

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Rusted Airship Cog
1 Other
Rusted Bullet
1 Junk
Rusted Canary Cage
1Looted, Mined Junk
Rusted Challenger's Strongbox
1Quest Other
Rusted Engineering Parts
1Looted, Fished Junk
Rusted Key
1 Thousand Needles Junk
Rusted Lock
1Looted, Fished Junk
Rusted Longsword
144 Quest
Rusted Mariner's Bell
1 Shipwreck Debris Junk
Rusted Steak Knife
1Archaeology Other
Rusty Butcher's Knife
1 Crate of Tasty Meat Junk
Rusty Chain
1 Junk
Rusty Garden Shears
1 Junk
Rusty Pet Cage
1Looted Junk
Rusty Timepiece
1 Junk
Sabertooth Fang
1Looted Junk
Sack of Expired Pet Food
1Looted, Fished Junk
Sack of Fish Bones
1 Junk
Sack of Grain
1 Junk
Sad Rock
1 Other
Safety Valve
1 Other
Salandria's Shiny Copper Coin
1Fished Junk
Salivary Gland Pair
1Looted Junk
Salt Gland
1Looted Junk
Salvaged Scrap Metal
1Looted, Fished Junk
Sanctified Prayer Effigy
1 Other
Sanctified Warrior Memento
1 Other
Sand Pouch
1 Explosives and Devices
Sanded Totem
1 Junk
Saronite Razorheads
128 Junk
Satchel of Coalescing Chaos
1 Other
Satchel of Drake's Awakened Crests
170 Other
Satchel of Drake's Dreaming Crests
170 Other
Saurok Stone Tablet
1Looted Junk
Savage Bear Claw
1Looted Junk
Savage Frond
1Looted Junk
Savage Talon
1Looted Junk
Sawtooth Talon
1Looted Junk
Scale Sponge
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Scallop Shell
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Scaly Tissue
1 Nightmare Terror Junk
Scandalous Silk Nightgown
1Archaeology Other
Scarlet Hymnal
1 Other
Scarred Scale
1Looted Junk
Scavenged Felstone
1 Other
Scavenged Spyglasses
1 Junk
Scepter of Bronzebeard
1Archaeology Other
Scepter of Charlga Razorflank
1Archaeology Other
Scepter of Kerxan
1 Other
Scepter of Nekros Skullcrusher
1Archaeology Other
Scepter of Nezar'Azret
1Archaeology Other
Scepter of the Nathrezim
1Archaeology Other
Scepter of Xavius
1Archaeology Other
Schematic: True Iron Oven Mitts
1 Reinforced Schematic Cache Junk
Schematic: Ultra Time Enhancer MK 2
1 Reinforced Schematic Cache Junk
Schematic: Undertuned Corgi Goggles
1 Reinforced Schematic Cache Junk
Scintillating Crystals
1Looted, Mined Junk
Scintillating Stone Shard
1Looted Junk
Scorched Pyrestone
1Looted Other
Scorched Snapper Meat
1 Junk
Scorched Staff of Shadow Priest Anund
1Archaeology Other
Scored Carapace
1Looted Junk
Scoured Fishbones
1Fished Junk
Scourgeborne Chestguard
130Chest Plate
Scourgeborne Faceguard
130Head Plate
Scourgeborne Gauntlets
130HandsUnobtainable Plate
Scourgeborne Handguards
130Hands Plate
Scourgeborne Helmet
130HeadUnobtainable Plate
Scourgeborne Legguards
130Legs Plate
Scourgeborne Legplates
130LegsUnobtainable Plate
Scourgeborne Shoulderplates
130ShouldersUnobtainable Plate
Scraggy Leather Pants
1LegsLooted Leather
1Archaeology Other
Scraped Shell Fragment
1Looted Junk
Scraps of Padding
1 Sack of Armor Junk
Scratched Mawsworn Buckle
1 Junk
Scratched Runestick
1 Shaman's Pouch Junk
Scratching Stick
1Looted, Pick Pocketed Junk
Scrawled Pamphlet
1 Junk
Scrawled Pamphlet
1Unobtainable Junk
Scrawled Recipe
1 Other
Scribbled Pamphlet
1Unobtainable Junk
Scribbled Pamphlet
1 Junk
Scribbled Ravings
1Looted Junk
Scrimshawed Dragonbone Paperweight
1 Other
Scroll of Tirisgarde Arcana
1 Other
Scruffy Toe Lint
1 Patroller's Pack Junk
Scrumptious Gold Bar
1 Other
Scuffed Scales
1 Junk
Sculpted Elethium Orb
1 Junk
Scythe of the Unmaker
1Two HandUnobtainable Polearm
Scything Talon
1Looted Junk
Seal of Bravery
1 Other
Seal of Leadership
1 Other
Seal of Victory
1 Other
Sealed Expedition Note
1 Quest
Sealed Vintage Darkmoon Deck
1 Junk
Seamless Breastplate
1 Junk
Seared Book
1 Junk
Searing Blade
1One Hand One-handed Axe