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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Vambraces of the All-Consuming Maw
110Wrists Plate
Vambraces of the Ebon Tide
5040WristsLooted Plate
Vambraces of the Last Mogu
110Wrists Plate
Vambraces of the Lost Catacomb
110Wrists Plate
Vambraces of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Wrists Plate
Vambraces of Winged Triumph
110Wrists Plate
Vanguard Breastplate
2923ChestLooted Plate
Vanguard Gauntlets
2821HandsLooted Plate
Vanguard Girdle
2721WaistLooted Plate
Vanguard Headdress
2822HeadLooted Plate
Vanguard Legplates
2822LegsLooted Plate
Vanguard Pauldrons
2822ShouldersLooted Plate
Vanguard Sabatons
2721FeetLooted Plate
Vanguard Vambraces
2720WristsLooted Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Armguards
41570Wrists Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Armor
41570Chest Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Chestplate
41570Chest Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Cuffs
41570Wrists Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Gauntlets
41570Hands Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Girdle
41570Waist Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Greatbelt
41570Waist Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Handguards
41570Hands Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Headguard
41570Head Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Helm
41570Head Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Legguards
41570Legs Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Pauldrons
41570Shoulders Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Shoulders
41570Shoulders Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Stompers
41570Feet Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Warboots
41570Feet Plate
Verdant Aspirant's Plate Wargreaves
41570Legs Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Armguards
33070Wrists Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Breastplate
33070Chest Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Gauntlets
33070Hands Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Greaves
33070Legs Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Helm
33070Head Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Pauldrons
33070Shoulders Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Sabatons
33070Feet Plate
Verdant Combatant's Draconium Waistguard
33070Waist Plate
Verdant Combatant's Plate Goggles
33070Head Plate
Vessel of the Dark Lady
11Chest Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III Plate
Vigilant Skullcap
33Head Imprints on the Past Plate
Vigilant Vambraces
11Wrists Plate
Vindicator's Bracers of Sacrifice
33Wrists Leave No One Behind Plate
Vindicator's Cinch
30Waist An Unnatural Drought Plate
Vindicator's Iron Legguards
10Legs Matis the Cruel Plate
Vindicator's Stompers
7Feet I Shoot Magic Into the Darkness Plate
Void-Bound Breastplate
1Chest Plate
Void-Bound Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Void-Bound Girdle
1Waist Plate
Void-Bound Greathelm
1Head Plate
Void-Bound Greaves
1Legs Plate
Void-Bound Pauldrons
1Shoulders Plate
Void-Bound Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Void-Bound Vambraces
1Wrists Plate
Volunteer's Greaves
85Feet Plate
Vonderful Bracers
16Wrists Burn, Baby, Burn! Plate
Vrykul Training Helm
34Head Discipline Plate
Waistguard of Cyclopean Dread
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of Resounding Rings
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the All-Consuming Maw
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the Last Mogu
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the Lost Catacomb
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Waist Plate
Waistguard of Winged Triumph
110Waist Plate
Wall Breastplate
3731ChestLooted Plate
Wall Gauntlets
3731HandsLooted Plate
Wall Girdle
3731WaistLooted Plate
Wall Helm
3731HeadLooted Plate
Wall Legplates
3731LegsLooted Plate
Wall Pauldrons
3731ShouldersLooted Plate
Wall Sabatons
3731FeetLooted Plate
Wall Vambraces
3731WristsLooted Plate
Wallbuilder Gauntlets
40Hands Shimmering Gauntlets Plate
Wallwatcher Bracers
110Wrists Plate
Wallwatcher Breastplate
1Chest Plate
Wallwatcher Cap
38Head Unmasking the Yaungol Plate
Wallwatcher Chestpiece
38Chest One Traveler's Misfortune Plate
Wallwatcher Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
Wallwatcher Girdle
38Waist The Snackrifice Plate
Wallwatcher Girdle
110Waist Plate
Wallwatcher Helm
38HeadQuest Plate
Wallwatcher Helm
110Head Plate
Wallwatcher Legguards
110Legs Plate
Wallwatcher Pauldrons
110Shoulders Plate
Wallwatcher Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Wallwatcher Shoulders
38Shoulders A Funeral Plate
Wallwatcher Vest
38Chest Thumping Knucklethump Plate
Wallwatcher Warboots
38Feet The Burlap Grind Plate
Wallwatcher Wristwraps
38Wrists Resupplying One Keg Plate
Waptor Scale Bweastpwate
9Chest Waptor Twapping Plate
Warboots of Cyclopean Dread
110Feet Plate
Warboots of Resounding Rings
110Feet Plate
Warboots of Resounding Rings
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the All-Consuming Maw
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the Last Mogu
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the Lost Catacomb
110Feet Plate
Warboots of the Prehistoric Marauder
110Feet Plate
Warboots of Winged Triumph
110Feet Plate
Warbringer's Armsplints
2317WristsLooted Plate
Warbringer's Belt
2317WaistLooted Plate