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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Oathsworn Ring of Stoicism
3935Finger Finger
Obsidian Band
2822FingerLooted Finger
Obsidian Combatant's Jeweled Signet
330Finger Finger
Ochre Field Signet
41570Finger Finger
Ogremind Ring
2113FingerLooted Finger
Oiler's Ring
18Finger Bombs Away: Mirkfallon Post! Finger
Olden Signet
56770Finger Finger
Onslaught Ring
2822FingerCrafted Finger
Onyx Ring
2620FingerLooted Finger
Opal Ring
2924FingerLooted Finger
Orca-Tooth Ring
20Finger Blubbergut Finger
Ornate Band
3732FingerCrafted Finger
Ornate Silver Loop
1610Finger Finger
Oshu'gun Ring
4440FingerLooted Finger
Oval Ring
3226FingerLooted Finger
Overseer's Ring
127Finger Big Crate of Salvage Finger
Pack Leader's Band
22Finger Brother Against Brother Finger
Payback Band
22Finger A Little Payback Finger
Payback Band
22Finger A Little Payback Finger
Penny's Friendship Ring
50FingerQuest Finger
Peridot Circle
2923FingerLooted Finger
Petrified Band
2417FingerLooted Finger
Petrified Ghoul Finger
33Finger Feedin' Da Goolz Finger
Pit Boss Signet
40Finger The Fall of the Warlord Finger
Pit Fighter's Seal
40Finger The Fall of the Warlord Finger
Pit Skulker's Ring
40Finger The Fall of the Warlord Finger
Plague Band
298Finger Finger
Polished Dookin Ring
44Finger No Time for Tryouts Finger
Portal Keeper's Seal
5040FingerLooted Finger
Posy Ring
3328FingerLooted Finger
Prairie Ring
1610FingerLooted Finger
Prismatic Band
2925FingerLooted Finger
Prismstone Ring
2215FingerUnobtainable, Looted Finger
Protectorate Assassin's Ring
32Finger The Horrors of Pollution Finger
Purified Tideblood Band
50FingerQuest Finger
Puzzle Ring
3530FingerLooted Finger
Pyrium Band
30080Finger Finger
Quartz Ring
127FingerLooted, Fished Finger
Quick Laestrite Band
10050FingerCrafted Finger
Quicksilver Ring
2923FingerLooted Finger
Rainbow Band
24Finger Open Their Eyes Finger
Rancid Signet
33Finger Doing Your Duty Finger
Rangari Initiate Ring
40FingerQuest Finger
Raptor Eye Ring
22Finger WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous Finger
Raptor Slayer's Band
18Finger Raptor Mastery Finger
Raven's Wood Exorciser's Band
31Finger Exorcising the Trees Finger
Recruit's Band
23Finger Crate of Battlefield Goods Finger
Recruit's Ring
23Finger Crate of Battlefield Goods Finger
Recruit's Signet
23Finger Crate of Battlefield Goods Finger
Red Ring of Destruction
2418FingerCrafted Finger
Redelev House Band
10050Finger Finger
Redfeather Band
24Finger Culling the Corrupted Finger
Redistributed Signet
36Finger Coup de Grace Finger
Redistributed Signet
36Finger Coup de Grace Finger
Reedknot Ring
21Finger Jarl Needs a Blade Finger
Rendan's Signet
25Finger They Build a Better Bullet Finger
Researcher's Ring
43Finger The Search For Research Finger
Reverberating Silver Band
8548Finger The Mnemonic Locus Finger
Rigid Tuskring
32Finger Gamel the Cruel Finger
4035Finger Finger
4035Finger Finger
4035Finger Finger
4035Finger Finger
4035Finger Finger
Ring of Aces
22Finger Ace in the Hole Finger
Ring of Akunda's Chosen
50FingerQuest Finger
Ring of Ancestral Protectors
33Finger The Leaders at Jin'Alai Finger
Ring of Bitter Shadows
2822FingerCrafted Finger
Ring of Bravery
16Finger The Crazed Dragonmaw Finger
Ring of Calm
19Finger Finger
Ring of Cooperation
16Finger The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression Finger
Ring of Courage
37Finger A Lesson in Bravery Finger
Ring of Devoted Promises
34Finger It Could Be Anywhere! Finger
Ring of Forgotten Causes
16Finger Stopping Kurzen's Legacy Finger
Ring of Glimmering Water
36FingerUnobtainable, Quest Finger
Ring of Iron Will
16Finger Finger
Ring of Living Stone
28Finger Finger
Ring of Misinterpreted Gestures
34Finger Fortunate Misunderstandings Finger
Ring of New Life
22Finger Amidst Death, Life Finger
Ring of Order
34Finger Fate of the Titans Finger
Ring of Pesticide
27Finger Spray it One More Time Finger
Ring of Pride
11Finger Finger
Ring of Pure Silver
19Finger Finger
Ring of Rebellion
36Finger Insurrection Finger
Ring of Reclaimed Honor
18Finger Warriors' Redemption Finger
Ring of Restoration
37FingerQuest Finger
Ring of Returning Memories
41570Finger Finger
Ring of Scorn
12Finger Finger
Ring of Season's Sunset
41570Finger Finger
Ring of Shallowstep Pass
38Finger The Restless Watch Finger
Ring of Silver Might
1610FingerCrafted Finger
Ring of Six Hundred Years
16Finger Headhunting Finger
Ring of Subtlety
25Finger Finger
Ring of Tears
37FingerQuest Finger
Ring of the Afterlife
33Finger End Arcanimus Finger
Ring of the Aristocrat
27Finger Finger
Ring of the Dawn
28Finger Finger
Ring of the Fallen Shadow Adept
34FingerQuest Finger
Ring of the Fool
14Finger Juice Delivery Finger
Ring of the Heavens
2822FingerLooted Finger