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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Toiler's Ochre Headband
1Head Cosmetic
Toiler's Ochre Jerkin
1Chest Cosmetic
Toiler's Ochre Wraps
1Hands Cosmetic
Toiler's Ochre Wristbands
1Wrists Cosmetic
Trader's Bicorne
1Head Cosmetic
Trader's Sepia Sarong
1Legs Cosmetic
Tranquil Spiritbind Bracers
1Wrists Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Cowl
1Head Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Handwraps
1Hands Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Robes
1Chest Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Sash
1Waist Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cloth
Tranquil Spiritbind Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Tranquil's Censer
160Off Hand Off Hand
Trapper's Fur-Lined Quiver
1Back Back
Trapper's Shot Pouch
1Back Back
True Iron Belt of Lost Embaari
1Waist Cosmetic
True Iron Casque of Lost Embaari
1Head Cosmetic
True Iron Cleats of Lost Embaari
1Feet Cosmetic
True Iron Helm of Lost Embaari
1Head Cosmetic
Tundraspite Boots
1Feet Leather
Tundraspite Girdle
1Waist Leather
Tundraspite Handguards
1Hands Leather
Tundraspite Helm
1Head Leather
Tundraspite Legguards
1Legs Leather
Tundraspite Mantle
1Shoulders Leather
Tundraspite Tunic
1Chest Leather
Tundraspite Wristwraps
1Wrists Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Belt
110Waist Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Cloak
110Back Back
Tuskarr Trader's Gloves
110Hands Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Headgear
110Head Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Leggings
110Legs Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Shoulderpads
110Shoulders Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Vest
110Chest Leather
Tuskarr Trader's Waders
110Feet Leather
Tuxedo-Like Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Twisted Guardian's Profane Barrier
1Off Hand Shield
Tyrhold Bindings
1Wrists Cloth
Tyrhold Drape
1Back Back
Tyrhold Epaulets
1Shoulders Cloth
Tyrhold Gloves
1Hands Cloth
Tyrhold Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Tyrhold Relic
160Off Hand Off Hand
Tyrhold Robe
1Chest Cloth
Tyrhold Sash
1Waist Cloth
Tyrhold Slippers
1Feet Cloth
Tyrhold Visage
1Head Cloth
Tyr's Guard Bulwark
1Off Hand Shield
Umber Quotidian Handcovers
1Hands Cosmetic
Umber Quotidian Hood
1Head Cosmetic
Umber Quotidian Sash
1Waist Cosmetic
Umber Quotidian Shirt
1Chest Cosmetic
Umber Quotidian Trousers
1Legs Cosmetic
Umber Quotidian Waders
1Feet Cosmetic
Umber Quotidian Wristguards
1Wrists Cosmetic
Uncrowned Shadowcraft Cap
1Head Leather
Undisputed Champion's Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Valdrakken Drakeclaw Barrier
1Off Hand Shield
Valdrakken Guard's Barrier
1Off Hand Shield
Valdrakken Spellweaver's Scepter
1Off Hand Off Hand
Valhalas Bracelets
1Wrists Plate
Valhalas Cape
1Back Back
Valhalas Chestguard
1Chest Plate
Valhalas Greaves
1Legs Plate
Valhalas Handguards
1Hands Plate
Valhalas Helm
1Head Plate
Valhalas Pauldrons
1Shoulders Plate
Valhalas Sabatons
1Feet Plate
Valhalas Waistguard
1Waist Plate
Vengeful Crusader's Helm
1Head Plate
Verdant Drakonid Helmet
1Head Cosmetic
Verdant Drakonid Shoulderplates
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Verdant Patron's Blazer
1Chest Cosmetic
Verdant Patron's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Verdant Patron's Emblem
1Waist Cosmetic
Verdant Patron's Epaulettes
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Verdant Patron's Tights
1Legs Cosmetic
Verdant Patron's Top Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Vermillion Patron's Blazer
1Chest Cosmetic
Vermillion Patron's Boots
1Feet Cosmetic
Vermillion Patron's Emblem
1Waist Cosmetic
Vermillion Patron's Epaulettes
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Vermillion Patron's Tights
1Legs Cosmetic
Vermillion Patron's Top Hat
1Head Cosmetic
Versatile Peddler's Breeches
1Legs Cosmetic
Versatile Peddler's Galoshes
1Feet Cosmetic
Versatile Peddler's Merchandise
1Waist Cosmetic
Versatile Peddler's Pauldrons
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Versatile Peddler's Tunic
1Chest Cosmetic
Versatile Peddler's Turban
1Head Cosmetic
Vest of the Dreamfused Skull
1Chest Mail
Violet Kaldorei Backpack
158Back Back
Violet Kaldorei Bedroll
158Back Back
Violet Kaldorei Pouch
1Off Hand Off Hand
Virulent Gravetreaders
1Feet Cosmetic
Visage of the Dreamfused Skull
1Head Mail
Visage of the Laughing Skull
1Head Cosmetic