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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Visage of Ursol
158Head Cosmetic
Vol'jin's Headhunters Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Warmonger's Belt
1Waist Leather
Warmonger's Bonds
1Wrists Mail
Warmonger's Boots
1Feet Leather
Warmonger's Bracers
1Wrists Leather
Warmonger's Breastplate
1Chest Plate
Warmonger's Cape
1Back Back
Warmonger's Casque
1Head Mail
Warmonger's Chainmail
1Chest Mail
Warmonger's Clasp
1Waist Mail
Warmonger's Cloak
1Back Back
Warmonger's Cord
1Waist Cloth
Warmonger's Cuirass
1Chest Leather
Warmonger's Drape
1Back Back
Warmonger's Epaulets
1Shoulders Cloth
Warmonger's Footpads
1Feet Mail
Warmonger's Gauntlets
1Hands Plate
Warmonger's Girdle
1Waist Plate
Warmonger's Gloves
1Hands Leather
Warmonger's Greathelm
1Head Plate
Warmonger's Grips
1Hands Mail
Warmonger's Headcover
1Head Leather
Warmonger's Leggings
1Legs Cloth
Warmonger's Legguards
1Legs Mail
Warmonger's Legplates
1Legs Plate
Warmonger's Mantle
1Shoulders Mail
Warmonger's Mitts
1Hands Cloth
Warmonger's Pantaloons
1Legs Leather
Warmonger's Pauldrons
1Shoulders Plate
Warmonger's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Warmonger's Shroud
1Back Back
Warmonger's Skullcap
1Head Cloth
Warmonger's Spaulders
1Shoulders Leather
Warmonger's Treads
1Feet Cloth
Warmonger's Vambraces
1Wrists Plate
Warmonger's Vestment
1Chest Leather
Warmonger's Warboots
1Feet Plate
Warmonger's Wristwraps
1Wrists Cloth
Warsong Boots
135Feet Mail
Warsong Bracers
135Wrists Mail
Warsong Cord
135Waist Mail
Warsong Gloves
135Hands Mail
Warsong Hood
135Head Mail
Warsong Leggings
135Legs Mail
Warsong Spaulders
135Shoulders Mail
Warsong Wraps
135Chest Mail
Weatherproven Drape
1Back Back
Weighted Potion Cylinder
1Off Hand Off Hand
Well-Worn Tricorne
1Head Cosmetic
Wildhammer Scout's Headgear
1Head Cosmetic
Winter Pelt Cloak
1Back Back
Winterwoven Branches
148Back Back
Witch Doctor's Fetish Guard
1Off Hand Shield
Woven Artisan's Apron
1Chest Cosmetic
Woven Artisan's Bindings
1Wrists Cosmetic
Woven Artisan's Goggles
1Head Cosmetic
Woven Artisan's Leggings
1Legs Cosmetic
Woven Artisan's Mitts
1Hands Cosmetic
Woven Artisan's Shoulderpads
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Woven Artisan's Steel-Toes
1Feet Cosmetic
Woven Artisan's Tools
1Waist Cosmetic
Wraps of Chosen Renewal
1Chest Cosmetic
Wrathful Crusader's Helm
1Head Plate
Wristbands of Chosen Renewal
1Wrists Cosmetic
ZG Leather Shoulder 1
1Shoulders Leather
6.0 Leather Hand - Leather_PVPRogue_O_01 - Blue
179Hands Leather
Acolyte's Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Alaina's Bonnet
1Head Cosmetic
Alchemist's Bandolier
1Back Back
Alliance Toy Cape
1Back Back
Amaranthine Amice
110Shoulders Cloth
Amaranthine Belt
110Waist Cloth
Amaranthine Cowl
110Head Cloth
Amaranthine Cuffs
110Wrists Cloth
Amaranthine Handwraps
110Hands Cloth
Amaranthine Pants
110Legs Cloth
Amaranthine Raiment
1Chest Cloth
Amaranthine Shirt
1Chest Cloth
Amaranthine Treads
110Feet Cloth
Amber Filigreed Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Amber Filigreed Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Amber Filigreed Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Amber Filigreed Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Amice of the Burning Scroll
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Chromatic Hydra
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Exorcist
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Horned Nightmare
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Ternion Glory
110Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Thousandfold Hells
110Shoulders Cloth
Ankh of Reincarnation
1Neck Neck
Antiseptic-Soaked Dressing
1Shirt Shirt
Antiseptic-Soaked Dressing
1Shirt Shirt
Apprentice's Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Armbands of Celestial Harmony
110Wrists Mail
Armbands of the Unblinking Vigil
110Wrists Mail
Armbands of the Witch Doctor
110Wrists Mail
Armbands of Twisted Elements
110Wrists Cosmetic
Armguards of Cyclopean Dread
110Wrists Plate
Armguards of Resounding Rings
110Wrists Plate