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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Wasteland Armored Gauntlets
3834Hands Plate
Wasteland Armored Girdle
3834Waist Plate
Wasteland Armored Helm
3834Head Plate
Wasteland Armored Legguards
3834Legs Plate
Wasteland Armored Shoulders
3834Shoulders Plate
Wasteland Armored Warboots
3834Feet Plate
Wasteland Burnished Bracers
3834Wrists Plate
Wasteland Burnished Chestguard
3834Chest Plate
Wasteland Burnished Clasp
3834Waist Plate
Wasteland Burnished Gloves
3834Hands Plate
Wasteland Burnished Greaves
3834Feet Plate
Wasteland Burnished Headcover
3834Head Plate
Wasteland Burnished Legplates
3834Legs Plate
Wasteland Burnished Spaulders
3834Shoulders Plate
Wasteland Heavy Armplates
3834Wrists Plate
Wasteland Heavy Chestpiece
3834Chest Plate
Wasteland Heavy Gauntlets
3834Hands Plate
Wasteland Heavy Girdle
3834Waist Plate
Wasteland Heavy Helm
3834Head Plate
Wasteland Heavy Legguards
3834Legs Plate
Wasteland Heavy Shoulders
3834Shoulders Plate
Wasteland Heavy Warboots
3834Feet Plate
Wavecrash Buckle
5850Waist Plate
Wavecrash Chestplate
5850Chest Plate
Wavecrash Crushers
5850Hands Plate
Wavecrash Greaves
5850Legs Plate
Wavecrash Headguard
5850Head Plate
Wavecrash Shoulderplates
5850Shoulders Plate
Wavecrash Smashers
5850Feet Plate
Wavecrash Wristguards
5850Wrists Plate
Waycrest Militia Armplates
50Wrists Witchrending Plate
Waycrest Militia Belt
50Waist A Steady Ballast Plate
Waycrest Militia Bindings
50WristsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Boots
50Feet Building Defenses Plate
Waycrest Militia Bracers
50WristsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Buckle
50Waist Rescue Rangers Plate
Waycrest Militia Chausses
50Legs Rescue Rangers Plate
Waycrest Militia Cinch
50Waist Hold The Barricade! Plate
Waycrest Militia Crushers
50HandsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Footguards
50Feet Terminal Degree Plate
Waycrest Militia Gauntlets
50Hands The Burden of Proof Plate
Waycrest Militia Girdle
50Waist Hope They Can't Swim Plate
Waycrest Militia Gloves
50Hands Hold The Barricade! Plate
Waycrest Militia Greatbelt
50WaistQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Greaves
50Legs The Final Effigy Plate
Waycrest Militia Grips
50HandsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Handguards
50Hands A Traitor's Death Plate
Waycrest Militia Legguards
50Legs Building Defenses Plate
Waycrest Militia Legplates
50Legs A Traitor's Death Plate
Waycrest Militia Pants
50Legs Odds and Ends Plate
Waycrest Militia Sabatons
50FeetQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Stompers
50Feet Witchrending Plate
Waycrest Militia Vambraces
50WristsQuest Plate
Waycrest Militia Wristguards
50Wrists Drustfall Plate
Waywalker's Girdle
33WaistQuest Plate
Weapon-Bearer Bracers
36Wrists Somethin' for the Boys Plate
Weaponized Belt
16Waist They're Out There! Plate
Weaponseeker Bracers
36Wrists Ancient Weapons Plate
Webweave Grips
40070Hands Plate
Weeping Scar Cover
36Head Nightmare Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Well Cushioned Boots
24Feet Return to Blam Plate
Well Oiled Helm
18Head Bombs Away: Mirkfallon Post! Plate
Wentletrap Legplates
35Legs A Distracting Scent Plate
Westguard Armor
3226ChestLooted Plate
Westguard Belt
3226WaistLooted Plate
Westguard Bracers
3226WristsLooted Plate
Westguard Epaulets
3226ShouldersLooted Plate
Westguard Gloves
3226HandsLooted Plate
Westguard Greaves
3226FeetLooted Plate
Westguard Helm
3226HeadLooted Plate
Westguard Legplates
3226LegsLooted Plate
Wheelman's Shattered Grasp
35Hands All or Nothing Plate
Whispering Stompers
33Feet Put on Your Best Face for Loken Plate
White Tiger Armguards
110Wrists Plate
White Tiger Battleplate
1Chest Plate
White Tiger Bracers
110Wrists Plate
White Tiger Breastplate
1Chest Plate
White Tiger Chestguard
1Chest Plate
White Tiger Gauntlets
110Hands Plate
White Tiger Girdle
110Waist Plate
White Tiger Grasp
110Hands Plate
White Tiger Greatbelt
110Waist Plate
White Tiger Greatboots
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Greathelm
110Head Plate
White Tiger Greaves
110Legs Plate
White Tiger Handguards
110Hands Plate
White Tiger Helm
110Head Plate
White Tiger Legguards
110Legs Plate
White Tiger Legplates
110Legs Plate
White Tiger Pauldrons
110Shoulders Plate
White Tiger Sabatons
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Shoulderguards
110Shoulders Plate
White Tiger Spaulders
110Shoulders Plate
White Tiger Vambraces
110Wrists Plate
White Tiger Waistguard
110Waist Plate
White Tiger Warboots
110Feet Plate
White Tiger Warhelm
110Head Plate
Whiteknuckle Gauntlets
31Hands Whispers of the Raven God Plate
Wild Aspirant's Armplates of Cruelty
Warlords Season 2
4440WristsLooted Plate