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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Der'izu Chestpiece
1Chest Mail
Der'izu Fists
1Hands Mail
Der'izu Greaves
1Feet Mail
Der'izu Helm
1Head Mail
Der'izu Legguards
1Legs Mail
Der'izu Spaulders
1Shoulders Mail
Dessicated Bouquet
1Off Hand Off Hand
Distinguished Warcloak
1Back Back
Divine Prayer Beads
1Neck Neck
Doubt Tinged Bell
148Off Hand Off Hand
Drape of Endless Twilight
1Back Back
Drape of Foreboding Mists
1Back Back
Dread Admiral's Bicorne
1Head Cosmetic
Drust Mask of Dominance
150Head Cosmetic
Dueler's Aquatic Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Azure Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Brick Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Camo Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Carrot Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Cloudy Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Crimson Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Deep Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Faded Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Grassy Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Lively Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Midnight Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Plum Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Rosy Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Snowy Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Sunny Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Dueler's Violet Shoulder Cape
1Shoulders Cosmetic
Ebon Filigreed Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Ebon Filigreed Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Ebon Filigreed Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Ebon Filigreed Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Egg Basket
1Off Hand Off Hand
Elegant Dress
1Chest Brightly Colored Egg Cosmetic
Ember Court Soiree Gloves
1Hands Cosmetic
Emberstone Dress
1Chest Cosmetic
Emboldened Dracthyr's Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Emboldened Dracthyr's Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Embroidered Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Embroidered Shirt
1Shirt Shirt
Emerald Drape
1Back Back
Emerald Winglord's Chain
158Waist Mail
Emerald Winglord's Shoulders
158Shoulders Mail
Enchanted Illidari Tabard
1TabardCreated Tabard
Eternal Blossom Belt
110Waist Leather
Eternal Blossom Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Eternal Blossom Boots
110Feet Leather
Eternal Blossom Bracers
110Wrists Leather
Eternal Blossom Cap
110Head Leather
Eternal Blossom Cinch
110Waist Leather
Eternal Blossom Cover
110Head Leather
Eternal Blossom Footguards
110Feet Leather
Eternal Blossom Gloves
110Hands Leather
Eternal Blossom Grips
110Hands Leather
Eternal Blossom Hands
110Hands Leather
Eternal Blossom Helm
110Head Leather
Eternal Blossom Jerkin
1Chest Leather
Eternal Blossom Leggings
110Legs Leather
Eternal Blossom Legguards
110Legs Leather
Eternal Blossom Mantle
110Shoulders Leather
Eternal Blossom Pants
110Legs Leather
Eternal Blossom Shoulderpads
110Shoulders Leather
Eternal Blossom Spaulders
110Shoulders Leather
Eternal Blossom Treads
110Feet Leather
Eternal Blossom Tunic
1Chest Leather
Eternal Blossom Tunic
1Chest Leather
Eternal Blossom Vest
1Chest Leather
Eternal Blossom Waistband
110Waist Leather
Eternal Blossom Wraps
110Wrists Leather
Everbright Bracers
110Wrists Plate
Everbright Breastplate
1Chest Plate
Everbright Girdle
110Waist Plate
Everbright Grasp
110Hands Plate
Everbright Helm
110Head Plate
Everbright Legguards
110Legs Plate
Everbright Pauldrons
110Shoulders Plate
Everbright Sabatons
110Feet Plate
Exodar Doublet
1Shirt Shirt
Exodar Tabard
1Tabard Tabard
Expeditionary Spoils
170 None
Fabulously Flashy Finery
1Shirt Shirt
Fae Revel Masque
148HeadCrafted Cosmetic
Fallback Armor - Cloth Chest
1Chest Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Feet
129Feet Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Hand
1Hands Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Head
1Head Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Legs
129Legs Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Robe
129Chest Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Shoulder
129Shoulders Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Waist
1Waist Cloth
Fallback Armor - Cloth Wrist
129Wrists Cloth
Fanciful Corsage
1Wrists Cosmetic
Farwatch Bindings
110Wrists Leather
Farwatch Cover
110Head Leather
Farwatch Footguards
110Feet Leather
Farwatch Grips
110Hands Leather
Farwatch Legguards
110Legs Leather