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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Hood of Violet Rebirth
57180Head Cloth
Hood of Violet Rebirth
57180Head Cloth
Horns of the Destroyer
57180Head Mail
Horns of the Destroyer
57180Head Mail
Husk of Swallowing Darkness
57180Off Hand Shield
Impalers of the Hypogeal Nemesis
57180Head Leather
Impalers of the Hypogeal Nemesis
57180Head Leather
Jeweled Gauntlets of Violet Rebirth
57180Hands Cloth
K'areshi Phantom's Belt
57180Waist Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Breeze
57180Back Back
K'areshi Phantom's Cuffs
57180Wrists Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Emptiness
57180Head Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Emptiness
57180Head Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Grips
57180Hands Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Leggings
57180Legs Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Netherwalkers
57180Feet Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Nexus Wraps
57180Chest Leather
K'areshi Phantom's Shoulderpads
57180Shoulders Leather
Key to the Unseeming
57180Finger Finger
Ky'veza's Covert Clasps
57180Wrists Mail
Leggings of the Greatlynx
57180Legs Leather
Legguards of the Destroyer
57180Legs Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Bonegirdle
57180Waist Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Footpads
57180Feet Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Hide
57180Back Back
Lightless Scavenger's Mitts
57180Hands Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Skull
57180Head Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Skull
57180Head Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Stalkings
57180Legs Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Taxidermy
57180Shoulders Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Tunic
57180Chest Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Wristguards
57180Wrists Mail
Lightseeker's Robes
57180Chest Cloth
Liquified Defector's Leggings
57180Legs Mail
Living Luster's Boots
57180Feet Cloth
Living Luster's Crystbands
57180Wrists Cloth
Living Luster's Dominion
57180Shoulders Cloth
Living Luster's Glow
57180Back Back
Living Luster's Lightbelt
57180Waist Cloth
Living Luster's Raiment
57180Chest Cloth
Living Luster's Semblance
57180Head Cloth
Living Luster's Semblance
57180Head Cloth
Living Luster's Touch
57180Hands Cloth
Living Luster's Trousers
57180Legs Cloth
Locket of Broken Memories
57180Neck Neck
Lost Watcher's Remains
57180Waist Mail
Mad Queen's Mandate
57180Trinket Trinket
Mask of the Greatlynx
57180Head Leather
Mask of the Greatlynx
57180Head Leather
Maw of the Greatlynx
57180Shoulders Leather
Mighty Advisor's Favor
57180Neck Neck
Mist of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Back Back
Nether Bounty's Greatbelt
57180Waist Plate
Noetic of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Head Mail
Noetic of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Head Mail
Omnivore's Venomous Camouflage
57180Chest Leather
Ovinax's Mercurial Egg
57180Trinket Trinket
Pantaloons of the Hypogeal Nemesis
57180Legs Leather
Polluted Spectre's Wraps
57180Wrists Leather
Queenguards's Carapace
57180Chest Plate
Rasha'nan's Grotesque Talons
57180Feet Mail
Ravaged Lamplighter's Manacles
57180Wrists Plate
Rebel's Drained Marrowslacks
57180Legs Leather
Rippers of the Destroyer
57180Hands Mail
Royal Emblem of Nerub-ar
57180Back Back
Runecoat of Violet Rebirth
57180Chest Cloth
Sanguine Experiment's Bandages
57180Wrists Leather
Sarong of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Legs Mail
Scales of the Destroyer
57180Chest Mail
Seal of the Abyssal Terror
57180Finger Finger
Seal of the Broken Mountain
57180Finger Finger
Seal of the Poisoned Pact
57180Finger Finger
Seal of the Silent Vigil
57180Finger Finger
Seal of the Void-Touched
57180Finger Finger
Seasoned Earthen Boulderplates
57180Shoulders Plate
Shattered Eye Cincture
57180Waist Cloth
Shattershell Greaves
57180Feet Plate
Shoes of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Feet Mail
Sigil of Violet Rebirth
57180Waist Cloth
Sikran's Endless Arsenal
57180Trinket Trinket
Silken Advisor's Favor
57180Neck Neck
Skeinspinner's Duplicitous Cuffs
57180Wrists Cloth
Skyterror's Corrosive Organ
57180Trinket Trinket
Slippers of Violet Rebirth
57180Feet Cloth
Spymaster's Web
57180Trinket Trinket
Stone Gaze Ceinture
57180Waist Cloth
Sturdy Chitinous Striders
57180Feet Mail
Sureki Zealot's Insignia
57180Neck Neck
Swarmlord's Authority
57180Trinket Trinket
Talons of the Destroyer
57180Feet Mail
Talons of the Hypogeal Nemesis
57180Feet Leather
Thousand-Scar Impalers
57180Hands Leather
Throne Defender's Bangles
57180Wrists Mail
Treacherous Transmitter
57180Trinket Trinket
Treads of the Greatlynx
57180Feet Leather
Undermoth-Lined Footpads
57180Feet Mail
Vestments of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Chest Mail
Visor of the Evolved Captain
57180Head Plate
Void Reaper's Contract
57180Trinket Trinket
Voidspoken Sarong
57180Legs Cloth