

clear all
Name Level Source Type
Enchanted Leather
10 Leather
Enchanted Thorium Bar
10 Metal & Stone
Engineer's Ink
10 Parts
10 Herb
Fadeleaf Petal
10 Herb
10 Cloth
Fine Thread
10 Cloth
Fire Oil
10 Other
10 Herb
Firebloom Petal
10 Herb
Firefin Snapper
10 Other
Flask of Oil
10 Parts
Fused Wiring
10 Parts
Gem Chisel Kit
10 Other
Ghost Dye
10 Other
Ghost Mushroom
10 Herb
Ghost Mushroom Cap
10 Herb
Giant Clam Meat
10 Cooking
Giant Egg
10 Cooking
Globe of Water
10 Elemental
Goblin Rocket Fuel
10 Parts
Gold Power Core
10 Parts
Golden Pigment
10 Inscription
Golden Sansam
10 Herb
Golden Sansam Leaf
10 Herb
10 Herb
Goldthorn Bramble
10 Herb
Gooey Spider Leg
10 Cooking
Goretusk Liver
10 Cooking
Grave Moss
10 Herb
Grave Moss Leaf
10 Herb
Gray Dye
10 Other
Green Dragonscale
10 Leather
Green Dye
10 Other
Green Whelp Scale
10 Leather
10 Herb
Gromsblood Leaf
10 Herb
10 Parts
Handful of Copper Bolts
10 Parts
Heart of Fire
10 Elemental
Heart of the Wild
10 Elemental
Heavy Blasting Powder
10 Parts
Heavy Grinding Stone
10 Metal & Stone
Heavy Hide
10 Leather
Heavy Kodo Meat
10 Cooking
Heavy Leather
10 Leather
Heavy Scorpid Scale
10 Leather
Heavy Silken Thread
10 Cloth
Heavy Stock
10 Parts
Heavy Stone
10 Metal & Stone
10 Other
Huge Venom Sac
10 Other
10 Herb
Icecap Petal
10 Herb
Ichor of Undeath
10 Elemental
Inlaid Mithril Cylinder
10 Parts
Iron Bar
10 Metal & Stone
Iron Buckle
10 Parts
Iron Ore
10 Metal & Stone
Iron Strut
10 Parts
Ironweb Spider Silk
10 Cloth
Jadefire Ink
10 Inscription
Khadgar's Whisker
10 Herb
Khadgar's Whisker Stem
10 Herb
10 Herb
Kingsblood Petal
10 Herb
Kodo Meat
10 Cooking
Large Fang
10 Other
Large Obsidian Shard
10 Metal & Stone
Large Venom Sac
10 Other
Lean Wolf Flank
10 Cooking
10 Herb
Liferoot Stem
10 Herb
Light Feather
10 Parts
Light Hide
10 Leather
Light Illusion Dust
10 Enchanting
Light Leather
10 Leather
Light Parchment
10 Other
Lightning Eel
10 Other
Linen Cloth
10 Cloth
Lion Meat
10 Cooking
Lion's Ink
10 Inscription
Lynx Meat
10 Cooking
10 Herb
Mageroyal Petal
10 Herb
Mageweave Cloth
10 Cloth
Massive Mojo
10 Other
Meaty Bat Wing
10 Cooking
Medium Hide
10 Leather
Medium Leather
10 Leather
Midnight Ink
10 Inscription
Mild Spices
10 Other
Mithril Bar
10 Metal & Stone
Mithril Casing
10 Parts
Mithril Filigree
10 Jewelcrafting
Mithril Ore
10 Metal & Stone
Mithril Tube
10 Parts
10 Cloth
Moonglow Ink
10 Inscription
Mountain Silversage
10 Herb