

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Grieving Gauntlets
10050Hands Plate
Hailstone Loop
10050Finger Finger
Handgrips of Rime and Sleet
10050Hands Mail
Helm of the Violent Fracas
10050Head Plate
Ingvar's Monolithic Skullcleaver
10050Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Keleseth's Influencer
10050One Hand Fist Weapon
Leggings of Disreputable Charms
10050Legs Mail
Legguards of the Frosty Fathoms
10050Legs Plate
10080Ranged Wand
Minuscule Abomination in a Jar
10050Trinket Trinket
Necromantic Wristwraps
10050Wrists Mail
Nerubian Aegis Ring
10050Finger Finger
Papa's Mint Condition Bag
10050Bag Bag
Phantasmic Kris
10050One Hand Dagger
Phantasmic Seal of the Prophet
10050Finger Finger
Protector of Stolen Souls
10050Off Hand Shield
Purified Silverstave
10080Ranged Wand
Razor-Barbed Leather Belt
10050Waist Leather
Reforged Necklace of Taldaram
10050Neck Neck
Regurgitator's Shoulderpads
10050Shoulders Mail
Relinquished Azerite Chestpiece
10050 Other
Relinquished Azerite Chestpiece
10050 Other
Relinquished Azerite Helm
10050 Other
Relinquished Azerite Helm
10050 Other
Relinquished Azerite Spaulders
10050 Other
Relinquished Azerite Spaulders
10050 Other
Rimewoven Pantaloons
10050Legs Cloth
Ring of Carnelian and Sinew
10050Finger Finger
Robes of Rasped Breaths
10050Chest Cloth
Royal Sanguine Cloak
10050Back Back
Semi-Permeable Gelatinous Storage Pouch
10050Bag Bag
Serrated Blade of Nadox
10050One Hand Dagger
Severance of Mortality
10050Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Shoulderpads of Corpal Rigidity
10050Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderpads of the Notorious Knave
10050Shoulders Leather
Sightless Capuchin of Ulmaas
10050Head Cloth
10080Ranged Wand
Singing Crystal Axe
10070One Hand One-handed Axe
Skadi's Saronite Belt
10050Waist Plate
Skadi's Scaled Sollerets
10050Feet Mail
Skittering Vestments
10050Chest Leather
Summoner's Granite Gavel
10050One Hand One-handed Mace
Taldaram's Supple Slippers
10050Feet Leather
Tharon'ja's Protectorate
10050Off Hand Shield
Troll Gorer
10050Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Valonforth's Marred Pauldrons
10050Shoulders Plate
Veincrusher Gauntlets
10050Hands Plate
Webrending Machete
10050One Hand Dagger
Zod's Echoing Longbow
10050Ranged Bow
[PH] Cipher Shard
100 Other
Adrastia's Executioner Gloves
10048Hands Leather
Argent Conscript's Belt
10050Waist Leather
Argent Conscript's Belt
10050Waist Leather
Argent Conscript's Boots
10050Feet Leather
Argent Conscript's Boots
10050Feet Leather
Argent Conscript's Bracers
10050Wrists Cloth
Argent Conscript's Bracers
10050Wrists Cloth
Argent Conscript's Breastplate
10050Chest Plate
Argent Conscript's Breastplate
10050Chest Plate
Argent Conscript's Buckle
10050Waist Plate
Argent Conscript's Buckle
10050Waist Plate
Argent Conscript's Cape
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Cape
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Cinch
10050Waist Mail
Argent Conscript's Cinch
10050Waist Mail
Argent Conscript's Circlet
10050Head Cloth
Argent Conscript's Cloak
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Cloak
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Argent Conscript's Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Argent Conscript's Cowl
10050Head Leather
Argent Conscript's Drape
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Drape
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Folded Boots
10050Feet Mail
Argent Conscript's Folded Boots
10050Feet Mail
Argent Conscript's Gauntlets
10050Hands Plate
Argent Conscript's Gauntlets
10050Hands Plate
Argent Conscript's Gloves
10050Hands Cloth
Argent Conscript's Gloves
10050Hands Cloth
Argent Conscript's Greathelm
10050Head Plate
Argent Conscript's Greaves
10050Legs Plate
Argent Conscript's Greaves
10050Feet Plate
Argent Conscript's Greaves
10050Legs Plate
Argent Conscript's Greaves
10050Feet Plate
Argent Conscript's Grips
10050Hands Leather
Argent Conscript's Grips
10050Hands Leather
Argent Conscript's Helmet
10050Head Mail
Argent Conscript's Helmet
10050Head Mail
Argent Conscript's Leggings
10050Legs Cloth
Argent Conscript's Leggings
10050Legs Leather
Argent Conscript's Leggings
10050Legs Cloth
Argent Conscript's Leggings
10050Legs Leather
Argent Conscript's Lined Cloak
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Lined Cloak
10050Back Back
Argent Conscript's Mail Shirt
10050Chest Mail
Argent Conscript's Mail Shirt
10050Chest Mail
Argent Conscript's Mantle
10050Shoulders Cloth
Argent Conscript's Mantle
10050Shoulders Cloth
Argent Conscript's Mask
10050Head Leather
Argent Conscript's Overgloves
10050Hands Mail