenity Greaves
38Feet The Burlap Grind Plate
Serenity Headcover
38HeadQuest Plate
Serenity Spaulders
38Shoulders A Funeral Plate
Serenity Vest
38Chest Thumping Knucklethump Plate
Serenity Wristwraps
38Wrists Resupplying One Keg Plate
Shackles of Perpetual Friendship
91Wrists Plate
Shaleground Bracers
32WristsQuest Plate
Shalewind Belt
11Waist The Grand Magus Doane Plate
Shan'ze Armguards
110Wrists Plate
Shan'ze Armplates
1310Wrists Plate
Shan'ze Chestguard
1Chest Plate
Shan'ze Chestplate
1310Chest Plate
Shan'ze Grasp
110Hands Plate
Shan'ze Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Shan'ze Greathelm
1310Head Plate
Shan'ze Greaves
1310Legs Plate
Shan'ze Greaves
110Legs Plate
Shan'ze Handguards
1310Hands Plate
Shan'ze Pauldrons
1310Shoulders Plate
Shan'ze Sabatons
1310Feet Plate
Shan'ze Shoulderguards
110Shoulders Plate
Shan'ze Waistguard
1310Waist Plate
Shan'ze Waistguard
110Waist Plate
Shan'ze Warhelm
110Head Plate
Shardback Breastplate
4036ChestLooted Plate
Shardback Gauntlets
4036HandsLooted Plate
Shardback Girdle
4036WaistLooted Plate
Shardback Helm
4036HeadLooted Plate
Shardback Legplates
4036LegsLooted Plate
Shardback Pauldrons
4036ShouldersLooted Plate
Shardback Sabatons
4036FeetLooted Plate
Shardback Vambraces
4036WristsLooted Plate
Sharptusk Breastplate
4238ChestLooted Plate
Sharptusk Gauntlets
4238HandsLooted Plate
Sharptusk Girdle
4238WaistLooted Plate
Sharptusk Helm
4238HeadLooted Plate
Sharptusk Legplates
4238LegsLooted Plate