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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Shroud of Reverberation
35BackLooted Back
Signet of Ranulf
35FingerLooted Finger
Signet of the Lookout
35Finger Defending the Rift Finger
Signet of the Lookout
35Finger Defending the Rift Finger
Silent Spectator Shoulderpads
35ShouldersLooted Leather
Silken Amice of the Ymirjar
35ShouldersLooted Cloth
Silken Bridge Handwraps
35HandsLooted Cloth
Silver Spur Boots
35Feet Return to Aviana Plate
Silver-Plated Battlechest
35Chest Junk in My Trunk Plate
Skadi's Iron Belt
35WaistLooted Plate
Skirt of the Old Kingdom
35LegsLooted Cloth
Sky-Knight Handguards
35Hands Return to Aviana Mail
Skywall Striders
35FeetLooted Plate
Slad'ran's Coiled Cord
35WaistLooted Mail
Slag Footguards
35FeetLooted Leather
Slippers of the Mojo Dojo
35FeetQuest Plate
Slithering Slippers
35FeetLooted Cloth
Sly Mojo Sash
35WaistQuest Cloth
Snake Den Spaulders
35ShouldersLooted Plate
Snowmelt Silken Cinch
35WaistLooted Cloth
Soaring Wristwraps
35Wrists A Wing and a Prayer Leather
Solid Platinum Band
35FingerQuest Finger
Sorrowgrave's Breeches
35LegsLooted Cloth
Sovereign's Belt
35WaistLooted Mail
Spaulders of Lost Secrets
35Shoulders Halls of Stone Mail
Spaulders of the Careless Thief
35ShouldersLooted Leather
Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood
35TrinketLooted Trinket
Sprinting Shoulderpads
35ShouldersLooted Leather
Stained-Glass Shard Ring
35FingerLooted Finger
Staunch Signet
35Finger The Struggle Persists Finger
Steel Bear Trap Bracers
35WristsLooted Plate
Strange Voodoo Belt
35WaistQuest Leather
Submariner's Weighted Treads
35Feet Defending the Rift Plate
Submariner's Weighted Treads
35Feet Defending the Rift Plate
Subterranean Waterfall Shroud
35BackLooted Back
Svala's Bloodied Shackles
35WristsLooted Plate
Tear-Linked Gauntlets
35HandsLooted Mail
Telestra's Journal
35Off HandLooted Off Hand
The General's Steel Girdle
35WaistLooted Plate
Tor's Crest
35Off HandLooted Shield
Tortolla's Discarded Scales
35Hands Finish Nemesis Mail
Traditionally Dyed Handguards
35HandsLooted Cloth
Treads of Restoration
35Feet Aessina's Miracle Mail
35FeetQuest Plate
Tundra Wolf Boots
35FeetLooted Leather
Tunic of the Unduly Victorious
35Chest Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge Leather
Vestige of Haldor
35TrinketLooted Trinket
Volaren's Handguards
35Hands Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Mail
Volaren's Handguards
35Hands Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Mail
Voodoo Signet
35FingerQuest Finger
Web Winder Gloves
35HandsLooted Plate
Winged Talisman
35TrinketLooted Trinket
Wolfking Spaulders
35Shoulders Forgemaster Pyrendius Leather
Woven Bracae Leggings
35LegsLooted Cloth
Wristguards of Prophetic Perishing
35Wrists Decisions, Decisions Leather
Ymirjar Physician's Robe
35ChestLooted Leather
Abalone-Linked Robes
35Chest Raw Materials Cloth
Anomuran Footpads
35Feet Come Prepared Leather
Anomuran Footpads
35Feet Come Prepared Leather
Anvilcrush Bracers
35Wrists Crushing the Cores Plate
Apocryhphic Bindings
35Wrists Elementary! Leather
Aquasear Waistguard
35Waist A Distracting Scent Mail
Atoll Treaders
35Feet Swift Action Mail
Atoll Treaders
35Feet Swift Action Mail
Bait-Stained Drape
35Back Testing the Trap Back
Ballast-Laden Footpads
35Feet Quicksilver Submersion Leather
Bell-Ringer's Skullcap
35Head Take Him to the Earthcaller Plate
Belt of Binding Purification
35Waist Sweeping the Shelf Plate
Belt of Swift Failure
35Waist Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak Leather
Bileberry Smelling Salts
35Trinket Seeds of Their Demise Trinket
Bioluminescent Buckler
35Off Hand The Horde's Hoard Shield
Bladerip Girdle
35Waist Disassembly Mail
Blood-Collector Helm
35Head Blood of the Earthwarder Cloth
Bondbreaker Gauntlets
35Hands Question the Slaves Mail
Box-Frame Spaulders
35Shoulders Quicksilver Submersion Mail
Bracers of Breached Integrity
35Wrists Blood and Thunder! Mail
Bracers of the Forlorn Wolf
35Wrists Sweeping the Shelf Leather
Bracers of the Sunken Dream
35Wrists All or Nothing Mail
Brain-Connector Chain
35Neck ... It Will Come Neck
Burning Bind Bracers
35Wrists Apply and Flash Dry Leather
Calanoid Shoulders
35Shoulders Blackfin's Booty Cloth
Calcified Gizzard
35Neck Fresh Bait Neck
Catapult Loading Scoop
35Off Hand Fixer Upper Shield
Charbite Hood
35Head Black Heart of Flame Leather
Chemical-Stained Shoulderplates
35Shoulders The Perfect Fuel Plate
Chemical-Stained Shoulderplates
35Shoulders Fuel-ology 101 Plate
Chestguard of Alarming Dreams
35Chest Swift Approach Plate
Chestguard of Alarming Dreams
35Chest Swift Approach Plate
Chestguard of Cognitive Dissonance
35Chest ... It Will Come Plate
Chestguard of Inscrutability
35Chest Elementary! Mail
Chestguard of Rapid Promotion
35Chest Spiritual Training: Mercy is for the Weak Mail
Chestguard of the Naz'jar
35Chest Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Mail
Chestguard of the Naz'jar
35Chest Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Mail
Chestplate of Exceptional Expectations
35Chest Trial By Fire Plate
Chestplate of Fragrant Desire
35Chest Odor Coater Plate
Chillplate Chestpiece
35Chest Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Chillplate Gauntlets
35HandsLooted Plate
Chillplate Shoulders
35Shoulders Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Plate
Choker of Lo'Gosh
35Neck Lycanthoth the Corruptor Neck
Chum-Coated Robes
35Chest Orako's Report Cloth