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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Girdle of the Blindwatcher
138Waist Leather
Gloomshroud Armor
138Chest Leather
Gloves of the Fang
138Hands Leather
Gloves of the Greymane Wall
138Hands Plate
Gloves of the Uplifted Cup
138Hands Leather
Glowing Lizardscale Cloak
138Back Back
Goblin Griptreads
138Feet Mail
Godfrey's Britches
13Legs Cloth
Godfrey's Britches
13Legs Cloth
Greaves of the Misguided
138Legs Plate
Guildmaster's Leggings
138Legs Mail
Hematite Tortoise Pendant
138Neck Neck
Kresh's Back
138Off Hand Shield
Lady Anacondra's Satin Cuffs
138Wrists Cloth
Leggings of the Fang
138Legs Leather
Lord Pythas' Pauldrons
138Shoulders Plate
Lumbermaster's Mantle
138Shoulders Leather
Mindthrust Bracers
138Wrists Cloth
Mutant Breastplate
138Chest Plate
Necrology Robes
138Chest Cloth
Packleader's Chain Spaulders
13Shoulders Mail
Packleader's Chain Spaulders
13Shoulders Mail
Packleader's Pauldrons
13Shoulders Plate
Phantom Armor
138Chest Plate
Pirate Captain's Girdle
138Waist Plate
Pythas' Chain Boots
13Feet Mail
Pythas' Vest
13Chest Plate
Rift Bracers
138Wrists Plate
Robe of the Moccasin
138Chest Cloth
Robes of Arugal
138Chest Cloth
Rugged Spaulders
138Shoulders Leather
RuneChain Girdle
138Waist Mail
Sandals of Sacrifice
13Feet Leather
Sandals of Sacrifice
13Feet Leather
Savage Trodders
138Feet Plate
Seedcloud Buckler
138Off Hand Shield
Serpent Gloves
138Hands Cloth
Serpentis' Gloves
13Hands Leather
Serpent's Shoulders
138Shoulders Leather
Shadowfang Pauldrons
138Shoulders Mail
Shadowfang Shoulderpads
13Shoulders Leather
Shadowfang Shoulderpads
13Shoulders Leather
Silverlaine's Family Seal
138Finger Finger
Silver-Linked Footguards
138Feet Mail
Slime-Encrusted Pads
138Shoulders Cloth
Slither-Scale Boots
138Feet Mail
Slither-Scale Britches
138Legs Mail
Slither-Scale Cord
138Waist Mail
Slither-Scale Gauntlets
138Hands Mail
Slither-Scale Hauberk
138Chest Mail
Slumbersilk Waistcord
138Waist Cloth
Snake-Charmer's Casque
138Head Plate
Sporid Cape
138Back Back
Stillwater's Cloak
13Back Back
Stillwater's Signet
13Finger Finger
Stolen Stormwind Helmet
138Head Plate
Tattered Shoulderpads
138Shoulders Cloth
Tranquillien Champion's Cloak
138Back Back
Wolfmaster Cape
138Back Back
Worgen Hunter's Helm
138Head Mail
Worn Turtle Shell Shield
138Off Hand Shield
"Jenny's" Gloves
13Hands Plate
Aberrant Vest
13Chest Leather
Amazing Chain Boots
13Feet Mail
Awakened Archivist Vestment
13Chest Cosmetic
Awakened Archivist's Cord
13Waist Cosmetic
Awakened Archivist's Cuffs
13Hands Cosmetic
Awakened Archivist's Hood
13Head Cosmetic
Awakened Archivist's Robe
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Archivist's Sandals
13Feet Cosmetic
Awakened Artisan Bracelets
13Hands Cosmetic
Awakened Artisan Collar
13Chest Cosmetic
Awakened Artisan Footwraps
13Feet Cosmetic
Awakened Artisan Kilt
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Artisan Toolbelt
13Waist Cosmetic
Awakened Artisan Waistcoat
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Explorer's Cinch
13Waist Cosmetic
Awakened Explorer's Handwraps
13Hands Cosmetic
Awakened Explorer's Kilt
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Explorer's Treads
13Feet Cosmetic
Awakened Explorer's Tunic
13Chest Cosmetic
Awakened Explorer's Visor
13Head Cosmetic
Awakened Explorer's Waistcoat
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Machinist Anklewraps
13Feet Cosmetic
Awakened Machinist Chain
13Chest Cosmetic
Awakened Machinist Cog
13Back Back
Awakened Machinist Girdle
13Waist Cosmetic
Awakened Machinist Helmet
13Head Cosmetic
Awakened Machinist Robe
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Machinist Wristchains
13Hands Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper Gauntlets
13Hands Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper Greathelm
13Head Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper Pauldrons
13Shoulders Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper Sabatons
13Feet Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper Waistcoat
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper Waistguard
13Waist Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper Warkilt
13Legs Cosmetic
Awakened Peacekeeper's Chassis
13Chest Cosmetic
Awakened Worker's Belt
13Waist Cosmetic
Awakened Worker's Boots
13Feet Cosmetic