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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Rhinestone Sunglasses
1Head Cosmetic
Rhinestone Sunglasses
1Head Cosmetic
Riptide Bulwark
1Off Hand Shield
Robe of Discipline
1Chest Mail
Rolling Pin
1Off Hand Off Hand
Royal Blue Cloak
1Back Back
Royal Patron's Blazer
1Chest Cosmetic
Royal Patron's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Royal Patron's Emblem
1Waist Cosmetic
Royal Patron's Epaulettes
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Royal Patron's Tights
1Legs Cosmetic
Royal Patron's Top Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Royal Witch Doctor's Guard
1Off Hand Shield
Royal Witch Doctor's Trophies
1Back Back
Ruby Faced Mobile Timepiece
1Wrists Cosmetic
Ruby Felfire Bulwark
1Off Hand Shield
Ruby Jeweled Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Rugged Seaspawn Spaulders
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Runic Symbols and their Meaning
1Off Hand Off Hand
Rustic Fisherman's Pack
1Back Back
Rustic Tuskarr Backpack
1Back Back
Rustic Tuskarr Trader's Pack
1Back Back
Sabellian's Robes
158Chest Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Bracers
1Wrists Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Cap
1Head Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Compass
1Waist Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Doublet
1Chest Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Handguards
1Hands Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Pantaloons
1Legs Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Shoulderguards
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Saffron Cartographer's Trailblazers
1Feet Cosmetic
Sandy Quotidian Handcovers
1Hands Cosmetic
Sandy Quotidian Hood
1Head Cosmetic
Sandy Quotidian Sash
1Waist Cosmetic
Sandy Quotidian Shirt
1Chest Cosmetic
Sandy Quotidian Trousers
1Legs Cosmetic
Sandy Quotidian Waders
1Feet Cosmetic
Sandy Quotidian Wristguards
1Wrists Cosmetic
Sapphire Faced Mobile Timepiece
1Wrists Cosmetic
Savage Mask of the Lynx Lord
1Head Leather
Selis' Silk Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Selis' Silk Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Shadowmoon Bracers
135Wrists Cloth
Shadowmoon Cowl
135Head Cloth
Shadowmoon Grips
135Hands Cloth
Shadowmoon Leggings
135Legs Cloth
Shadowmoon Robes
135Chest Cloth
Shadowmoon Sash
135Waist Cloth
Shadowmoon Shoulderguards
135Shoulders Cloth
Shadowmoon Treads
135Feet Cloth
Shadow-Stitched Stalkers
1Feet Cosmetic
Shal'dorei Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Sharkskin Tunic
1Shirt Shirt
Shawl of the Assembly
1Back Back
Shikaar Harrier's Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shikaar Harrier's Visor
1Head Cosmetic
Shikaar Hunter's Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shikaar Hunter's Visor
1Head Cosmetic
Shikaar Huntmaster's Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shikaar Huntmaster's Visor
1Head Cosmetic
Shikaar Scout's Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shikaar Scout's Visor
1Head Cosmetic
Shirtsi's Cloth Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Shirtsi's Cloth Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Shoulderguards of Discipline
1Shoulders Mail
Shoulderguards of the Assembly
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shoulderguards of the Sha'tari Defense
140Shoulders Plate
Shoulders of Chosen Renewal
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Shuurt's Precious
1Shirt Shirt
Shuurt's Precious
1Shirt Shirt
Sightless Mantle
1Shirt Shirt
Sigil-Laced Boots
1Feet Cloth
Silent Leathers
1Feet Cosmetic
Silent-Strider Kneeboots
1Feet Leather
Skovald's Resolve
110Off Hand Shield
Slayer's Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Slightly Singed Arathi Tabard
170Tabard Tabard
Sooty Artisan's Apron
1Chest Cosmetic
Sooty Artisan's Bindings
1Wrists Cosmetic
Sooty Artisan's Goggles
1Head Cosmetic
Sooty Artisan's Leggings
1Legs Cosmetic
Sooty Artisan's Mitts
1Hands Cosmetic
Sooty Artisan's Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Sooty Artisan's Steel-Toes
1Feet Cosmetic
Sooty Artisan's Tools
1Waist Cosmetic
Spaulders of the Righteous
1Shoulders Plate
Spine-Reinforced Spaulders
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Spirit Tender's Bulb
160Back Back
Split-Lens Specs
1Head Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Apron
1Chest Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Bindings
1Wrists Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Goggles
1Head Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Leggings
1Legs Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Mitts
1Hands Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Steel-Toes
1Feet Cosmetic
Stained Artisan's Tools
1Waist Cosmetic
Steadfast Cobalt Bulwark
160Off Hand Shield
Steamwheedle Artifact Extractor
1Off Hand Off Hand
Steel-Lined Locking System
1Off Hand Shield