

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Confidant's Favored Cap
20060Head Cloth
Consumptive Chainmail Carapace
20060Chest Mail
Consumptive Infusion
20060Trinket Trinket
Cord of the Verdant Wing
20070Waist Cloth
Corset of the Deft Duelist
20060Chest Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Amulet
20060Neck Neck
Cosmic Gladiator's Badge of Ferocity
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Ballista
20060Ranged Crossbow
Cosmic Gladiator's Band
20060Finger Finger
Cosmic Gladiator's Barrier
20060Off Hand Shield
Cosmic Gladiator's Ceremonial Sword
20060One Hand One-handed Sword
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Belt
20060Waist Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Boots
20060Feet Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Bracers
20060Wrists Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Breeches
20060Legs Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Faceguard
20060Head Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets
20060Hands Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Girdle
20060Waist Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Handguards
20060Hands Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Helm
20060Head Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Leggings
20060Legs Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Monnion
20060Shoulders Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Sabatons
20060Feet Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Shoulderguard
20060Shoulders Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Tunic
20060Chest Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Vest
20060Chest Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
20060Wrists Mail
Cosmic Gladiator's Chalice
20060Off Hand Off Hand
Cosmic Gladiator's Cloak
20060Back Back
Cosmic Gladiator's Devouring Malediction
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Drape
20060Back Back
Cosmic Gladiator's Echoing Resolve
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Emblem
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Eternal Aegis
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Fastidious Resolve
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Focus Staff
20060Two Hand Staff
Cosmic Gladiator's Gavel
20060One Hand One-handed Mace
Cosmic Gladiator's Gladius
20060One Hand One-handed Sword
Cosmic Gladiator's Greatcloak
20060Back Back
Cosmic Gladiator's Greatstaff
20050Two Hand Staff
Cosmic Gladiator's Greatsword
20060Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Cosmic Gladiator's Guard
20060Off Hand Shield
Cosmic Gladiator's Hacker
20060One Hand One-handed Axe
Cosmic Gladiator's Insignia of Alacrity
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Knife
20060One Hand Dagger
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Belt
20060Waist Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Boots
20060Feet Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Breeches
20060Legs Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Gloves
20060Hands Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Grips
20060Hands Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Helm
20060Head Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Jerkin
20060Chest Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Legwraps
20060Legs Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Mask
20060Head Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Shoulderpads
20060Shoulders Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Spaulders
20060Shoulders Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Strap
20060Waist Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Treads
20060Feet Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Vest
20060Chest Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Wristguards
20060Wrists Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Leather Wristwraps
20060Wrists Leather
Cosmic Gladiator's Medallion
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Necklace
20060Neck Neck
Cosmic Gladiator's Pendant
20060Neck Neck
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Chestguard
20060Chest Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Chestplate
20060Chest Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Gauntlets
20060Hands Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Girdle
20060Waist Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Greatbelt
20060Waist Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Handguards
20060Hands Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Helm
20060Head Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Helmet
20060Head Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Legguards
20060Legs Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Pauldrons
20060Shoulders Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Shoulders
20060Shoulders Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Stompers
20060Feet Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Vambraces
20060Wrists Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Warboots
20060Feet Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Wargreaves
20060Legs Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Plate Wristguards
20060Wrists Plate
Cosmic Gladiator's Pulverizer
20060Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Cosmic Gladiator's Relentless Brooch
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Resonator
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Rifle
20060Ranged Gun
Cosmic Gladiator's Ring
20060Finger Finger
Cosmic Gladiator's Ripper
20060One Hand Fist Weapon
Cosmic Gladiator's Ritual Dagger
20060One Hand Dagger
Cosmic Gladiator's Scythe
20050Two Hand Polearm
Cosmic Gladiator's Shawl
20060Back Back
Cosmic Gladiator's Sigil of Adaptation
20060Trinket Trinket
Cosmic Gladiator's Signet
20060Finger Finger
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Amice
20060Shoulders Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Armbands
20060Wrists Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Belt
20060Waist Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Cord
20060Waist Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Gloves
20060Hands Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Guise
20060Head Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Handwraps
20060Hands Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Hood
20060Head Cloth
Cosmic Gladiator's Silk Leggings
20060Legs Cloth