

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables
40058 Other
Corrosive Blackblood Ring
40070Finger Finger
Crafty Queen's Ruby
400 Other Gem
Creature Combustion Canister
40058 Explosives and Devices
Crypt Lord's Bracers
40070Wrists Plate
Cured Terracotta Axe
40070One Hand One-handed Axe
Cured Terracotta Firearm
40070Ranged Gun
Cured Terracotta Lantern
40070Off Hand Off Hand
Cured Terracotta Pummeler
40070Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Cured Terracotta Shield
40070Off Hand Shield
Cured Terracotta Stabber
40070One Hand Dagger
Cured Terracotta Staff
40070Two Hand Staff
Cured Terracotta Warglaive
40070One Hand Warglaives
40058 Explosives and Devices
Deceased Nerubian's Slippers
40070Feet Cloth
Derill's Unused Visor
40070Head Plate
Detachable Fang
40068Trinket Trinket
Djaradin's "Pinata"
400 Other
Drape of the Heritage Lord
40070Back Back
Earthen Traveler's Armplates
40070Wrists Plate
Earthen Traveler's Bindings
40070Wrists Leather
Earthen Traveler's Boomstick
40068Ranged Gun
Earthen Traveler's Bracers
40070Wrists Mail
Earthen Traveler's Breastplate
40070Chest Plate
Earthen Traveler's Breeches
40070Legs Leather
Earthen Traveler's Chopper
40068Two Hand Two-handed Axe
Earthen Traveler's Claymore
40070Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Earthen Traveler's Cloak
40070Back Back
Earthen Traveler's Coif
40070Head Mail
Earthen Traveler's Cord
40070Waist Cloth
Earthen Traveler's Crossbow
40068Ranged Crossbow
Earthen Traveler's Cuffs
40070Wrists Cloth
Earthen Traveler's Dagger
40070One Hand Dagger
Earthen Traveler's Fist
40070One Hand Fist Weapon
Earthen Traveler's Gauntlets
40070Hands Plate
Earthen Traveler's Gavel
40070One Hand One-handed Mace
Earthen Traveler's Greaves
40070Legs Mail
Earthen Traveler's Grips
40070Hands Mail
Earthen Traveler's Handaxe
40070One Hand One-handed Axe
Earthen Traveler's Helm
40070Head Plate
Earthen Traveler's Javelin
40070Two Hand Polearm
Earthen Traveler's Leggings
40070Legs Cloth
Earthen Traveler's Mantle
40070Shoulders Plate
Earthen Traveler's Saber
40070One Hand One-handed Sword
Earthen Traveler's Sash
40070Waist Leather
Earthen Traveler's Scepter
40070Off Hand Off Hand
Earthen Traveler's Shawl
40070Back Back
Earthen Traveler's Shield
40070Off Hand Shield
Earthen Traveler's Shoulderpads
40070Shoulders Cloth
Earthen Traveler's Staff
40070Two Hand Staff
Earthen Traveler's Striders
40070Feet Mail
Earthen Traveler's Vest
40070Chest Leather
Earthen Traveler's Vestment
40070Chest Cloth
Earthen Traveler's Waders
40070Feet Leather
Earthmender's Signet
40070Finger Finger
Enchant Bracer - Writ of Avoidance
40060 Wrist
Enchant Bracer - Writ of Leech
40060 Wrist
Enchant Bracer - Writ of Speed
40060 Wrist
Enchant Cloak - Writ of Avoidance
40060 Cloak
Enchant Cloak - Writ of Leech
40060 Cloak
Enchant Cloak - Writ of Speed
40060 Cloak
Enchant Ring - Writ of Critical Strike
40060 Finger
Enchant Ring - Writ of Haste
40060 Finger
Enchant Ring - Writ of Mastery
40060 Finger
Enchant Ring - Writ of Versatility
40060 Finger
Endiri's Chipped Boot Knife
40070One Hand Dagger
Endless Stack of Needles
40058 Other
Energized Vibrant Emerald
400 Other Gem
EZ-Thro Creature Combustion Canister
40058 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Gravitational Displacer
40058 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Grease Grenade
40058 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Polarity Bomb
40061 Explosives and Devices
EZ-Thro Primal Deconstruction Charge
40058 Explosives and Devices
Flamestonge's Belt
40070Waist Mail
Flamestonge's Bracers
40070Wrists Mail
Flamestonge's Chainmail
40070Chest Mail
Flamestonge's Coif
40070Head Mail
Flamestonge's Greaves
40070Legs Mail
Flamestonge's Grips
40070Hands Mail
Flamestonge's Shoulderguards
40070Shoulders Mail
Flamestonge's Striders
40070Feet Mail
Gauntlets of Dimming Fluorescence
40070HandsVendor Plate
Gauntlets of Kix'arak's Bane
40070Hands Plate
Gem-Studded Band
40070Finger Finger
Gem-Studded Pendant
40070Neck Neck
Gem-Studded Ring
40070Finger Finger
Gem-Studded Signet
40070Finger Finger
Gem-Wadded Footwraps
40070FeetVendor Leather
Gem-Wadded Shoulderpads
40070ShouldersVendor Leather
Gem-Woven Cloak
40070Back Back
Gem-Woven Shawl
40070Back Back
General's Pungent Armor
40070Chest Leather
General's Pungent Legguards
40070Legs Mail
General's Pungent Mantle
40070Shoulders Plate
General's Pungent Wraps
40070Wrists Cloth
Gloves of Irradiating Imprisonment
40070HandsVendor Cloth
Goldenglow Censer
40070Trinket Trinket
Gravitational Displacer
40058 Explosives and Devices
Grease Grenade
40058 Explosives and Devices
Grips of Fading Luminescence
40070HandsVendor Leather