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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Darkmoon Deck: Symbiosis
577TrinketCreated Trinket
Darkmoon Deck: Vivacity
577TrinketCreated Trinket
Endgame Offhand
57770Off Hand Off Hand
Everforged Breastplate
57780Chest Plate
Everforged Defender
57780Off Hand Shield
Everforged Gauntlets
57780Hands Plate
Everforged Greatbelt
57780Waist Plate
Everforged Helm
57780Head Plate
Everforged Legplates
57780Legs Plate
Everforged Pauldrons
57780Shoulders Plate
Everforged Sabatons
57780Feet Plate
Everforged Vambraces
57780Wrists Plate
Fractured Gemstone Locket
577Neck Neck
Glyph-Etched Binding
57780Waist Mail
Glyph-Etched Breastplate
57780Chest Mail
Glyph-Etched Cuisses
57780Legs Mail
Glyph-Etched Epaulets
57780Shoulders Mail
Glyph-Etched Gauntlets
57780Hands Mail
Glyph-Etched Guise
57780Head Mail
Glyph-Etched Stompers
57780Feet Mail
Glyph-Etched Vambraces
57780Wrists Mail
Grips of the Woven Dawn
57780Hands Cloth
Grips of the Woven Dusk
57780Hands Cloth
Hood of the Woven Dawn
577Head Cloth
Marvelous Mood Ring
577Finger Finger
Overclocked Idea Generator
57780Head Leather
Pants of the Woven Dusk
577Legs Cloth
Reinforced Setae Flyers
57780Feet Mail
Ring of Earthen Craftsmanship
577Finger Finger
Roiling Thunderstrike Talons
57780Hands Leather
Rook Feather Wristwraps
57780Wrists Leather
Rune-Branded Armbands
57780Wrists Leather
Rune-Branded Grasps
57780Hands Leather
Rune-Branded Hood
57780Head Leather
Rune-Branded Kickers
57780Feet Leather
Rune-Branded Legwraps
57780Legs Leather
Rune-Branded Mantle
57780Shoulders Leather
Rune-Branded Tunic
57780Chest Leather
Rune-Branded Waistband
57780Waist Leather
Sanctified Steps
57780Feet Plate
Sanctified Torchbearer's Grips
57780Hands Mail
Shoulders of the Woven Dawn
577Hands Cloth
Slippers of the Woven Dawn
57780Feet Cloth
Slippers of the Woven Dusk
57780Feet Cloth
Slippers of the Woven Dusk
577Feet Cloth
Smoldering Pollen Hauberk
57780Chest Mail
Studious Brilliance Expeditor
57780Head Cloth
Supercharged Thought Enhancer
57780Head Mail
Vagabond's Torch
57780Off Hand Off Hand
Vambraces of Deepening Darkness
57780Wrists Mail
Venting Vambraces
57780Wrists Leather
Waders of the Unifying Flame
57780Feet Leather
Warm Sunrise Bracers
577Wrists Cloth
Warm Sunrise Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Weathered Stormfront Vest
57780Chest Leather
Whirring Wristwraps
57780Wrists Mail
Algari Competitor's Amulet
57780Neck Neck
Algari Competitor's Censer
57780Off Hand Off Hand
Algari Competitor's Chain Chainmail
57780Chest Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Cowl
57780Head Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Cuffs
57780Wrists Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Epaulets
57780Shoulders Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Gauntlets
57780Hands Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Girdle
57780Waist Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Leggings
57780Legs Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Treads
57780Feet Mail
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bands
57780Wrists Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Cloak
57780Back Back
Algari Competitor's Cloth Gloves
57780Hands Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Goggles
57780Head Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Hood
57780Head Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Leggings
57780Legs Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Sash
57780Waist Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Shoulderpads
57780Shoulders Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Treads
57780Feet Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Tunic
57780Chest Cloth
Algari Competitor's Emblem
57770Trinket Trinket
Algari Competitor's Insignia of Alacrity
57770Trinket Trinket
Algari Competitor's Leather Belt
57780Waist Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Boots
57780Feet Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Bracers
57780Wrists Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Chestpiece
57780Chest Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Gloves
57780Hands Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Goggles
57780Head Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Mask
57780Head Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Shoulderpads
57780Shoulders Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Trousers
57780Legs Leather
Algari Competitor's Leather Wristwraps
57780Wrists Leather
Algari Competitor's Mail Bracers
57780Wrists Mail
Algari Competitor's Mail Goggles
57780Head Mail
Algari Competitor's Medallion
57770Trinket Trinket
Algari Competitor's Plate Armguards
57780Wrists Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Bracers
57780Wrists Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Breastplate
57780Chest Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Gauntlets
57780Hands Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Goggles
57780Head Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Greaves
57780Legs Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Helm
57780Head Plate
Algari Competitor's Plate Pauldrons
57780Shoulders Plate