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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Steelscale Cloak
10050Back Back
Steelscale Gloves
10050Hands Mail
Steelscale Helm
10050Head Mail
Steelscale Leggings
10050Legs Mail
Steelscale Shoulderguards
10050Shoulders Mail
Steelscale Striders
10050Feet Mail
Steelskin, Qiang's Bulwark
1310Off Hand Shield
Steelskin, Qiang's Bulwark
1310Off Hand Shield
Steelskin, Qiang's Bulwark
1310Off Hand Shield
Steelskin, Qiang's Bulwark
1310Off Hand Shield
Steelsmith Greaves
27Feet Plate
Steel-Tipped Snowboots
34Feet Valkyrion Must Burn Plate
Steelwing Pendant
19Neck It's Ours Now Neck
Stellagosa's Breath
44Trinket Saving Stellagosa Trinket
Stem-Laced Boots
22Feet Greasing the Wheel Mail
Steppe Belt
3732WaistLooted Mail
Steppe Bracers
3732WristsLooted Mail
Steppe Gauntlets
3732HandsLooted Mail
Steppe Greaves
3732FeetLooted Mail
Steppe Helm
3732HeadLooted Mail
Steppe Legguards
3732LegsLooted Mail
Steppe Spaulders
3732ShouldersLooted Mail
Steppe Vest
3732ChestLooted Mail
Steppebeast Armwraps
38Wrists The Motives of the Mantid Leather
Steppebeast Belt
38Waist Jung Duk Leather
Steppebeast Boots
38Feet The Field Armorer Leather
Steppebeast Gloves
38Hands The Endless Swarm Leather
Steppebeast Legguards
38Legs Seeing Red Leather
Steppebeast Pantaloons
38Legs Improvised Ammunition Leather
Steppebeast Pauldrons
38Shoulders First Assault Leather
Steppebeast Spaulders
38Shoulders Mists' Opportunity Leather
Steppebeast Waistband
38Waist Up In Flames Leather
Sternhorn's Shield
19Off Hand A Line in the Dirt Shield
Stew-Stained Cape
40070Back Back
Sticky Bracers
27Wrists Gormashh the Glutinous Plate
Stickyfoot Sandals
35Feet The Bears Up There Cloth
Stillfire Leggings
31Legs Skywing Mail
Stillpine Defender
6Off Hand The Prophecy of Akida Shield
Stinger-Proof Chestguard
34Chest The Sapphire Queen Leather
Stingerproof Helmet
20058Head Leather
Stirring Twilight Ember
35070Trinket Trinket
Stirrup Ring
3429FingerLooted Finger
Stitched Cord
3731WaistLooted Cloth
Stitched Cowl
3731HeadLooted Cloth
Stitched Handwraps
3731HandsLooted Cloth
Stitched Leggings
3731LegsLooted Cloth
Stitched Robe
3731ChestLooted Cloth
Stitched Sandals
3731FeetLooted Cloth
Stitched Shoulderpads
3731ShouldersLooted Cloth
Stitched Wristwraps
3731WristsLooted Cloth
Stolen Idra'kess Drape
35Back Stick it to Them Back
Stolen Mana Crystal
5040TrinketLooted Trinket
Stolen Maw Badge
8548Trinket Torghast, Tower of the Damned Trinket
Stolen Neferset Waistguard
36Waist Ancient Weapons Cloth
Stolen Talrendis Boots
5Feet The Eyes of Ashenvale Leather
Stomachache Belt
19Waist Gammerita, Mon! Leather
Stomachache Cinch
19Waist Gammerita, Mon! Mail
Stomping Boots
15Feet Leather
Stone Cairne Boots
5Feet Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty Plate
Stone Guard's Herald
22Tabard Tabard
Stone Stompers
6Feet In Defense of the King's Lands Plate
Stoneborn Shield
10050Off Hand Shield
Stonebound Chestguard
34Chest A Timeworn Coffer Plate
Stonebound Legplates
36Legs Hatred Runs Deep Plate
Stonebreaker Breastplate
4137ChestLooted Plate
Stonebreaker Gauntlets
4137HandsLooted Plate
Stonebreaker Girdle
4137WaistLooted Plate
Stonebreaker Helm
4137HeadLooted Plate
Stonebreaker Legplates
4137LegsLooted Plate
Stonebreaker Pauldrons
4137ShouldersLooted Plate
Stonebreaker Sabatons
4137FeetLooted Plate
Stonebreaker Shield
4137Off HandLooted Shield
Stonebreaker Vambraces
4137WristsLooted Plate
Stonebreaker's Gauntlets
5Hands Grimaxe's Demise Plate
Stonecloth Belt
2013WaistLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Bindings
2013WristsLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Boots
2013FeetLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Branch
2214Off HandLooted Off Hand
Stonecloth Britches
2114LegsLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Cape
1912BackLooted Back
Stonecloth Circlet
2114HeadLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Epaulets
2113ShouldersLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Gloves
2013HandsLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Robe
2214ChestLooted Cloth
Stonecloth Vest
2214ChestLooted Cloth
Stonecrag Breastplate
4440ChestLooted Plate
Stonecrag Gauntlets
4440HandsLooted Plate
Stonecrag Girdle
4440WaistLooted Plate
Stonecrag Helm
4440HeadLooted Plate
Stonecrag Legplates
4440LegsLooted Plate
Stonecrag Pauldrons
4440ShouldersLooted, Skinned Plate
Stonecrag Sabatons
4440FeetLooted Plate
Stonecrag Shield
4440Off HandLooted Shield
Stonecrag Vambraces
4440WristsLooted, Mined Plate
Stonedark Insignia
44Trinket Rite of Blood Trinket
Stonefang Breastplate
1Chest Mail
Stonefang Footguards
110Feet Mail
Stonefang Girdle
110Waist Mail
Stonefang Grips
110Hands Mail
Stonefang Helmet
110Head Mail