

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Shark's Tooth of Bona Fide Fluidic Mobility
12Neck Neck
Terokkar Lilac
12Off Hand Off Hand
Worn Fishing Hat
127Head Rare Fish - Pale Ghoulfish Cosmetic
Canvas Pants
127LegsLooted Cloth
Canvas Shoulderpads
127ShouldersLooted Cloth
Laced Mail Boots
127FeetLooted Mail
Laced Mail Shoulderpads
127ShouldersLooted, Pick Pocketed Mail
Patched Leather Bracers
127WristsLooted Leather
Patched Leather Jerkin
127ChestLooted Leather
Patched Leather Shoulderpads
127ShouldersLooted Leather
Armguards of the Ancient Grove
11Wrists The Battle for Darkshore Mail
Azure Scale Hauberk
11Chest Fade to Black Mail
Belt of Boundless Fury
116WaistLooted Leather
Blue Hide Vest
11Chest Fade to Black Leather
Bonecoal Waistguard
116WaistLooted Mail
Bracers of the Ancient Grove
11Wrists The Battle for Darkshore Leather
Cavedweller Bracers
116WristsLooted Plate
Chasm Linked Pants
11Legs Taragaman the Hungerer Mail
Chitonous Bindings
116WristsLooted Mail
Chitonous Bracers
116WristsLooted Leather
Collarspike Bracers
116WristsLooted Plate
Cuffs of Black Elements
116WristsLooted Cloth
Dark Ritual Cape
116BackLooted Back
Dark Shaman's Jerkin
116ChestLooted Mail
Darkshore Warder's Shield
11Off Hand The Battle for Darkshore Shield
Fireworm Robes
116ChestLooted Cloth
Flameseared Carapace
116ChestLooted Plate
Gordoth's Crushers
116HandsLooted Mail
Gorewalker Treads
116FeetLooted Plate
Grasp of the Broken Totem
116ChestLooted Leather
Hide Vest of the Shaman
11Chest The Dark Shaman Leather
Hide Vest of the Shaman
11Chest Taragaman the Hungerer Leather
Kalecgos' Gift
11Legs Fade to Black Plate
Mantle of the Glorious Song
11Shoulders Cloth
Ragefire Leggings
11Legs Taragaman the Hungerer Leather
Ragefire Leggings
11Legs The Dark Shaman Leather
Robe of Evocation
116ChestLooted Cloth
Robes of the Doomed Ritual
11Chest Taragaman the Hungerer Cloth
Robes of the Doomed Ritual
11ChestLooted, Quest Cloth
Scale Vest of the Shaman
11Chest Taragaman the Hungerer Mail
Scaled Vest of the Shaman
11Chest The Dark Shaman Mail
Scorched Blazehound Boots
116FeetLooted Leather
Searing Belt
11Waist The Dark Shaman Plate
Searing Belt
11Waist Taragaman the Hungerer Plate
Snarlmouth Leggings
116LegsLooted Cloth
Stone Guard Greaves
11Legs The Dark Shaman Plate
Stone Guard Greaves
11Legs Taragaman the Hungerer Plate
Stone Guard Greaves
11Legs The Dark Shaman Mail
Subterranean Cape
116BackLooted Back
"Bear" Hide Boots
11Feet A Wolf in Bear's Clothing Leather
Absentminded Legguards
11Legs The Absent-Minded Prospector Mail
Acidproof Cloak
11Back Back
Ancient Armbands
11Wrists The Devourer of Darkshore Mail
Ancient Cuffs
11Wrists The Devourer of Darkshore Leather
Apothecary Gloves
11Hands Cloth
Artificer's Boots
11Feet Galaen's Fate Mail
Asylum Boots
11Feet Xylem's Asylum Mail
Asylum Shoes
11Feet Xylem's Asylum Leather
Ataeric's Gloves
11Hands Transdimensional Warfare: Chapter III Cloth
Bahrum's Bad Mood Ring
11Finger The Absent-Minded Prospector Finger
Bandit Bracers
117WristsLooted, Fished Leather
Bandit Cinch
117WaistLooted, Fished Leather
Bandit Cloak
116BackLooted, Fished Back
Barbaric Cloth Robe
116ChestLooted Cloth
Barbaric Cloth Vest
116ChestLooted Cloth
Bard's Trousers
116LegsLooted, Fished Leather
Bard's Tunic
117ChestLooted, Fished Leather
Barkeeper's Cloak
11Back Back
Better, Stronger, Faster Bracers
11Wrists From the Belly of the Beast Mail
Black Whelp Boots
11Feet Leather
Black Whelp Gloves
11Hands Leather
Blackrock Boots
117FeetLooted Mail
Blackwood Boots
11Feet The Defiler Leather
Blackwood Treads
11Feet The Defiler Mail
Bloodspattered Loincloth
116LegsLooted Mail
Bloodspattered Shield
116Off HandLooted Shield
Bracers of Alarm
11Wrists Cloth
Bracers of Angry Mutterings
11Wrists The Escape Cloth
Bracers of the Million Gold Man
11Wrists From the Belly of the Beast Leather
Brackwater Vest
116ChestLooted Mail
Breakwater Girdle
11Waist Mail
Breastplate of the Dragon Slayer
11Chest Razormaw Plate
Buccaneer's Boots
117FeetLooted, Fished Cloth
Buccaneer's Bracers
117WristsLooted, Fished Cloth
Buccaneer's Cape
117BackLooted, Fished Back
Burnished Bracers
117WristsLooted, Fished Mail
Burnished Cloak
116BackLooted Back
Capacitance Bands
11Wrists Watch Your Step Mail
Ceremonial Leather Harness
116ChestLooted Leather
Chainmail of the Dragon Slayer
11Chest Razormaw Mail
Charged Robes
11Chest Watch Your Step Cloth
Clue-Finder's Leggings
11Legs Leather
Cryo-Core Attendant's Boots
11Feet Galaen's Fate Cloth
Danforth's Breastplate
11Chest Shadowhide Extinction Plate
Deviate Scale Cloak
116BackCrafted, Looted Back
Disarming Gloves
11Hands Leather
Dredgemire Leggings
11Legs Leather
Dust Bowl
116Off HandLooted Shield
Evergreen Gloves
11Hands Cloth
Everstill Breastplate
11Chest Bravo Company Field Kit: Chloroform Plate