

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Primordial Infusion
1Looted Junk
Prince Farondis's Royal Seal
1 Dalaran Junk
Prince Magni Bronzebeard's Silver Coin
1Fished Junk
Princess Calia Menethil's Copper Coin
1Fished Junk
Prismatic Basilisk Scale
1Looted Junk
Prismatic Glass Pyramids
1 Junk
Prismatic Stone Chip
1Looted Junk
Pristine Fin
1Looted Junk
Pristine Fleshstitcher Needles
1 Junk
Pristine Raptor Skull
1Looted Junk
Pristine Ravager Carapace
1Looted Junk
Pristine Ravager Claw
1Looted Junk
Pristine Talon
1Looted Junk
Private Marcus Jonathan's Copper Coin
1Fished Junk
Prize of the Triumphant
1 Cache of Fel Treasures Other
Prized Guardian's Medal
1 Junk
Prized Jewel
1 Junk
Projected Starmap
1 Explosives and Devices
Prophetic Pamphlet
1Unobtainable Junk
Prophetic Pamphlet
1 Junk
Protective Medic Vest
1 Junk
Proto-Drake Skeleton
1Archaeology Other
Prototype Phylactery Mold
1 Junk
Prowler Teeth
1 Prowler Junk
Proximity Alarm Bot
1 Junk
Pruned Nightmare Shoot
1Looted Other
Pry Stone
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Pumice Hand Chalk
1 Junk
Punctured Dew Gland
1 Junk
Punctured Eye
1 Junk
Punctured Pelt
1 Junk
Punctured Shell Fragment
1Looted Junk
Pungent Mawshroom Residue
1 Junk
Pungent Soup Spices
1 Tuskarr Tacklebox Explosives and Devices
Purchase Order Receipt
1Looted Quest
Purified Satyr Totem
1 Other
Purple Hills of Eredath
1 Other
Pustulant Moss
1Looted Junk
Putrid Goop
1 Other
Queen Azshara's Royal Seal
1 Dalaran Junk
Quest Reward Placeholder
1 Junk
Quest Reward Placeholder - Blue
1 Junk
Quivering Flipper
1Looted Junk
Rabbit's Other Foot
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Rachel's Flute
1 Rachel's Flute Junk
Rag Doll
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Ragged Down
1Looted Junk
Ragged Leather Pants
1LegsLooted Leather
1Looted Junk
Rainbow Feather
1Looted Junk
Rakera's Journal
1Created Junk
Ramolith Bedding Material
1Vendor Other
Rancid Moss
1Looted Junk
Random Package Ammo
1 Bullet
Raptor Blood Feather
1Looted Junk
Raptor Liver
1Looted Junk
Raptor Talon
1Looted, Skinned Junk
Raptor War Feather
1Looted Junk
Rastakhan's Eternal Flame Totem
1 Other
Rat Skeleton
1 Burial Chest Junk
Rational Cube
1Looted, Fished Junk
Ravaged Wristclamp Strap
1 Other
Ravencrest Family Seal
1 Other
Rax Sixtrigger's Gold-Painted Copper Coin
1 Dalaran Junk
Razor Arrow
111 Junk
Razor Claw
1Looted Junk
Razor Pincer
1Looted Junk
Razor Sharp Fang
1Looted, Skinned Junk
Razor Thorn
1Looted Junk
Razor-Sharp Beak
1Looted Junk
Really Big Candle
1 Other
Realms of the Shadowlands
1 Junk
Reaver's Harpoon Head
1Looted Other
Recipe: Dig Rat Stew
1Unobtainable Cooking Recipe
Recipe: Dig Rat Stew
1Unobtainable Cooking Recipe
Reclaimed Ashtongue Feltome
1 Other
Recycled Scroll
1 Junk
Red Ash
1Looted Junk
Red Whelp Scale
1 Junk
Reddish Mud
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Redemption Chestpiece
130Chest Plate
Redemption Faceguard
130Head Plate
Redemption Gauntlets
130Hands Plate
Redemption Gloves
130Hands Plate
Redemption Greaves
130Legs Plate
Redemption Handguards
130Hands Plate
Redemption Headpiece
130Head Plate
Redemption Helm
130Head Plate
Redemption Legguards
130Legs Plate
Redemption Spaulders
130Shoulders Plate
Redemption Tunic
130Chest Plate
Reed Sculpture
1 Explosives and Devices
Refined Deeprock Salt
1Unobtainable Leather
Reflective Rock
1 Other
Reforged Breastplate
1 Junk
Re-Igniting Claws
1Looted Junk
Reinforced Bulwark
1Off Hand One-handed Mace
Rejuvenating Ashes
1 Explosives and Devices
Remnant of the Void
1 Other
1One Hand Two-handed Sword