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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Forged Warmonger's Legguards
35068Legs Plate
Forged Warmonger's Mace
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Forged Warmonger's Mantle
35068Shoulders Cloth
Forged Warmonger's Pants
35068Legs Cloth
Forged Warmonger's Sabatons
35068Feet Plate
Forged Warmonger's Scepter
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Forged Warmonger's Shawl
35068Back Back
Forged Warmonger's Shoulderguard
35068Shoulders Leather
Forged Warmonger's Slippers
35068Feet Cloth
Forged Warmonger's Spaulders
35068Shoulders Plate
Forged Warmonger's Spear
35060Two Hand Polearm
Forged Warmonger's Spire
35060Two Hand Staff
Forged Warmonger's Twinblade
35060One Hand Warglaives
Forged Warmonger's Wand
35058Ranged Wand
Forged Warmonger's Wraps
35068Wrists Leather
Frost Tipped Glaive
35060One Hand Warglaives
Frostclaw's Spellfingers
35060Hands Cloth
Gauntlets of Raging Tempests
35070Hands Plate
Ghendish's Backup Talisman
35060Ranged Wand
Girdle of Raging Tempests
35070Waist Plate
Glaive of Raging Tempests
35070One Hand Warglaives
Gleaming Blade of Insight
35060One Hand One-handed Sword
Gloves of Raging Tempests
35070Hands Cloth
Gnoll Hide Belt
35060Waist Leather
Gnoll-Gnawed Breeches
35060Legs Leather
Gnollish Chewtoy Launcher
35060Ranged Crossbow
Gold-Alloy Blade
35060One Hand One-handed Sword
Gorestained Hauberk
35060Chest Mail
Gorjo's Riding Crop
35060Off Hand Off Hand
Graniteclaw's Vest
35060Chest Leather
Grasp of the Weeping Widow
35060Hands Mail
Greatsword of Raging Tempests
35070Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Greaves of Raging Tempests
35070Legs Mail
Grips of Raging Tempests
35070Hands Mail
Grips of the Everflowing Ocean
35060Hands Leather
Gruffy's Dented Horn
35060Trinket Trinket
Grymheart Blade
35060One Hand One-handed Sword
Hacker of Raging Tempests
35070One Hand One-handed Axe
Handguards of Raging Tempests
35070Hands Leather
Handheld Geyser
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Haphazardly Welded Protector
35060Off Hand Shield
Hastily Cobbled Maul
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Hatchet of Raging Tempests
35070One Hand One-handed Axe
Heartseeker of Raging Tempests
35070Ranged Gun
Hellbloom Aegis
35060Off Hand Shield
Hellbloom Armguards
35060Wrists Mail
Hellbloom Battleaxe
35060One Hand One-handed Axe
Hellbloom Battlestaff
35060Two Hand Staff
Hellbloom Belt
35060Waist Leather
Hellbloom Bindings
35060Wrists Cloth
Hellbloom Boots
35060Feet Leather
Hellbloom Bracers
35060Wrists Plate
Hellbloom Branch
35060Off Hand Off Hand
Hellbloom Breeches
35060Legs Leather
Hellbloom Broadsword
35060Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Hellbloom Cape
35060Back Back
Hellbloom Carver
35060One Hand One-handed Axe
Hellbloom Chainmail
35060Chest Mail
Hellbloom Cinch
35060Waist Mail
Hellbloom Clasp
35060Waist Plate
Hellbloom Cloak
35060Back Back
Hellbloom Club
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Hellbloom Cord
35060Waist Cloth
Hellbloom Crown
35060Head Cloth
Hellbloom Crusher
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Hellbloom Cudgel
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Hellbloom Cuirass
35060Chest Plate
Hellbloom Dagger
35060One Hand Dagger
Hellbloom Dirk
35060One Hand Dagger
Hellbloom Drape
35060Back Back
Hellbloom Epaulets
35060Shoulders Mail
Hellbloom Faceplate
35060Head Plate
Hellbloom Flameshot
35060Ranged Bow
Hellbloom Garb
35060Chest Cloth
Hellbloom Gauntlets
35060Hands Plate
Hellbloom Gloves
35060Hands Cloth
Hellbloom Greatsword
35060Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Hellbloom Greaves
35060Feet Mail
Hellbloom Grips
35060Hands Mail
Hellbloom Hammer
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Hellbloom Handwraps
35060Hands Leather
Hellbloom Hatchet
35060One Hand One-handed Axe
Hellbloom Helm
35060Head Mail
Hellbloom Hood
35060Head Leather
Hellbloom Impaler
35060Two Hand Polearm
Hellbloom Jerkin
35060Chest Leather
Hellbloom Leggings
35060Legs Mail
Hellbloom Legguards
35060Legs Plate
Hellbloom Mace
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Hellbloom Mantle
35060Shoulders Cloth
Hellbloom Pants
35060Legs Cloth
Hellbloom Sabatons
35060Feet Plate
Hellbloom Scepter
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Hellbloom Shawl
35060Back Back
Hellbloom Shortsword
35060One Hand One-handed Sword
Hellbloom Shoulderguard
35060Shoulders Leather
Hellbloom Slippers
35060Feet Cloth
Hellbloom Spaulders
35060Shoulders Plate
Hellbloom Spear
35060Two Hand Polearm
Hellbloom Spellblade
35060One Hand One-handed Sword