

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Dented Hoof
1Looted Junk
Dented Ornate Beer Mug
35Looted Junk
Dented Pocketwatch
80 Junk
Dented Shield of Horuz Killcrow
1Archaeology Other
Depleted Awakened Flightstone
50 Junk
Depleted Azerite
40Looted Junk
Depleted Blackened Flightstone
70 Junk
Depleted Blackened Flightstone
70 Junk
Depleted Elemental Shard
35Looted, Mined Junk
Depleted Emerald Flightstone
50 Junk
Depleted Mana Stone
70 Junk
Depleted Nethershard
50 Junk
Depleted Ruby Flightstone
70 Junk
Depleted Ruby Flightstone
70 Junk
Depleted Soul Ruby
50 Junk
Depleted Titan Training Matrix
60 Junk
Depleted Toxin Reservoir
35Looted Junk
Depleted Violet Vapors
1Created Junk
Desecrated Arathi Tinderbox
80 Junk
Desecrated Carcass
1Fished Junk
Desert Voodoo Token
100 Junk
Desiccated Core
50 Junk
Desiccated Djaradin Scroll
1 Junk
Desiccated Humerus
120Looted Junk
Desiccation Duster
8550 Other
Destroyed Magic Item
1 Mage Hunter Personal Effects Junk
Destroyed Relic
1 Junk
Detailed Gunship Schematic
1 Junk
Deteriorated Djaradin Banner
1 Junk
Deteriorated Hearthstone Deck
40Looted Junk
Deteriorating Tideskorn War Banner
1 Shipwreck Debris Junk
Deteriorating Umbral Wing
40 Junk
Determined Stone Visage
50 Junk
Devil's Dung
50 Junk
Devilsaur Tooth
1Archaeology Other
Devoid Reinforced Flasks
1 Junk
Devourer Femur
1 Junk
Devout Candle
27 Reagent
Diamond Ring
1Looted Other
Diamond Ring
1 Other
Diamond-Crusted Golden Hook
1 Junk
Diaphanous Webbing
80Looted Junk
Diary of Balldir Deeprock
35Looted Junk
Digested Krolusk Chitin
1 Sun Baked Dung Junk
Digestive Acid
40Looted Junk
Dignified Portrait
1Archaeology Other
Dimly Glowing Eye
1Looted Junk
Dimly Glowing Scale
1 Junk
Dinosaur Training Treats
40 Junk
Dire Wolf Fang
1 Junk
Dirt Stained Rags
1Looted Junk
Dirt-Covered Fur
1Looted Junk
Dirty Kodo Scale
1Looted Junk
Dirty Note
1 Crystallized Note Junk
Dirty Trogg Cloth
4Looted, Fished Junk
Disarmed Explosive Device
1Looted Junk
Discarded Claw Prototype
70 Junk
Discarded Crimson Solitary Stein
1 Death Metal Knight Junk
Discarded Drakonid Amulet
70 Junk
Discarded Hand-Wraps
120 Junk
Discarded Molting
40Looted Junk
Discarded Ny'alothan Tome
50 Junk
Discarded Perfume Bottle
1 Junk
Discarded Quel'dorei Tome
50 Junk
Discarded Token
50 Junk
Discarded Toy
70 Junk
Discarded Waterfowl Bones
70 Junk
Discarded Wingtips
50 Junk
Discarded Zandalari Brooch
50Looted Junk
Discharged Thunderscale
70 Junk
Discolored Fang
1Looted Junk
Discontinued Zandalari Coins
40Looted Junk
Diseased Beast Guts
1Looted Junk
Disgusting Bits
1 Junk
Disgusting Bits
1 Junk
Disgusting Goo
1Looted Junk
Disgusting Ooze
1 Junk
Disintegrating Leaf
50 Junk
Disquiet Earth
40Looted Junk
Disquieted Lyre Neck
50 Junk
Disquieting Children's Toy
70 Junk
Dissolved Skull
1Looted Junk
Dissolved Soul Essence
1Looted Junk
Distilled Titan Essence
4545Unobtainable Junk
Distinctive Feathers
1 Patroller's Pack Junk
Disturbing Ritual Mask
1 Junk
Diving Log
1Looted, Fished Junk
Document from Boomstick Imports
1 Junk
Dog-Eared Book
1 Junk
123 Junk
Dormant Core
80Looted Junk
Dormant Mana Powder
1Looted Junk
Dornaa's Shiny Copper Coin
1Fished Junk
Downy Clump
80 Junk
Dracthyr Token of Cavalry Excellence
70 Junk
Draenic Survivalist Cloak
1 Junk
Dragon Femur
1Looted Junk
Dragon Leash Link
100 Junk
Dragon Tooth
70 Junk
Dragon Tooth Shank
1 Junk