

clear all
Name Level Source Type
Two of Demons
20 Inscription
Volatile Blasting Trigger
20Crafted, Looted, Salvaged Parts
Walnut Stock
20Vendor Parts
Worg Haunch
20Looted Cooking
Worm Meat
20Looted Cooking
Jet Black Feather
20 Leather
Fated Fortune Card
17 Other
Fated Fortune Card
17 Other
Fortune Card
17 Mysterious Fortune Card Other
Fortune Card
17 Mysterious Fortune Card Other
Brilliant Citrine
17 Other
Cut Citrine
17 Jewelcrafting
Thick Citrine
17 Jewelcrafting
Big-Mouth Clam
17Looted, Fished, Pick Pocketed Other
Common Parchment
17Unobtainable Other
Truesilver Rod
17 Enchanting
Broken Blade of Heroes
16Looted Other
Crimson Spinel
15Looted Jewelcrafting
Empyrean Sapphire
15Looted Jewelcrafting
15Looted Jewelcrafting
Nether Vortex
15Looted, Vendor Elemental
15Looted Jewelcrafting
Seaspray Emerald
15Looted Jewelcrafting
Shadowsong Amethyst
15Looted Jewelcrafting
Void Crystal
15 Enchanting
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Earthstorm Diamond
15Crafted Jewelcrafting
Heart of Darkness
15Looted Other
Large Prismatic Shard
15Crafted Enchanting
Living Ruby
15Looted, Mined, Pick Pocketed Jewelcrafting
Mercurial Adamantite
15Crafted Jewelcrafting
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Noble Topaz
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Primal Might
15Crafted Elemental
Primal Mooncloth
15Crafted Cloth
Primal Nether
15Looted, Vendor Elemental
15Crafted Cloth
Skyfire Diamond
15Crafted Jewelcrafting
Small Prismatic Shard
15Crafted Enchanting
15Crafted Cloth
Star of Elune
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
15Looted Other
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Azure Moonstone
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Blood Garnet
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Bolt of Imbued Netherweave
15Crafted Cloth
Darkflame Ink
15Crafted Inscription
Deep Peridot
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Ebon Pigment
15 Inscription
Eternium Bar
15Crafted Metal & Stone
Eternium Ore
15Created, Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Fel Lotus
15Looted, Gathered Herb
Felsteel Bar
15Crafted Metal & Stone
Flame Spessarite
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Golden Draenite
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Greater Planar Essence
15Created Enchanting
Hardened Khorium
15Crafted Metal & Stone
Jaggal Pearl
15Looted Jewelcrafting
Khorium Bar
15Crafted Metal & Stone
Khorium Ore
15Created, Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Lesser Planar Essence
15Created Enchanting
Primal Air
15Crafted, Created, Looted Elemental
Primal Earth
15Crafted, Created, Looted Elemental
Primal Fire
15Crafted, Created, Looted Elemental
Primal Life
15Crafted, Created Elemental
Primal Mana
15Crafted, Created Elemental
Primal Shadow
15Crafted, Created Elemental
Primal Water
15Crafted, Created, Looted Elemental
Shadow Draenite
15Looted, Mined Jewelcrafting
Ace of Mages
15 Inscription
Adamantite Bar
15Crafted Metal & Stone
Adamantite Frame
15Crafted Parts
Adamantite Ore
15Created, Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Adamantite Powder
15 Jewelcrafting
Ancient Lichen
15Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Ancient Lichen Petal
15Looted, Gathered Herb
Arcane Dust
15 Enchanting
Arcane Tarot
15Crafted Other
Barbed Gill Trout
15Fished Cooking
Bloodfin Catfish
15 Cooking
Bolt of Netherweave
15Crafted Cloth
Bolt of Soulcloth
15Crafted Cloth
Buzzard Meat
15Looted Cooking
Chunk o' Basilisk
15Looted Cooking
Clefthoof Meat
15Looted Cooking
Cobra Scale Fragment
15 Leather
Cobra Scales
15Crafted, Created, Skinned Leather
Crescent-Tail Skullfish
15 Cooking
Crunchy Spider Leg
15Looted Cooking
Crystal-Infused Leather
15Crafted, Created, Looted, Skinned Leather
Dreaming Glory
15Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Dreaming Glory Petal
15Looted, Gathered Herb
Elemental Blasting Powder
15Crafted, Looted Parts
Enormous Barbed Gill Trout
15 Barrel of Fish Cooking
Ethereal Ink
15Crafted, Vendor Inscription
Fel Hide
15Crafted, Created, Looted, Skinned Leather
Fel Iron Bar
15Crafted Metal & Stone
Fel Iron Casing
15Crafted, Vendor Parts
Fel Iron Ore
15Created, Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Fel Scale Fragment
15 Leather