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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Saltstone LegChains
2217LegsLooted Plate
Saltstone Sabatons
2217FeetLooted Plate
Saltstone Shoulder Pads
2217ShouldersLooted Plate
Saltstone Surcoat
2217ChestLooted Plate
Steel-Backed Hauberk
22ChestQuest Plate
Steel-Banded Hauberk
22Chest Plate
Symbolic Belt
2217WaistLooted Plate
Symbolic Gauntlets
2217HandsLooted Plate
Symbolic Vambraces
2217WristsLooted Plate
Uncompromising Helm
22Head Back to Crazzle Plate
Uncompromising Helm
22Head Back to Riznek Plate
Agamaggan-Blessed Greaves
21Legs Agamaggan's Charge Plate
Boots of the Noble Path
21Feet Agamaggan's Charge Plate
Golden Helm
21Head Plate
Herod's Shoulder
2114Shoulders Plate
Hulkstone Pauldrons
21Shoulders Plate
Noxxion's Shackles
2114WristsLooted Plate
Raging Berserker's Helm
2114HeadLooted Plate
Scarlet Leggings
2114Legs Plate
Strip-Thorn Gauntlets
2114HandsLooted Plate
Abductor's Coverings
21Head Ogre Abduction Plate
Abductor's Coverings
21Head Ogre Abduction Plate
Abominable Shoulderguards
21Shoulders Combat Training Plate
Abominable Shoulderguards
21Shoulders Combat Training Plate
Bracers of the Returning Wild
21Wrists A New Era for the Plaguelands Plate
Breastplate of the Patient
21Chest Zen'Kiki and the Cultists Plate
Condensed Essence Bracers
21Wrists Verinias the Twisted Plate
Crimson Barbut
21HeadQuest Plate
Darkspear Armsplints
21Wrists Plate
Grim Pauldrons
21Shoulders Plate
Gripsteel Wristguards
21Wrists Plate
Homestead Helm
21Head A Mighty Hunger Plate
Kelly's Booties
21Feet A Gnoll's Resolve Plate
Scaled Marshwalkers
21Feet Cleansing Witch Hill Plate
Scarlet Belt
2114Waist Plate
Scarlet Gauntlets
2114Hands Plate
Scarlet Wristguards
2113Wrists Plate
Stromgarde Cavalry Leggings
21Legs Plate
Swamp Gas Gauntlets
21HandsQuest Plate
Territorial Helm
21Head Foxes and Hounds Plate
Wrangling Spaulders
21Shoulders Plate
Booty Bay Helm
20Head Bloodsail's End Plate
Helm of Aerie Peak
20Head Shadra the Venom Queen Plate
Lord Vyletongue's Satyrplate
2013ChestLooted Plate
Marshweaver's Wristguards
20Wrists Cleansing Our Crevasse Plate
Marshweaver's Wristguards
20Wrists Cleansing Our Crevasse Plate
Poisoner's Helm
20Head Shadra the Venom Queen Plate
Porcine-Warlord's Legplates
2013LegsLooted Plate
Roogug's Swinesteel Girdle
2013WaistLooted Plate
Scarlet Boots
2013Feet Plate
Stalwart Grips
20HandsLooted Plate
Stonefist Girdle
20Waist Plate
Stonespire Shoulders
20Shoulders Sabotage! Plate
Twinbraid Shoulders
20Shoulders The Deed Is Done Plate
Bael'dun Plate Leggings
20Legs Bael'dun Rescue Plate
Belt of Lingering Corruption
20Waist Scholomancer Plate
Belt of Lingering Corruption
20Waist Scholomancer Plate
Brain-Splattered Leggings
20Legs Smarts-is-Smarts Plate
Emissary's Chestpiece
20Chest Time For Change Plate
Gut Opener Gloves
20Hands War Machines Plate
Gut Opener Gloves
20Hands War Machines Plate
Ironpatch Shoulderguards
20Shoulders Drive-By Piracy Plate
Konu's Platemail
20Chest More Than Illness Plate
Legguards of Caution
20Legs Can't Make An Omelette Without... Plate
Legguards of Caution
20Legs Can't Make An Omelette Without... Plate
Mutineer's Noose
20Waist Making Mutiny Plate
Orca-Oiled Spaulders
20Shoulders Blubbergut Plate
Pauldrons of the Eternal Battle
20Shoulders Our Mortal Enemies Plate
Spaulders of Sealing
20Shoulders Portals of the Legion Plate
Spaulders of Sealing
20Shoulders Portals of the Legion Plate
Telaron's Platemail
20Chest More Than Illness Plate
Bracers of the Fallen Crusader
1913WristsLooted Plate
Canine Commander's Breastplate
1912ChestLooted Plate
Commanding Bracers
1912WristsLooted Plate
Crackling Girdle
19Waist Return and Report Plate
Defiler's Lamellar Girdle
1912Waist Plate
Defiler's Lamellar Greaves
1912Feet Plate
Defiler's Plate Girdle
1912Waist Plate
Defiler's Plate Greaves
1912Feet Plate
Helm of Rising Flame
1913HeadLooted Plate
Highlander's Lamellar Girdle
1912Waist Plate
Highlander's Lamellar Greaves
1912Feet Plate
Highlander's Plate Girdle
1912Waist Plate
Highlander's Plate Greaves
1912Feet Plate
Ironspine's Ribcage
1912Chest Plate
Pyretic Legguards
1912LegsLooted Plate
Stubborn Legguards
19Legs Delicate Negotiations Plate
Waistplate of Imminent Resurrection
1913WaistLooted Plate
Barbaric Iron Breastplate
1912ChestCrafted Plate
Belt of the Stars
19Waist Plate
Bloodhilt Gloves
19Hands Siegebreaker Plate
Boots of Explosive Dancing
19Feet Recipe for Disaster Plate
Boots of the Fallen Brother
19Feet Silencing Rageroar Plate
Brightplate Girdle
19Waist The Branch of Cenarius Plate
Brutal Gauntlets
19HandsUnobtainable Plate
Chestpiece of Returning Strength
19Chest Stranglethorn Fever Plate
Collector's Padded Gauntlets
19Hands Early Adoption Plate
Crusader Belt
19Waist Plate
Dark Vessel Breastplate
19Chest Dark Vessels Plate
Dark Vessel Breastplate
19Chest Dark Vessels Plate