

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Source Type
Shiny Pet Charm
1Looted Other
Signal Flare
1 Junk
Silver Shafted Arrow
1Looted Companion Pets
Singed Page
1Created Junk
Singed Page
1Created Junk
Singed Page
1Created Junk
Singed Page
1Created Junk
Sinstone Fragments
1 Other
Skadir Navigation Chart - Part 1
1 Junk
Skadir Navigation Chart - Part 3
1 Junk
Skadir Navigation Chart - Part 4
1 Junk
Slathered Rib
1 Other
Slimy Ring
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Sludge-Covered Object
1Looted Junk
Small Blue Rocket
1Crafted, Looted Holiday
Small Brown-Wrapped Package
1 Junk
Small Copper Metamorphosis Geode
1 Junk
Small Gardener's Satchel
Queen's Conservatory
1Created Other
Small Gold Metamorphosis Geode
1 Junk
Small Green Rocket
1Crafted, Looted Holiday
Small Iron Metamorphosis Geode
1 Junk
Small Metal Box
1Created Junk
Small Purple Rocket
1 Holiday
Small Red Rocket
1Crafted, Looted Holiday
Small Sack of Coins
1Looted Junk
Small Silver Metamorphosis Geode
1 Junk
Small White Rocket
1Looted Holiday
Small Yellow Rocket
1Looted Holiday
Smokywood Pastures Extra-Special Gift
1 Junk
Smokywood Pastures Gift Pack
1 Junk
Smokywood Pastures Sampler
1 Junk
Smokywood Pastures Special Present
1 Junk
Smokywood Satchel
1 Junk
Smuggled Sack of Gold
1Unobtainable Junk
Snake Oil
1Created, Looted Other
Soggy Journal
1 Other
Solar Orb
1 Other
Sorcerer-King Toe Ring
1 Other
Soul Coffer
1 Other
Spare Head
Abominable Stitching
1 Other
Sparklematic-Wrapped Box
1 Junk
Spirit-Kissed Water
1Looted Other
Spooky Supplies
1 Other
Squished Demon Eye
1 More Intact Demon Eyes Junk
Stack of Cards
1Created Holiday
Stale Loaf
1 Other
Standard of Niuzao
1 Other
Stendel's Bane
1 Westfall Junk
Stolen Memento
Ember Court
1 Other
Stolen Relic
1 Junk
Stomping Shoes
1 Junk
Stone Brick
Ember Court
1 Other
Stone Dentures
1 Other
Stone Manacles
1 Other
Stonemaul Succession Stone
1 Other
Stonewood Bow
1 Other
Stormwind Guard's Card
1 Holiday
Stormwind Pledge Collection
1Created Holiday
Strange Jar
1 Junk
Strongarm Stout
1 Other
1 Other
Sunreaver Bounty
1Quest Junk
Sunreaver Bounty
1 Junk
Suspicious Candle
1 Junk
Sylvanas Windrunner's Gold Coin
1Fished Junk
Tacky Chronometer
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Other
Tactical Assignment
1 Junk
Tainted Arcane Sliver
1Looted Junk
Tainted Core
1Created, Looted Junk
Talonpriest Mask
1 Other
Tazan's Satchel
1 Junk
Tear-stained Letter
1Looted Junk
Teron's Gold Coin
1Fished Junk
Terracotta Arm
1 Other
Test Container
Queen's Conservatory
1 Other
The Book of the Dead
1 Levixus Junk
The Feast of Winter Veil
1Created Junk
The Frostwolf Artichoke
1 Junk
The Praying Mantid
1 Other
The War of the Shifting Sands
1 Junk
Thick Black Claw
1 Junk
Third Bell of Markos
1Created Other
Thrall's Gold Coin
1Fished Junk
Throwing Sausage
1Created Junk
Thunder Bluff Pledge Collection
1Created Holiday
Thunder King Insignia
1 Other
Time-Lost Fragment
Secrets of Azeroth
1 Junk
Timolain's Phylactery
1 Large Vile Slime Junk
Tiny Coin Purse
1 Junk
Tirion Fordring's Gold Coin
1Fished Junk
Toasting Goblet
1Looted Holiday
Tooth of Morphaz
1 Junk
Torch of Pyrreth
Secrets of Azeroth
1 Other
Toy Dragon
1 Junk
Trace Enigmet
1 Other
Trader's Satchel
1 Junk
Trailhead Drum
1 Other
Treasures of the Vale
1Quest Junk
Treat Bag
1Created Junk
Troll Tribal Necklace
1 Junk