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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Gyroscopic Kaleidoscope
40061 Two-Handed Weapon
High Intensity Thermal Scanner
40061 Two-Handed Weapon
Hissing Blackblood Ring
40070Finger Finger
Hollow Ring
40070Finger Finger
Horn of Declaration
40070Trinket Trinket
I.W.I.N. Button Mk10
40058 Explosives and Devices
Imperfect Ascendancy Serum
40068TrinketLooted Trinket
Inflammable Forging Cinch
40070WaistVendor Leather
Inflammable Forging Goggles
40070HeadVendor Leather
Ironclaw Whetstone
40061 Other
Ironstrike's Bindings
40070Wrists Leather
Ironstrike's Breeches
40070Legs Leather
Ironstrike's Epaulets
40070Shoulders Leather
Ironstrike's Grips
40070Hands Leather
Ironstrike's Headgear
40070Head Leather
Ironstrike's Sash
40070Waist Leather
Ironstrike's Vest
40070Chest Leather
Ironstrike's Waders
40070Feet Leather
Kaheti Confiscated Blade
40070One Hand One-handed Sword
Kaheti Confiscated Borers
40070One Hand Fist Weapon
Kaheti Confiscated Buckler
40070Off Hand Shield
Kaheti Confiscated Crossbow
40070Ranged Crossbow
Kaheti Confiscated Dirk
40070One Hand Dagger
Kaheti Confiscated Hatchet
40070One Hand One-handed Axe
Kaheti Confiscated Knife
40070One Hand Dagger
Kaheti Confiscated Lantern
40070Off Hand Off Hand
Kaheti Confiscated Mallet
40070One Hand One-handed Mace
Kaheti Confiscated Spade
40070Two Hand Polearm
Kaheti Confiscated Staff
40070Two Hand Staff
Kaheti Confiscated Sword
40070One Hand One-handed Sword
Kaheti Shadeweaver's Emblem
40080Trinket Trinket
Kalu'ak Figurine
400 Other
Lamplighter Elite's Blade
40070One Hand One-handed Sword
Lamplighter Elite's Dagger
40070One Hand Dagger
Lamplighter Elite's Glaive
40070One Hand Warglaives
Lamplighter Elite's Great Mallet
40070One Hand One-handed Mace
Lamplighter Elite's Great Splitter
40070Two Hand Polearm
Lamplighter Elite's Hammer
40070One Hand One-handed Mace
Lamplighter Elite's Lightstone
40070Off Hand Off Hand
Lamplighter Elite's Mace
40070Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Lamplighter Elite's Polearm
40070Two Hand Polearm
Lamplighter Elite's Ritual Knife
40070One Hand Dagger
Lamplighter Elite's Shield
40070Off Hand Shield
Lamplighter Elite's Slugthrower
40070Ranged Gun
Lamplighter Elite's Spellstaff
40070Two Hand Staff
Lamplighter Elite's Staff
40070Two Hand Staff
Lamplighter Elite's Sword
40070One Hand One-handed Sword
Lamplighter Elite's Warhammer
40070Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Liberator's Tarnished Band
40070Finger Finger
Lockstitch Bindings
40070Wrists Leather
Lockstitch Breeches
40070Legs Leather
Lockstitch Epaulets
40070Shoulders Leather
Lockstitch Grips
40070Hands Leather
Lockstitch Headgear
40070Head Leather
Lockstitch Sash
40070Waist Leather
Lockstitch Vest
40070Chest Leather
Lockstitch Waders
40070Feet Leather
Long-Forgotten Girdle
40070Waist Plate
Luminescent Pearl Band
40070Finger Finger
Mead-Speckled Full Helm
40070Head Plate
Mead-Speckled Legguards
40070Legs Mail
Mead-Speckled Pantaloons
40070Legs Cloth
Mead-Speckled Vest
40070Chest Leather
Mineral-Sparkled Cape
40070BackVendor Back
Mineral-Sparkled Mantle
40070ShouldersVendor Cloth
Mineral-Sparkled Sandals
40070FeetVendor Cloth
Mitts of Menial Tasks
40070Hands Cloth
Narcissist's Sculpture
400 Other
Nizrek's Holographic Manipulator
40070Trinket Trinket
Noncandescent Smithing Choker
40070NeckVendor Neck
Noncandescent Smithing Cord
40070WaistVendor Cloth
Noncandescent Smithing Hood
40070HeadVendor Cloth
Olbarig's Old Bracers
40070Wrists Leather
Olbarig's Old Cuffs
40070Wrists Mail
Olbarig's Old Vambraces
40070Wrists Plate
Olbarig's Old Wristwraps
40070Wrists Cloth
Ore-namental Sabatons
40070FeetVendor Mail
Ore-namental Spaulders
40070ShouldersVendor Mail
Overseer's Oversized Clasp
40070Waist Mail
Polarity Bomb
40061 Explosives and Devices
Polished Arathi Rifle
40070Ranged Gun
Primal Deconstruction Charge
40058 Explosives and Devices
Primal Razorstone
400 Other
Primal Weightstone
40061 Other
Primal Whetstone
40061 Other
Projectile Propulsion Pinion
40061 Two-Handed Weapon
Projection Prism
400 Jewelcrafting
Queensfang Choker
40070Neck Neck
Quickwick Candlestick
40070TrinketLooted Trinket
Rak-Ush Rancher's Waders
40070Feet Plate
Reinforced Wax Plating
40068Trinket Trinket
Remembrance of the Fallen City
40070Neck Neck
Rescued Aeroknight's Gloves
40070Hands Mail
Rescued Aeroknight's Helmet
40070Head Plate
Rescued Aeroknight's Mantle
40070Shoulders Cloth
Rescued Aeroknight's Vambraces
40070Wrists Leather
Revitalizing Red Carving
400 Other
Rubble-Salvaged Grips
40070Hands Leather
Rubble-Salvaged Shoulderpads
40070Shoulders Mail
Rubble-Salvaged Slippers
40070Feet Cloth