

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Gift of Friendship: Undercity
1 Holiday
Gift Receipt
1 Junk
Gift Receipt
1 Junk
Gigantic Sack of Coins
1 Junk
Gladiator's Shield
1 Other
Glistening Ring
1 Other
Glowing Runestone
1 Other
Glyphs of Calling
1 Junk
Gnome Engineer's Renewal Gift
1 Junk
Goblin Engineer's Renewal Gift
1 Junk
Gold Balloon
1 Companion Pets
Golden Chalice
Secrets of Azeroth
1 Junk
Golden Minnow
1 Other
Golden Seeds
1 Other
Gold-Inlaid Figurine
1 Other
Goodies from Nomi
1 Junk
Gorishi Sting
1 Junk
Greatmother's List of Herbs
1 Junk
Green Rocket Cluster
1 Holiday
Green Voodoo Feather
1 Junk
Gronn-Tooth Necklace
1 Other
Grunt's Card
1 Holiday
Guardian's Moldy Card
1 Holiday
Guild Charter
1 Junk
Hallow's Glow
1 Other
Handful of Gizmos
1 Junk
Handful of Oats
1 Other
Handful of Rose Petals
1 Holiday
Handful of Snowflakes
1 Holiday
Handful of Summer Petals
1 Holiday
Handful of Treats
1 Junk
Handmade Woodcraft
1 Holiday
Hand-Smoothed Pyrestone
1 Other
Handwritten Note
1 Junk
1 Other
Harvest Seed Supply
1 Other
1 Junk
Heavy Explosives
1 Other
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hero's Purse
1 Junk
Hidden Banana
1 Other
High Apothecary's Hood
1 Other
Hive'Ashi Dossier
1 Junk
Hive'Regal Dossier
1 Junk
Hive'Zora Dossier
1 Junk
Homemade Bread
1 Holiday
Hooked Dagger
1 Other
Hoppy Mead
1 Other
Horde Commendation Signet
1 Junk
Horde Missive
1 Other
Houndstooth Hauberk
1 Other
Huge Sack of Coins
1 Junk
Humongous Sack of Coins
1 Junk
Imperial Decree Stele
1 Other
Imported Trees
1 Other
Imp's Cup
1 Other
Inert Leystone Charm
1 Other
Inert Scourgestone
1 Junk
Inert Sound Beacon
1 Other
Iron Amulet
1 Other
Ironforge Guard's Card
1 Holiday
Ironforge Pledge Collection
1 Holiday
Isuldof's Clue
1 Junk
Jagged Blade of the Drust
1 Other
Jagged Blue Crystal
1 Junk
Jagged Red Crystal
1 Junk
Jeb's Underwear
1 Other
Jubeka's Journal
1 Junk
Juicy Drumstick
1 Other
Jungle Hops
1 Other
1 Junk
Kane's Coin Purse
1 Junk
1 Other
Kel'Thuzad's Gold Coin
1 Junk
Kirygosa's Note
1 Other
Krasari Iron
1 Other
Kronk's Grab Bag
1 Junk
Kypari Sap Container
1 Other
Laborer's Tool
1 Other
Lady Jaina Proudmoore's Gold Coin
1 Junk
Lady Katrana Prestor's Gold Coin
1 Junk
Lament of the Highborne
1 Junk
Large Blue Rocket
1 Holiday
Large Blue Rocket Cluster
1 Holiday
Large Copper Metamorphosis Geode
1 Junk
Large Gardener's Satchel
Queen's Conservatory
1 Other
Large Gold Metamorphosis Geode
1 Junk
Large Green Rocket
1 Holiday
Large Green Rocket Cluster
1 Holiday