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Name Level Source Type
Royal Ink
10Crafted Inscription
Ruby Pigment
10 Inscription
Sapphire Pigment
10 Inscription
Shadow Pearl
10Looted Jewelcrafting
10Looted, Fished, Mined, Pick Pocketed Jewelcrafting
Silver Bar
10Crafted, Looted Metal & Stone
Silver Ore
10Created, Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Small Lustrous Pearl
10Looted, Pick Pocketed Jewelcrafting
Star Ruby
10Looted, Mined, Pick Pocketed Jewelcrafting
10Looted, Fished, Mined, Pick Pocketed Jewelcrafting
Troll Tablet
10Looted Other
Truesilver Bar
10Crafted, Looted Metal & Stone
Truesilver Ore
10Created, Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Verdant Pigment
10 Inscription
10Looted, Gathered Herb
Zandalari Idol
10 Zandalari Archaeology Find Other
Alabaster Pigment
10 Inscription
Autumnal Herbs
10 Other
Bat Flesh
10Looted Cooking
Bear Flank
10Looted Cooking
Bear Meat
10Looted Cooking
Big Bear Meat
10Looted Cooking
Black Dragonscale
10Looted, Skinned Leather
Black Dye
10Vendor Other
Black Vitriol
10Looted, Mined Other
Black Whelp Scale
10Looted, Skinned Leather
Blackmouth Oil
10Crafted Other
10Vendor Other
10Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Blindweed Stem
10Looted, Gathered Herb
Blue Dragonscale
10Looted, Skinned Leather
Blue Dye
10Vendor Other
Blue Pearl
10Looted Parts
Boar Ribs
10Looted Cooking
Bolt of Linen Cloth
10Crafted, Looted Cloth
Bolt of Mageweave
10Crafted, Looted Cloth
Bolt of Runecloth
10Crafted, Looted Cloth
Bolt of Silk Cloth
10Crafted, Looted Cloth
Bolt of Woolen Cloth
10Crafted, Looted Cloth
Breath of Wind
10Looted Elemental
10Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Briarthorn Bramble
10 Herb
Bronze Bar
10Crafted, Looted Metal & Stone
Bronze Framework
10Crafted, Looted, Salvaged Parts
Bronze Setting
10Crafted Jewelcrafting
Bronze Tube
10Crafted, Looted, Fished, Salvaged Parts
10Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Bruiseweed Stem
10 Herb
Buzzard Wing
10Looted Cooking
Celestial Ink
10Crafted Inscription
Chimaerok Tenderloin
10 Prince Lakma Cooking
Chunk of Boar Meat
10Looted Cooking
Clam Meat
10Looted Cooking
10Looted, Fished Metal & Stone
Coarse Blasting Powder
10Crafted, Looted, Fished Parts
Coarse Grinding Stone
10Crafted Metal & Stone
Coarse Stone
10Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Coarse Thread
10 Cloth
Copper Bar
10Crafted, Looted Metal & Stone
Copper Ore
10Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Core Leather
10Looted, Skinned Leather
Core of Earth
10Looted Elemental
Coyote Meat
10Looted Cooking
Crag Boar Rib
10Looted Cooking
Crawler Claw
10Looted Cooking
Crawler Meat
10Looted Cooking
Crocolisk Meat
10Looted Cooking
Crystal Vial
10Looted, Fished, Vendor Other
Cured Heavy Hide
10Crafted Leather
Cured Light Hide
10Crafted Leather
Cured Medium Hide
10Crafted Leather
Cured Rugged Hide
10Crafted Leather
Cured Thick Hide
10Crafted Leather
Dark Iron Bar
10Crafted Metal & Stone
Dark Iron Ore
10Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Darkclaw Lobster
10Fished Cooking
Darkmoon Daggermaw
10Looted, Fished Cooking
Deeprock Salt
10Created, Looted, Mined Leather
Delicate Arcanite Converter
10Crafted Parts
Delicate Copper Wire
10Crafted Jewelcrafting
Dense Blasting Powder
10Crafted, Salvaged Parts
Dense Grinding Stone
10Crafted Metal & Stone
Dense Stone
10Looted, Mined Metal & Stone
Deprecated Malachite
10 Other
Deviate Scale
10Looted, Fished, Skinned Leather
Devilsaur Leather
10Looted, Skinned Leather
Discolored Worg Heart
10 Worg Other
Dragon's Teeth
10Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Dragon's Teeth Stem
10Looted, Gathered Herb
10Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Dreamfoil Blade
10Looted, Gathered Herb
Dusky Pigment
10 Inscription
10Created, Looted, Gathered Herb
Earthroot Stem
10 Herb
Elemental Air
10Looted Elemental
Elemental Earth
10Looted, Mined Elemental
Elemental Fire
10Crafted, Looted Elemental
Elemental Flux
10 Metal & Stone
Elemental Water
10Looted Elemental
Emerald Pigment
10 Wildthorn Stalker Inscription