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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Vambraces of Fading Humanity
10048Wrists Plate
Vessel of Distilled Regret
10048Off Hand Off Hand
Vyrtha's Dredglaive
10050One Hand Warglaives
Avowed Tormenter's Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Handwraps
10050Hands Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Hood
10050Head Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Leggings
10050Legs Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Sandals
10050Feet Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Shoulderpads
10050Shoulders Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Vestment
10050Chest Cloth
Avowed Tormenter's Wristwraps
10050Wrists Cloth
Banewood Dirk
10050One Hand Dagger
Blackhound Armplates
10050Wrists Plate
Blackhound Bulwark
10050Off Hand Shield
Blackhound Chestguard
10050Chest Plate
Blackhound Claymore
10050Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Blackhound Gauntlets
10050Hands Plate
Blackhound Girdle
10050Waist Plate
Blackhound Headguard
10050Head Plate
Blackhound Legguards
10050Legs Plate
Blackhound Pauldrons
10050Shoulders Plate
Blackhound Sword
10050One Hand One-handed Sword
Blackhound Warboots
10050Feet Plate
Blackrock Crucible
10091 Other
Blackthorn Chestplate
10050Chest Plate
Blackthorn Gauntlets
10050Hands Plate
Blackthorn Girdle
10050Waist Plate
Blackthorn Helm
10050Head Plate
Blackthorn Legguards
10050Legs Plate
Blackthorn Shoulders
10050Shoulders Plate
Blackthorn Warboots
10050Feet Plate
Blackthorn Wristwraps
10050Wrists Plate
Bloodskin Cord
10050Waist Cloth
Bloodskin Gloves
10050Hands Cloth
Bloodskin Hood
10050Head Cloth
Bloodskin Leggings
10050Legs Cloth
Bloodskin Mantle
10050Shoulders Cloth
Bloodskin Robe
10050Chest Cloth
Bloodskin Shoes
10050Feet Cloth
Bloodskin Wristwraps
10050Wrists Cloth
Bone Bound Knuckles
10050One Hand Fist Weapon
Boneclutched Greatstaff
10050Two Hand Staff
Boneclutched Stave
10050Two Hand Staff
Boneclutched Wand
10050Ranged Wand
Bubbling Concoction
10050Off Hand Off Hand
Caged Cudgel
10050One Hand One-handed Mace
Ceremonious Armguards
10050Wrists Plate
Ceremonious Axe
10050One Hand One-handed Axe
Ceremonious Blade
10050One Hand Dagger
Ceremonious Breastplate
10052Chest Plate
Ceremonious Claymore
10050Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Ceremonious Gauntlets
10051Hands Plate
Ceremonious Greaves
10052Legs Plate
Ceremonious Helm
10053Head Plate
Ceremonious Mace
10050One Hand One-handed Mace
Ceremonious Pauldrons
10053Shoulders Plate
Ceremonious Rapier
10050One Hand One-handed Sword
Ceremonious Reaper
10050Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Ceremonious Sabatons
10051Feet Plate
Ceremonious Shanker
10050One Hand Dagger
Ceremonious Shield
10050Off Hand Shield
Ceremonious Smasher
10050Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Ceremonious Spear
10050Two Hand Polearm
Ceremonious Waistguard
10050Waist Plate
Ceremonious Warglaive
10050One Hand Warglaives
Composite Bow
10050Ranged Bow
Composite Crossbow
10050Ranged Crossbow
Darkfeather Belt
10050Waist Leather
Darkfeather Bindings
10050Wrists Leather
Darkfeather Breeches
10050Legs Leather
Darkfeather Cape
10050Back Back
Darkfeather Epaulets
10050Shoulders Leather
Darkfeather Grips
10050Hands Leather
Darkfeather Helm
10050Head Leather
Darkfeather Treads
10050Feet Leather
Darkfeather Tunic
10050Chest Leather
Deadly Laestrite Band
10050Finger Finger
Deadly Laestrite Choker
10050Neck Neck
Decanter of Distilled Shadows
10050Off Hand Off Hand
Defender's Aspis
10050Off Hand Shield
Depraved Darkblade's Belt
10050Waist Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Bindings
10050Wrists Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Breeches
10050Legs Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Epaulets
10050Shoulders Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Grips
10050Hands Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Helm
10050Head Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Treads
10050Feet Leather
Depraved Darkblade's Tunic
10050Chest Leather
Depraved Tutor's Signet
10050Finger Finger
Desolate Leather Armguards
10050Wrists Leather
Desolate Leather Cestus
10050One Hand Fist Weapon
Desolate Leather Gauntlets
10050Hands Leather
Desolate Leather Helm
10050Head Leather
Desolate Leather Leggings
10050Legs Leather
Desolate Leather Pauldrons
10050Shoulders Leather
Desolate Leather Treads
10050Feet Leather
Desolate Leather Vest
10050Chest Leather
Desolate Leather Waistguard
10050Waist Leather
Desolate Scale Armguards
10050Wrists Mail
Desolate Scale Gauntlets
10050Hands Mail