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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Claw of Corroded Hope
35Off Hand Disassembly Off Hand
Cloak of Cheerful Flowers
35Back Oh, Deer! Back
Cloakbreaker Helm
35Head Egg Hunt Mail
Clutches of the Worgen Spirit
35Hands Lycanthoth the Corruptor Cloth
Cold-Touched Accolade
35Trinket Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Trinket
Cold-Touched Badge
35Trinket Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Trinket
Cold-Touched Band
35Finger Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Finger
Cold-Touched Barrier
35Off Hand Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Shield
Cold-Touched Distinction
35Trinket Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Trinket
Cold-Touched Endgame
35Off Hand Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Off Hand
Cold-Touched Ring
35Finger Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Finger
Cold-Touched Signet
35Finger Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Finger
Conch-Inlaid Gauntlets
35Hands Come Hell or High Water Leather
Cone-Snail Cinch
35Waist Decompression Cloth
Cone-Snail Cinch
35Waist Decompression Cloth
Corecrusher Gloves
35Hands The Earth Rises Leather
Coreforged Girdle
35Waist Crushing the Cores Mail
Cowl of the Leptochelae
35Head A Distracting Scent Leather
Cowl of the Lost Cutter
35Head All or Nothing Cloth
Cowry-Shell Pendant
35Neck Swift Approach Neck
Cowry-Shell Pendant
35Neck Swift Approach Neck
Crabcracker Chestguard
35Chest Crabby Patrons Mail
Damplight Chestplate
35Chest Backed Into a Corner Plate
Deathseed Crushers
35Feet Seeds of Their Demise Plate
Deepstone Treads
35Feet The Earth Claims All Plate
Deer-Savior Leggings
35Legs Oh, Deer! Leather
Discarded Juggernaut Plating
35Legs Disassembly Plate
Displaced Crown of Azrakir
35Head Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar Mail
Drag-Resistant Robes
35Chest One Last Favor Cloth
Drape of Smoldering Dreams
35Back Crushing the Cores Back
Drill-Guide Belt
35Waist Totem Modification Plate
Druidic Guardian Plate
35Chest War on the Twilight's Hammer Plate
Dusky Pearl Ring
35Finger Hopelessly Gearless Finger
Dusky Pearl Ring
35Finger Hopelessly Gearless Finger
Earthmender's Sawfish Girdle
35Waist Overseer Idra'kess Leather
Earthmender's Sawfish Girdle
35Waist Overseer Idra'kess Leather
Earthswell Belt
35Waist Sealing the Way Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Clearing the Defiled Plate
Eel-Slayer Legguards
35Legs Clearing the Defiled Plate
Egg-Lift Talisman
35Trinket Egg Hunt Trinket
Embercrusher Grips
35Hands Black Heart of Flame Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet Here Fishie Fishie 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Explosively Decompressed Stompers
35Feet The Brothers Digsong 2: Eel-Egg-Trick Boogaloo Plate
Flamesear Leggings
35Legs Might of the Firelord Cloth
Flameward Cloak
35Back Prepping the Soil Back
Flashburn Girdle
35Waist Apply and Flash Dry Mail
Flayer-Crush Boots
35Feet Take Him to the Earthcaller Mail
Frigidlink Armor
35Chest Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Frigidlink Gauntlets
35Hands Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Frigidlink Spaulders
35Shoulders Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Mail
Frosthide Gloves
35Hands Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Leather
Frosthide Shoulderpads
35Shoulders Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Leather
Frosthide Tunic
35Chest Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Leather
Furyquench Bracers
35Wrists The Earth Claims All Cloth
Gatekeeper Treads
35Feet The Gatekeeper Leather
Gauntlets of Guerilla Fury
35Hands Might of the Firelord Plate
Gear Detector
35Trinket Fixer Upper Trinket
Girdle of Calcified Blackfin
35Waist Blackfin's Booty Plate
Girdle of Gar'gol
35Waist Elementary! Plate
Girdle of Nullified Infiltration
35Waist Flames from Above Cloth
Girdle of the Ancient Wolf
35Waist Sweeping the Shelf Plate
Gloves of Delicate Mixture
35Hands The Perfect Fuel Leather
Gloves of Delicate Mixture
35Hands Fuel-ology 101 Leather
Gloves of Idle Hands
35Hands Without a Captain or Crew Cloth
Gloves of Piscine Attraction
35Hands Odor Coater Cloth
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Piece of the Past Plate
Gloves of Transcription
35Hands Piece of the Past Plate
Goldrinn's Locket
35Neck Lycanthoth the Corruptor Neck
Gore-Stained Shoulderpads
35Shoulders Fresh Bait Leather
Gorgonian Belt
35Waist Overseer Idra'kess Mail
Gorgonian Belt
35Waist Overseer Idra'kess Mail
Greaves of Violent Revenge
35Legs Death to the Broodmother Plate
Griefsoul Wristguards
35Wrists A Prayer and a Wing Mail
Grips of Arcane Imprisonment
35Hands Through the Dream Plate
Grips of the Severed Starfish
35Hands One Last Favor Plate
Groundshort Leggings
35Legs Elemental Energy Mail
Grouper-Skin Chestwrap
35Chest Something Edible Leather
Gulper Eel Sandals
35Feet Swift Approach Leather
Gulper Eel Sandals
35Feet Swift Approach Leather
Gutrip Gauntlets
35Hands Fresh Bait Mail
Handguards of Restrained Brutality
35Hands Lycanthoth the Corruptor Cloth
Handguards of the Severed Starfish
35Hands Orako's Report Plate
Harp Shell Shoulderplates
35Shoulders Raw Materials Plate
Harp Shell Wristguards
35Wrists Welcome News Leather
Harp Shell Wristguards
35Wrists Welcome News Leather
Heatbinder Wristplates
35Wrists The Return of Baron Geddon Plate
Helm of the Crushed Overseer
35Head Overseer Idra'kess Plate
Helm of the Crushed Overseer
35Head Overseer Idra'kess Plate
Helm of the Mendicant
35Head Prepping the Soil Plate
Hippolyte's Glittering Necklace
35Neck A Girl's Best Friend Neck
Hood of Misplaced Dreams
35Head Get Me Outta Here! Cloth
Hood of Teeming Horror
35Head Free Wil'hai Cloth
Hood of the Shuffled Coil
35Head Blood and Thunder! Cloth
Hornblower's Legguards
35Legs Flames from Above Mail
Icyweave Amice
35Shoulders Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Icyweave Gloves
35Hands Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Icyweave Robes
35Chest Icy Crate of Battlefield Goods Cloth
Impressive Greaves
35Feet Trial By Fire Mail
Improvisational Historian's Cloak
35Back An Occupation of Time Back
Improvisational Historian's Cloak
35Back An Occupation of Time Back