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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Titanic Ocular Gland
22660Trinket Trinket
Tome of Monstrous Constructions
22660Trinket Trinket
Torch of Eternal Knowledge
22660One Hand One-handed Mace
Tormented Rack Fragment
22660Trinket Trinket
Tormented Shadowcleft Boots
22660Feet Cloth
Tormented Soul Harness
22660Waist Leather
Tormentor's Greatbelt
22660Waist Plate
Towering Shadowghast Greatboots
22660Feet Plate
Trenchant Warmonger Treads
22660Feet Leather
Unlicensed Hyperlight Handlers
22660Hands Mail
Unstable Energizer Boots
22660Feet Leather
Unstable Giant's Cuffs
22660Wrists Plate
Vandalized Ephemera Mitts
22660Hands Cloth
Veiled Auctioneer's Vambraces
22660Wrists Plate
Venerated Hand Module
22660 Junk
Venerated Helm Module
22660 Junk
Venerated Leg Module
22660 Junk
Weathered Talisman of the Shadowmoon
22660Neck Neck
Weave of Warped Fates
22660Trinket Trinket
Whispering Shard of Power
22660Trinket Trinket
Winter's Stampeding Striders
22660Feet Mail
Wrists of the Wicked Star
22660Wrists Leather
Wristwraps of Anguish
22660Wrists Cloth
Wristwraps of Night's Renewal
22660Wrists Mail
Xy Captain's Crossbow
22660Ranged Crossbow
Zenith Hand Module
22660 Junk
Zenith Helm Module
22660 Junk
Zenith Leg Module
22660 Junk
Broker's Accessory
22660 Other
Broker's Belt
22660 Other
Broker's Boots
22660 Other
Broker's Bracers
22660 Other
Broker's Braid
22660 Other
Broker's Chestpiece
22660 Other
Broker's Cloak
22660 Other
Broker's Gloves
22660 Other
Broker's Helm
22660 Other
Broker's Legguards
22660 Other
Broker's Ring
22660 Other
Broker's Shoulders
22660 Other
Broker's Weaponry
22660 Other
Firim's Mysterious Cache
22660 Other
Abandoned Automa Loop
22660Finger Finger
Ageless Spellblade
22660One Hand Dagger
Ancient Protector's Pulverizer
22660Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Antecedent Drape
22660Back Back
Anthemic Bracers
22660Wrists Mail
Anthemic Coif
22660Head Mail
Anthemic Cuirass
22660Chest Mail
Anthemic Gauntlets
22660Hands Mail
Anthemic Greaves
22660Feet Mail
Anthemic Legguards
22660Legs Mail
Anthemic Links
22660Waist Mail
Anthemic Shoulders
22660Shoulders Mail
Broker's Lucky Coin
22660Trinket Trinket
Burnished Arbalest
22660Ranged Crossbow
Choral Amice
22660Shoulders Cloth
Choral Handwraps
22660Hands Cloth
Choral Hood
22660Head Cloth
Choral Leggings
22660Legs Cloth
Choral Sash
22660Waist Cloth
Choral Slippers
22660Feet Cloth
Choral Vestments
22660Chest Cloth
Choral Wraps
22660Wrists Cloth
Discarded Cartel Al Signet
22660Finger Finger
Enlightened Dagger
22660One Hand Dagger
Eradicator of the Eternal Guard
22660Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Extract of Prodigious Sands
22660Trinket Trinket
Gatewarden's Warglaive
22660One Hand Warglaives
Harmonic Actuator
22660Off Hand Off Hand
Harmonium Breastplate
22660Chest Plate
Harmonium Gauntlets
22660Hands Plate
Harmonium Girdle
22660Waist Plate
Harmonium Helm
22660Head Plate
Harmonium Legplates
22660Legs Plate
Harmonium Percussive Stompers
22660Feet Plate
Harmonium Spaulders
22660Shoulders Plate
Harmonium Vambrace
22660Wrists Plate
Haven Guard's Cudgel
22660One Hand One-handed Mace
Haven Guard's Mace
22660One Hand One-handed Mace
Haven Guard's Shield
22660Off Hand Shield
Impossibly Ancient Band
22660Finger Finger
Ineffable Spire
22660Two Hand Staff
Protector's Diffusion Implement
22660Trinket Trinket
Salvaged Viperid Band
22660Finger Finger
Staccato Belt
22660Waist Leather
Staccato Boots
22660Feet Leather
Staccato Cuffs
22660Wrists Leather
Staccato Grips
22660Hands Leather
Staccato Helm
22660Head Leather
Staccato Leggings
22660Legs Leather
Staccato Mantle
22660Shoulders Leather
Staccato Vest
22660Chest Leather
Symbol of the Lupine
22660Trinket Trinket
Symbol of the Raptora
22660Trinket Trinket
Symbol of the Vombata
22660Trinket Trinket
Transcendant Gavel
22660One Hand One-handed Mace
Truthseeker's Staff
22660Two Hand Staff
Unfathomable Pendant
22660Neck Neck
Manual of Reverse Wounding
225111Off Hand Off Hand