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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
Beseeching Bwonsamdi 2020-60 2 57 Nazmir
Beshol 5050 Drustvar
Best In Show 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Betrayal of the Guard 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Betsy 5050 Drustvar
Big Bad Wolves 2020-60 25 74 Drustvar
Big Boss 1010-60 2 57 Tiragarde Sound
Big Gulls Won't Die 2020-60
Pick one:
25 74 Drustvar
Big Hunter Mon 1010-60 25 74 Zuldazar
Big Trouble in Little Tortolla 1010-60 2 57 Zuldazar
Bilefang Mother 5050 Drustvar
Bilestomper 1010-60 Zuldazar
Bilgemaul's Brigade 110110-120 23 40 Drustvar
Bilgewater Bash Brothers 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
Billy Goat Barber 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Billy Goat Barber 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Bird's-Eye View 1010-60 Drustvar
Biting the Hand that Feeds Them 5050 Zuldazar
Bittersweet 2020-60 25 74 Drustvar
Black-Eyed Bart 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Blackthorne 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Blast Back the Siege 5050 Vol'dun
Blessing of Kimbul 3030-60
25 74 Vol'dun
Blight and Sound 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
Blighted Monstrosity 5050 Drustvar
Blinky Gizmospark 1010-60 Zuldazar
Bloated Krolusk 5050 Vol'dun
Blockade Runner 5050 Stormsong Valley
Blood in the Chapel 2020-60 25 74 Drustvar
Blood in the Tides 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Blood in the Tides 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Blood Purification 2020-60 25 74 Nazmir
Blood Troll on the Outside 2020-60 12 87 Nazmir
Bloodbulge 5050 Zuldazar
Bloodmaw 5050 Tiragarde Sound
Bloodwing Bonepicker 5050 Vol'dun
Bloody Intrusion 5050
Blueprint: Advanced Adventurer Augment 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: Annoy-o-Tron Gang 1010-60
Blueprint: Anti-Gravity Pack 1010-60
Blueprint: Battle Box 1010-60
Blueprint: BAWLD-371 1010-60
Blueprint: Beastbot Powerpack 1010-60
Blueprint: Blue Spraybot 1010-60
Blueprint: Canned Minnows 1010-60
Blueprint: Emergency Powerpack 1010-60
Blueprint: Emergency Repair Kit 1010-60
Blueprint: Emergency Rocket Chicken 1010-60
Blueprint: Encrypted Black Market Radio 1010-60
Blueprint: Experimental Adventurer Augment 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: Extraordinary Adventurer Augment 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: G99.99 Landshark 1010-60
Blueprint: Green Spraybot 1010-60
Blueprint: Holographic Digitalization Relay 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: Mechanocat Laser Pointer 1010-60
Blueprint: Mechano-Treat 1010-60
Blueprint: Microbot XD 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: Orange Spraybot 1010-60
Blueprint: Perfectly Timed Differential 1010-60
Blueprint: Personal Time Displacer 1010-60
Blueprint: Protocol Transference Device 1010-60
Blueprint: Re-Procedurally Generated Punchcard 1010-60
Blueprint: Rustbolt Gramophone 1010-60
Blueprint: Rustbolt Kegerator 1010-60
Blueprint: Rustbolt Pocket Turret 1010-60
Blueprint: Rustbolt Requisitions 1010-60
Blueprint: Rustbolt Resistance Insignia 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: Scrap Trap 1010-60
Blueprint: TK32[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK33[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK34[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK35[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK36[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK37[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK38[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK39[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK40[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK41[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK42[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK43[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: TK44[DNT] 1010-60
25 74 Mechagon
Blueprint: Ultrasafe Transporter: Mechagon 1010-60 Mechagon
Blueprint: Utility Mechanoclaw 1010-60
Blueprint: Vaultbot Key 1010-60 Mechagon
Boarder Patrol 5050 Stormsong Valley
Boarder Patrol 120120 Stormsong Valley
Boaring Company 3030-60
25 74 Stormsong Valley
Bolas and Birds 1010-60 25 74 Tiragarde Sound
Bolted Steelhead
1010-60 23 40 Mechagon
Bomb Beats Rock 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Bombarbment 5050 Drustvar
Bombarbment 5050 Drustvar
Bombing Ballistae 1010-60 Tiragarde Sound
Bombs Away 1010-60 Vol'dun
Bombs Away 1010-60 Vol'dun
Bombs, Away 3030-60 25 74 Stormsong Valley
Bone Procession 2020-60
25 74 Nazmir
Boned 2020-60 25 74 Drustvar
Bones for Protection 2020-60 25 74 Nazmir
Bonesquall 5050 Drustvar