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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Za'brox's Lucky Tooth
36TrinketQuest Trinket
Chain of the Ancient Wyrm
35Neck Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Deputy Pa'trolla Badge
35Trinket Trinket
Drakescale Collar
35Neck Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Favor of the Dragon Queen
35Neck Heroic Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Life-Binder's Locket
35Neck Heroic Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Nexus War Champion Beads
35Neck Heroic Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Pendant of the Dragonsworn
35Neck Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Polished Dragonslayer's Signet
35Finger Finger
Polished Dragonslayer's Signet
35FingerQuest Finger
Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman
35TrinketQuest Trinket
Purified Onyxia Blood Talisman
35Trinket Trinket
Sparkling Onyxia Tooth Pendant
35Neck Neck
Sparkling Onyxia Tooth Pendant
35NeckQuest Neck
Torque of the Red Dragonflight
35Neck Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Wyrmrest Necklace of Power
35Neck Heroic Judgment at the Eye of Eternity Neck
Advanced Tooled-Leather Bands
35WristsLooted Leather
Amulet of Dazzling Light
35NeckLooted Neck
Amulet of Deflected Blows
35NeckLooted Neck
Amulet of the Spell Flinger
35NeckLooted Neck
Amulet of the Stampede
35NeckLooted Neck
Ancient Beth'moran Cloak
35Back Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Back
Ancient Beth'moran Cloak
35Back Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Back
Ancient Royal Legguards
35LegsLooted Plate
Arcane Flame Altar-Garb
35ChestLooted Cloth
Arcane Focal Signet
35FingerLooted Finger
Arcane-Shielded Helm
35HeadLooted Plate
Awakened Handguards
35HandsLooted Leather
Band of Frosted Thorns
35FingerLooted Finger
Band of Motivation
35Finger The Struggle Persists Finger
Bands of Channeled Energy
35WristsLooted Mail
Bands of Fading Light
35WristsLooted Plate
Battlemaiden's Vision
35Head Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Leather
Battlemaiden's Vision
35Head Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Leather
Battleplate of Unheard Ovation
35Chest Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge Plate
Bauble-Woven Gown
35Chest Junk in My Trunk Cloth
Belt of Tasseled Lanterns
35WaistLooted Mail
Belt of Vivacity
35WaistLooted Leather
Berserker's Sabatons
35FeetLooted Plate
Bindings of Raelorasz
35Wrists A Wing and a Prayer Mail
Blinkered Hood
35Head Return to Aviana Cloth
Bonegrinder Breastplate
35ChestLooted Plate
Boots of Infinite Possibility
35Feet Children of Tortolla Leather
Boots of Transformation
35FeetLooted Leather
Bottled Neurons
35Off Hand All that Rises Off Hand
Bracers of Reverence
35Wrists A Wing and a Prayer Plate
Bracers of the Divine Elemental
35WristsLooted Leather
Bracers of the Herald
35WristsLooted Plate
Bracers of the Vanquished God
35Wrists All that Rises Leather
Breastplate of Jagged Stone
35Chest Whatever it Takes! Plate
Brood Plague Helmet
35HeadLooted Mail
Bulwark of the Noble Protector
35Off HandLooted Shield
Burning Skull Pendant
35NeckLooted Neck
Cannibal's Legguards
35LegsLooted Mail
Cavern Leather Treads
35FeetLooted Leather
Ceremonial Pyre Mantle
35ShouldersLooted Leather
Charged-Bolt Grips
35HandsLooted Leather
Chestguard of the Expired Deity
35Chest All that Rises Mail
Chestguard of Unwanted Success
35Chest Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge Mail
Chestplate of Viridian Renewal
35Chest Aessina's Miracle Plate
Clasp of the Fallen Demi-God
35WaistQuest Plate
Cleric's Linen Shoes
35FeetLooted Cloth
Cloak of Bloodied Waters
35BackLooted Back
Cloak of the Enemy
35BackLooted Back
Cord of Swirling Winds
35WaistLooted Mail
Cowl of the Vindictive Captain
35Head Vengeance Be Mine! Cloth
Crenelation Leggings
35LegsLooted Leather
Crown of Chelonian Freedom
35Head Children of Tortolla Plate
Crown of Forgotten Kings
35HeadLooted Plate
Crystal-Infused Tunic
35ChestLooted Leather
Cuffs of Gratitude
35Wrists A Wing and a Prayer Cloth
Cuffs of the Trussed Hall
35WristsLooted Cloth
Damselfish Shoulderguards
35Shoulders Lady La-La's Medallion Mail
Dragon Slayer's Sabatons
35FeetLooted Mail
Dragonflayer Seer's Bindings
35WristsLooted Mail
Drake Rider's Tunic
35ChestLooted Leather
Drape of the Helmsman
35Back Defending the Rift Back
Drape of the Helmsman
35Back Defending the Rift Back
Dreamfrond Skirt
35Legs Lady La-La's Medallion Cloth
Echoing Stompers
35FeetLooted Plate
Elder Headpiece
35HeadLooted Cloth
Embroidered Gown of Zul'Drak
35ChestLooted Cloth
Emerald Dragonet Choker
35Neck Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Neck
Engraved Chestplate of Eck
35ChestLooted Plate
Exotic Leather Tunic
35Chest Junk in My Trunk Leather
Faceguard of Punishment
35Head Vengeance Be Mine! Plate
Faceguard of the Hammer Clan
35HeadLooted Plate
Ferocious Pauldrons of the Rhino
35ShouldersLooted Plate
Fiery Obelisk Handguards
35HandsLooted Mail
Flame Sphere Bindings
35WristsLooted Cloth
Flame-Bathed Steel Girdle
35WaistLooted Plate
Flourishing Band
35Finger The Struggle Persists Finger
Flowing Sash of Order
35WaistLooted Cloth
Forgemaster's Shattered Shackle
35Waist Forgemaster Pyrendius Plate
Forlorn Breastplate of War
35ChestLooted Plate
Frozen Forest Kilt
35LegsLooted Mail
Fur-Lined Moccasins
35FeetQuest Cloth
Gal'darah's Signet
35FingerLooted Finger
Gauntlets of The Culling
35Hands A Royal Escort Plate
Gauntlets of the Plundering Geist
35HandsLooted Mail