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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Cave Topographer's Leggings
1LegsVendor Cloth
Cave Topographer's Sandals
1FeetVendor Cloth
Cave Topographer's Shoulders
1ShouldersVendor Cloth
Cave Topographer's Vestment
1ChestVendor Cloth
Cerulean Filigreed Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Cerulean Filigreed Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Cerulean Filigreed Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Cerulean Filigreed Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Chain of Celestial Harmony
110Waist Mail
Chain of the Unblinking Vigil
110Waist Mail
Chain of the Witch Doctor
110Waist Mail
Chain of Twisted Elements
110Waist Cosmetic
Chainmail of the Witch Doctor
1Chest Mail
Chestguard of Celestial Harmony
1Chest Mail
Chestguard of Cyclopean Dread
1Chest Plate
Chestguard of Resounding Rings
1Chest Plate
Chestguard of the All-Consuming Maw
1Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Last Mogu
1Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Lost Catacomb
1Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Prehistoric Marauder
1Chest Plate
Chestguard of the Unblinking Vigil
1Chest Mail
Chestguard of Twisted Elements
1Chest Cosmetic
Chestguard of Winged Triumph
1Chest Plate
Chronomancer Amice
110Shoulders Cloth
Chronomancer Belt
110Waist Cloth
Chronomancer Bracers
110Wrists Cloth
Chronomancer Cord
110Waist Cloth
Chronomancer Cowl
110Head Cloth
Chronomancer Crown
110Head Cloth
Chronomancer Cuffs
110Wrists Cloth
Chronomancer Gloves
110Hands Cloth
Chronomancer Handwraps
110Hands Cloth
Chronomancer Hood
110Head Cloth
Chronomancer Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Chronomancer Mantle
110Shoulders Cloth
Chronomancer Mitts
110Hands Cloth
Chronomancer Pants
110Legs Cloth
Chronomancer Raiment
1Chest Leather
Chronomancer Robe
1Chest Leather
Chronomancer Sandals
110Feet Cloth
Chronomancer Sash
110Waist Cloth
Chronomancer Shirt
1Chest Cloth
Chronomancer Shoulderpads
110Shoulders Cloth
Chronomancer Slippers
110Feet Cloth
Chronomancer Treads
110Feet Cloth
Chronomancer Trousers
110Legs Cloth
Chronomancer Vest
1Chest Cloth
Chronomancer Vestment
1Chest Leather
Chronomancer Wristwraps
110Wrists Cloth
Churning Sands Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Churning Sands Treads
1Feet Cosmetic
Cinch of Seven Sacred Seals
110Waist Leather
Cinch of the Barbed Assassin
110Waist Leather
Cinch of the Haunted Forest
110Waist Leather
Cinch of the Shattered Vale
110Waist Leather
Cinch of the Thousandfold Blades
110Waist Leather
City Guard Heater Shield
1Off Hand Shield
Classic Aquatic Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Brick Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Camo Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Carrot Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Crimson Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Deep Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Faded Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Lively Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Midnight Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Rosy Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Snowy Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Sunny Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Classic Violet Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Cliffbreaker Armguards
110Wrists Plate
Cliffbreaker Chestguard
1Chest Plate
Cliffbreaker Greatboots
110Feet Plate
Cliffbreaker Greaves
110Legs Plate
Cliffbreaker Handguards
110Hands Plate
Cliffbreaker Shoulderguards
110Shoulders Plate
Cliffbreaker Waistguard
110Waist Plate
Cliffbreaker Warhelm
110Head Plate
Cloak of Dark Descent
1Back Back
Cloudscorcher's Bracers
110Wrists Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Cord
110Waist Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Gloves
110Hands Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Hood
110Head Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Leggings
110Legs Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Robe
1Chest Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Sandals
110Feet Cloth
Cloudscorcher's Shoulderpads
110Shoulders Cloth
Codex of Classic Conjurations
1Off Hand Off Hand
Common Brown Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Common Brown Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Common Gray Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Common Gray Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Common White Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Common White Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Contest Winner's Tabard
1TabardUnobtainable Tabard
Cord of the Burning Scroll
110Waist Cloth
Cord of the Chromatic Hydra
110Waist Cloth
Cord of the Exorcist
110Waist Cloth
Cord of the Horned Nightmare
110Waist Cloth
Cord of the Ternion Glory
110Waist Cloth