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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Hellbloom Spire
35060Two Hand Staff
Hellbloom Twinblade
35060One Hand Warglaives
Hellbloom Wand
35058Ranged Wand
Hellbloom Wraps
35060Wrists Leather
Helm of Feline Instinct
35060Head Leather
Helm of Raging Tempests
35070Head Plate
Hilted Monolith
35060Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Hood of Raging Tempests
35070Head Cloth
Horn of Raging Tempests
35070Off Hand Off Hand
Hydroforged Shell Helm
35060Head Plate
35060Finger Finger
Impaler of Raging Tempests
35070Two Hand Polearm
Inextinguishable Gavel
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Infernum's Furnace
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Integrated Primal Fire
35060Trinket Trinket
Javelin of Raging Tempests
35070Two Hand Polearm
Jhakan's Horned Cowl
35060Head Leather
Lava-Splattered Breastplate
35060Chest Plate
Leggings of Raging Tempests
35070Legs Cloth
Legguards of Raging Tempests
35070Legs Plate
Legguards of the Deep Strata
35060Legs Plate
Legplates of the Brutal Motivator
35060Legs Plate
Leviathan Lure
35060Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Lost Delving Lamp
35060Two Hand Staff
Lucky Hunting Charm
35060Neck Neck
Mace of Raging Tempests
35070One Hand One-handed Mace
Magically Magical Faerie Flower
35060Trinket Trinket
Magmaforged Scimitar
35060One Hand One-handed Sword
Mallet of Raging Tempests
35070One Hand One-handed Mace
Mammoth Tusk Wraps
35060Wrists Leather
Manafrond Sandals
35060Feet Cloth
Mantle of Copious Chronologies
35060Back Back
Mantle of Raging Tempests
35070Shoulders Plate
Mantle of the Gatekeeper
35060Shoulders Leather
Master Huntmaster's Wristguards
35060Wrists Mail
Maul of Raging Tempests
35070One Hand One-handed Mace
Memory of Nulltheria
35060Trinket Trinket
Missingway Hand Cannon
35060Ranged Gun
Molten Flak Cannon
35060Ranged Gun
Monsoonic Armguards
35060Wrists Plate
Pack Leader's Pelt
35060Back Back
Paradox Saber
35060One Hand One-handed Sword
35060Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Petrified Fungal Spores
35060Neck Neck
Phenran's Discordant Smasher
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Phoenix Feather Pendant
35060Neck Neck
Pipspark's Prestigious Pendant of Protection
35060Trinket Trinket
Plume of the Forgotten
35060Trinket Trinket
Plumed Shoulderguards of the Hunt
35060Shoulders Mail
Pole of Raging Tempests
35070Two Hand Staff
Primal Chain Hauberk
35060Chest Mail
Primal Ritual Shell
35060Trinket Trinket
Primal Scion's Twinblade
35060One Hand Warglaives
Prismatic Diamond Loop
35060Finger Finger
Protector's Molten Cudgel
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Protoscale Pauldrons
35060Shoulders Mail
Raptor Talonglaive
35060One Hand Warglaives
Reclaimed Survivalist's Dagger
35060One Hand Dagger
Reclaimed Tuskarr Harpoon
35060Two Hand Polearm
Regurgitated Stone Handaxe
35060One Hand One-handed Axe
Reinforced Garden Tenders
35060Hands Plate
Rellen's Legacy
35060Ranged Bow
Repurposed Anvil
35060Two Hand Two-handed Mace
Repurposed Giant's Thimble
35060Head Mail
Restored Titan Artifact
35060Trinket Trinket
Rimetalon Band
35060Finger Finger
Ring of Embers
35060Finger Finger
Riveted Drape
35060Back Back
Rock Encrusted Chestguard
35060Chest Plate
Rockknell's Groundpounders
35060Feet Mail
Rod of Glacial Force
35060Two Hand Staff
Rod of Raging Tempests
35070Ranged Wand
Rotguard Cowl
35060Head Cloth
Rubyscale Band
35060Finger Finger
Sabatons of Raging Tempests
35070Feet Plate
Sandshine Chestplate
35060Chest Mail
Sash of Raging Tempests
35070Waist Leather
Scalewarden's Aegis
35060Off Hand Shield
Scalewarden's Battleaxe
35060One Hand One-handed Axe
Scalewarden's Battlestaff
35060Two Hand Staff
Scalewarden's Broadsword
35060Two Hand Two-handed Sword
Scalewarden's Cape
35060Back Back
Scalewarden's Carver
35060One Hand One-handed Axe
Scalewarden's Chain Armguards
35060Wrists Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Armor
35060Chest Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Cinch
35060Waist Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Epaulets
35060Shoulders Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Greaves
35060Feet Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Grips
35060Hands Mail
Scalewarden's Chain Leggings
35060Legs Mail
Scalewarden's Cloak
35060Back Back
Scalewarden's Cloth Bindings
35060Wrists Cloth
Scalewarden's Cloth Cord
35060Waist Cloth
Scalewarden's Cloth Garb
35060Chest Cloth
Scalewarden's Cloth Gloves
35060Hands Cloth
Scalewarden's Cloth Mantle
35060Shoulders Cloth
Scalewarden's Cloth Pants
35060Legs Cloth
Scalewarden's Cloth Slippers
35060Feet Cloth
Scalewarden's Club
35060One Hand One-handed Mace
Scalewarden's Crown
35060Head Cloth