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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Belt of the Seven Seals
3732Waist Plate
Belt of the Singing Blade
3530Waist Plate
Belt of the Titans
3530WaistCrafted Plate
Belt of the Tyrannotitan
4035Waist Oondasta Plate
Bent Gold Belt
3530WaistLooted Plate
Berserker Bracers
2925Wrists Plate
Berserker Bracers
2821Wrists Plate
Berserker Bracers
2417Wrists Plate
Binding of Dark Destinies
22660Waist Plate
Binding of Warped Desires
20060Waist Plate
Bindings of Ancient Spirits
3935WristsLooted Plate
Bindings of Ancient Spirits
Raid Finder
3935WristsLooted Plate
Bindings of Ancient Spirits
3935WristsLooted Plate
Bindings of Bleak Betrayal
3732WristsLooted Plate
Bindings of the End Times
3732WristsLooted Plate
Bindings of the Hapless Prey
3530WristsLooted Plate
Bite-Marked Wristplates
5040WristsLooted Plate
Bitter Cold Armguards
3530WristsLooted Plate
Bitter Cold Armguards
3530WristsLooted Plate
Black Blood Injectors
57180Hands Plate
Black Blood Legplates
4135LegsLooted Plate
Black Blood Legplates
Heroic Thunderforged
4135LegsLooted Plate
Black Blood Legplates
4035LegsLooted Plate
Black Blood Legplates
4035LegsLooted Plate
Black Blood Legplates
Raid Finder
3935LegsLooted Plate
Black Circlet
3732Head Plate
Black Felsteel Bracers
3127WristsCrafted Plate
Black Spire Sabatons
3530FeetLooted Plate
Black Spire Sabatons
3530FeetLooted Plate
Blackened Legplates of Feugen
3530LegsLooted Plate
Blackhand's Chestguard
4440ChestLooted Plate
Blackhand's Faceguard
4440HeadLooted Plate
Blackhand's Handguards
4440HandsLooted Plate
Blackhand's Legguards
4440LegsLooted Plate
Blackhand's Shoulderguards
4440ShouldersLooted Plate
Blackrock Iron Stranglers
4440HandsLooted Plate
Blacksteel Casque
4440HeadLooted Plate
Blacksteel Chestplate
4440ChestLooted Plate
Blacksteel Gauntlets
4440HandsLooted Plate
Blacksteel Greatboots
4440FeetLooted Plate
Blacksteel Legplates
4440LegsLooted Plate
Blacksteel Shoulderplates
4440ShouldersLooted Plate
Bladebreaker Gauntlets
3530Hands Plate
Blade-Chipped Waistguard
4440WaistLooted Plate
Bladed Steelboots
3530Feet Plate
Blade-Scored Carapace
3530ChestLooted Plate
Blade-Scored Carapace
3530ChestLooted Plate
Bladeshatter Treads
41085Feet Plate
Bladeshatter Treads
Raid Finder
3732Feet Plate
Bladeshatter Treads
3732Feet Plate
Bladespire Warbands
3227WristsLooted Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Chestguard
15560Chest The Traitor Unmasked Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Crushers
15560Hands The Last Labor Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Greathelm
15560Head Crush 'Em All Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Greaves
15560Legs Bringing It All Together Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Pauldrons
15560Shoulders Pauldrons of Imperium Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Stompers
15560Feet The Final Reagent Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Vambraces
15560Wrists Bindings of Fleshcrafting Plate
Bladesworn Harbinger's Warbelt
15560Waist See What You've Done Plate
Blastproof Legguards
4540LegsLooted Plate
Blessed Adamantite Bracers
3227WristsLooted Plate
Blessed Bracers
3127WristsCrafted Plate
Blessed Gauntlets of Undead Slaying
3227Hands Plate
Blessed Spaulders of Undead Slaying
3227Shoulders Plate
Blessed Trillium Belt
4235WaistCrafted Plate
Blessed Trillium Greaves
4235LegsCrafted Plate
Blightborne Warplate
3530ChestLooted Plate
Blightborne Warplate
3530ChestLooted Plate
Blinding Girdle of Truth
3832Waist Plate
Blinding Girdle of Truth
Raid Finder
3732Waist Plate
Blinding Girdle of Truth
3732Waist Plate
Blood Rage Bracers
4235Wrists Malkorok Plate
Blood Rage Bracers
Mythic Warforged
4235Wrists Plate
Blood Rage Bracers
Heroic Warforged
4235Wrists Plate
Blood Rage Bracers
4235Wrists Malkorok Plate
Blood Rage Bracers
4135Wrists Malkorok Plate
Blood Rage Bracers
4135WristsLooted Plate
Blood Rage Bracers
Raid Finder
4035Wrists Malkorok Plate
Bloodbath Belt
3530WaistLooted Plate
Bloodbath Belt
3530WaistLooted Plate
Bloodbath Girdle
3530WaistLooted Plate
Bloodbath Girdle
3530WaistLooted Plate
Bloodbound Horror's Legplates
57180Legs Plate
Bloodforged Warfists
3935HandsCrafted Plate
Bloodhoof Legguards
3732LegsLooted Plate
Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates
Heroic Thunderforged
4135LegsLooted Plate
Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates
4135LegsLooted Plate
Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates
4035LegsLooted Plate
Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates
4035LegsLooted Plate
Bloodlord's Bloodsoaked Legplates
Raid Finder
3935LegsLooted Plate
Bloodsoaked Heart Protector
4440ChestLooted Plate
Bloodsoaked Legplates
2925Legs Plate
Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers
3530FeetLooted Plate
Blood-Soaked Saronite Stompers
3530FeetLooted Plate
Bloodstained Elven Battlevest
3227Chest Plate
Blood-Stained Pauldrons
3227ShouldersLooted Plate
Bloodstained Skullsqueezers
4035Hands Plate
Bloodthirster's Wargreaves
3227Legs Plate
Blue's Greaves of the Righteous Guardian
3227Feet Plate
Boarding Action Vambraces
6050Wrists Plate