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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gauntlets of the Righteous
3227HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Righteous
32HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of the Vanquisher
32Hands Turning Point Plate
Gauntlets of Vindication
3227HandsLooted Plate
Gauntlets of Vindication
32HandsLooted Plate
Girdle of Gallantry
3227WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Gallantry
3227WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Many Blessings
3227WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Many Blessings
32WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Seething Rage
3227Waist Plate
Girdle of the Immovable
32WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of the Immovable
3227WaistLooted Plate
Girdle of Valorous Deeds
32WaistLooted Plate
Grand Marshal's Lamellar Chestpiece
3227Chest Plate
Grand Marshal's Lamellar Gauntlets
3227Hands Plate
Grand Marshal's Lamellar Helm
3227Head Plate
Grand Marshal's Lamellar Legguards
3227Legs Plate
Grand Marshal's Lamellar Shoulders
3227Shoulders Plate
Grand Marshal's Ornamented Chestplate
3227Chest Plate
Grand Marshal's Ornamented Gloves
3227Hands Plate
Grand Marshal's Ornamented Headguard
3227Head Plate
Grand Marshal's Ornamented Leggings
3227Legs Plate
Grand Marshal's Ornamented Spaulders
3227Shoulders Plate
Grand Marshal's Plate Chestpiece
3227Chest Plate
Grand Marshal's Plate Gauntlets
3227Hands Plate
Grand Marshal's Plate Helm
3227Head Plate
Grand Marshal's Plate Legguards
3227Legs Plate
Grand Marshal's Plate Shoulders
3227Shoulders Plate
Grand Marshal's Scaled Chestpiece
3227Chest Plate
Grand Marshal's Scaled Gauntlets
3227Hands Plate
Grand Marshal's Scaled Helm
3227Head Plate
Grand Marshal's Scaled Legguards
3227Legs Plate
Grand Marshal's Scaled Shoulders
3227Shoulders Plate
Greathelm of the Unbreakable
3227HeadLooted Plate
Greathelm of the Unbreakable
32HeadLooted Plate
Greaves of the Penitent Knight
3227FeetLooted Plate
Greaves of the Shatterer
32LegsLooted Plate
Greaves of the Shatterer
3227LegsLooted Plate
Grips of the Valiant Champion
3228HandsLooted Plate
Helm of Sanctification
3227HeadLooted Plate
Helm of Sanctification
3227HeadLooted Plate
Helm of the Righteous
3227HeadLooted Plate
Heretic's Gauntlets
3227Hands Darkscreecher Akkarai Plate
High Warlord's Lamellar Chestpiece
3227Chest Plate
High Warlord's Lamellar Gauntlets
3227Hands Plate
High Warlord's Lamellar Helm
3227Head Plate
High Warlord's Lamellar Legguards
3227Legs Plate
High Warlord's Lamellar Shoulders
3227Shoulders Plate
High Warlord's Ornamented Chestplate
3227Chest Plate
High Warlord's Ornamented Gloves
3227Hands Plate
High Warlord's Ornamented Headguard
3227Head Plate
High Warlord's Ornamented Leggings
3227Legs Plate
High Warlord's Ornamented Spaulders
3227Shoulders Plate
High Warlord's Plate Chestpiece
3227Chest Plate
High Warlord's Plate Gauntlets
3227Hands Plate
High Warlord's Plate Helm
3227Head Plate
High Warlord's Plate Legguards
3227Legs Plate
High Warlord's Plate Shoulders
3227Shoulders Plate
High Warlord's Scaled Chestpiece
3227Chest Plate
High Warlord's Scaled Gauntlets
3227Hands Plate
High Warlord's Scaled Helm
32Head Plate
High Warlord's Scaled Legguards
3227Legs Plate
High Warlord's Scaled Shoulders
3227Shoulders Plate
Irondrake Faceguard
3227HeadLooted Plate
Jade-Skull Breastplate
3227ChestLooted Plate
Justice Bearer's Pauldrons
3227ShouldersLooted Plate
Justice Bearer's Pauldrons
32ShouldersLooted Plate
Khorium Belt
3227WaistCrafted Plate
Khorium Boots
3227FeetCrafted Plate
Khorium Pants
3227LegsCrafted Plate
Legguards of Brutalization
3227LegsLooted Plate
Legguards of the Shattered Hand
3227LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of the Bold
3227LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of the Bold
32LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of the Righteous
32LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of the Righteous
3227LegsLooted Plate
Legplates of Unending Fury
3227Legs Plate
Leonine Breastplate
32ChestQuest Plate
Life Bearer's Gauntlets
3227HandsLooted Plate
Lightwarden's Girdle
32Waist Deathblow to the Legion Plate
Mask of Penance
3227HeadLooted Plate
Myrmidon's Headdress
32HeadUnobtainable Plate
Netherforce Chestplate
3227ChestLooted Plate
Obsidian Clodstompers
3227FeetLooted Plate
Obsidian Clodstompers
3227FeetLooted Plate
Ornate Boots of the Sanctified
3227FeetLooted Plate
Ornate Leggings of the Venerated
3227LegsLooted Plate
Overlord's Helmet of Second Sight
32HeadQuest Plate
Pauldrons of Swift Retribution
3227ShouldersLooted Plate
Pauldrons of Swift Retribution
32ShouldersLooted Plate
Pauldrons of the Crimson Flight
32ShouldersLooted Plate
Pauldrons of the Crimson Flight
3227ShouldersLooted Plate
Ragesteel Breastplate
3227ChestCrafted Plate
Ragesteel Gloves
3227HandsCrafted Plate
Ragesteel Helm
3227HeadCrafted Plate
Ragesteel Shoulders
3227ShouldersCrafted Plate
Rubium War-Girdle
3227WaistLooted Plate
Rubium War-Girdle
32WaistLooted Plate
Ruby Helm of the Just
3227HeadLooted Plate
Ruby Helm of the Just
3227HeadLooted Plate